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yay! YukimuraAkira was the winner of our contest!!!!! Give her a round of applause!!!! XD
I also want to thank Mia Uchiha for helping with creating Reader-chan's Susanoo. Without further ado.

3rd person P.O.V
[y/n] once again sat in the middle of her room. All the lights were gone and she was breathing in and out, An unearthly glow surrounded her. She smirked. She then heard laughter, [y/n] sighed in irritation. The glow around her was able to illuminate the dim room a bit, just enough to see shadows moving on the walls. They laughed, they had pointy noses and long tails, with fangs too. [y/n] glanced at them, then continued what she was doing. The shadows moved towards her. One spoke to [y/n]'s shadow, which was shown on the wall's ear. It whispered things and grinned.
"You don't say?" [y/n] said. She stood up and headed towards the door. The shadows quickly following her. She stepped out of her small apartment and headed towards a certain location. She walked past markets and buildings and saw that people were unusually quiet.
'Huh, gloomy day today." She thought. She walked to the place where she was supposed to meet Shisen. She found Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato doing.....something. Honestly she didn't care what they were doing. She walked over to them and waved.
"Yo." She greeted. All the boys blushed at the sight of her.'Great, more of this nonsense.' She thought bitterly.
"Hey Kiirome-Chan!"Naruto grinned at her She nodded to him in acknowledgement She did the same for Kakashi and Yamato
"What brings you here Kiirome?" Yamato asked.
"I'm here to meet with a Sensei I know." She replied. She looked around and spotted Shisen on top of a ......Waterfall?
He noticed her and smiled.
"Today we watch these guys." He said. [y/n] raised and eyebrow, but nodded not questioning him.
[y/n]'s P.O.V
For what seemed like hours, Shisen and I watched Naruto train.
"You are the only one that can surpass the fourth Hokage." Kakashi said. Shisen leaned towards me,
"Lord Azreal wants you to find another tailed beast." He whispered in my ear. I nodded.
"May I ask why?" I said. He shrugged.
"He didn't tell me." Shisen replied. I nodded. I thought for a moment. I looked at Naruto and entered his mind.
'What are you doing?!' Shisen's panicked voice rang in my head.
'Calm down' I replied. I entered his mind and saw Kurama.
"Kurama." I greeted. He glared at me.
"What are you doing here?" He spat. I growled at him.
"Watch your tongue. Fox." I growled. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Why are you here?" He asked. 
"I need to find another tailed beast, do you know of any?" I asked. He nodded.
"Of course, but I will not tell you. Ever." He spat. I chuckled.
"You're quite rebellious."  I smirked. He roared.
"Don't patronize me." 
"Where is the tailed beast?" I asked.
Yamato watched Kiirome curiously.
'Who new that someone so fragile can tame a tailed beast. Kyuubi at that' He thought. He saw Shisen lean towards her and whisper something. Instantly her eyes narrowed. He starred at them with narrowed eyes.'Something isn't right...' He thought.
"Yamato!" He heard Kakashi yell. He snapped out of his thoughts.
"What?" He asked. Kakashi was glaring daggers at him.
"Come here and demonstrate." He said. Yamato starred dumbfound.
[y/n] was taking a nap.
"[y/n]~" A voice sang her name.
"[y/n]~ [y/n]~ The beauty of the west, bound by chains and has a crest"It sang. [y/n] twitched in her sleep. She saw eyes surrounding her. The blinked at her.
"[y/n]..." She heard a voice call. She turned to see Azreal. He had something in his hand. It was a nail. With lightning speed he threw it at her and it hi her straight in the eye. She felt excruciating pain in her eyes. She went on her knees, and gripped her eyes. She screamed in agony. She opened her eyes and she was in front of a mirror. Her eyes widened, they were blood red and dripping blood, he eyes met with a pair yellow orange eyes. The eyes glared at her. [y/n[ growled. She felt a chill run up her spine. She looked behind her, she saw a grim reaper. It wore a cloak and had a scythe. Its right hand was bone, and the other hand was with a black glove. It reached out its bony hand towards her, for her to take. [y/n] felt strangely complied to take it. She had half lidded eyes like in a trance. She took a hold of the reaper's hand.
"Jinchuriki...." It spoke.

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