Fluff Moments Pt 2

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Hello, my Lovelies, How long has it been? A year? Yikes...

Now, you're probably all grinning like idiots, that I finally updates. Thank chu <3 Appreciate it!

As for my reason, as to why I was gone so long?

I have no idea -_-


With this, year I have improved on me writing....ish.

Soooo....here ya go!!

Lee and [y/n] Cute moment~~

You threw punches at the dummies in the training area, your fists began to bleed at the raw and sheer power of your blows against the cracked wood.

'One more, blow' You kept on repeated inside your head like a mantra. You punched and punched, that you didn't even notice the figure sneaking himself up on you. At the last moment, your senses kicked in and your, new heightened senses were able to detect the punch aimed at you. You grabbed the hand forcefully and turned around. You were face to face with Rock Lee.

"Lee?" You asked, as your face brightened just a bit from seeing him. His face turned a dark shade of pink, as he aimed another punch at you. You easily blocked it and looked at him curiously.

"I wish to be train with you!!!!" He practically yelled in your face. You blinked a few times, before you smirked, and nodded.

"I warn you. It won't be easy.."

Rick Lee gave his signature grin, before aiming a kick then a punch then another kick. You blocked all those moves easily, making sure not to put too much force behind your blocks. You didn't want to sever his precious bones, now would you? You blocked his kick, but planting your foot against his, you jumped in mid air, and aimed for a punch, he blocked it by putting his elbows together. This was a battle of Taijutsu.

"You're good at this..." He panted. You smirked.

"Not my first time." You got on the ground, to perform a round-house kick. He saw this and quickly got out of the way, unbeknownst to him, if that would have hit him it would have shattered the bones in his legs completely. He did a couple of flips before regaining his balance. He got into a fighting pose, and looked at you with determination.

You could feel the blood lust of the 10 tails inside you. You blinked a couple of times and shook your head, giving him the opportunity to swing three punches right at your stomach. You quickly blocked those, while smiling at him charmingly. The two of you sparred just like that fro the next few hours, until night fell upon you.


Lee watched as your picture was put on the petestole for people to pay their respects. Lee wiped the few tears welling up in his eyes and put on a strong face. He approached your picture and put down the flower.

'I'll miss you...training buddy...' Lee thought. Lee walked back to where his team was, and carefully touched the bracelet you had given to him at the end of your training session. Of course, it was plain leather, but it still held a special place in Lee's heart. One only reserved for you....

Gaara and [y/n] cute moment~~~

3rd person P.O.V

[y/n] sat at the edge of the stream, as she looked at the coy fish simming around. She lifted her finger,s bending them around, as water followed her movements.

"Water Jutsu.." Gaara said as he came out of hiding. [y/n] barely glanced at him as the water fell and her fingers stopped moving.

"You could say that..." She whispered nonchalantly. Gaara stepped forward hesitantly not because he was shy. But because Shukaku was screaming at him to stop. Gaara watched her closely he noticed that her chakra wasn't the same as the others, and that Shukaku didn't have a thirst for her blood.

Shukaku was still demanding him to stop and flee, which was surprising from the arrogant 1 tails. Gaara clutched his head a bit, before looking at [y/n] again. [y/n] made an irritated 'tch' before locking her [e/c] eyes to his sea foam ones.

"Tell that rodent inside your head to quite down. He's giving me a headache." She growled. Gaara's eyes widened as his sand reacted uncomfortably ready to lung at her. [y/n] waved him off.

"Don't bother, your sand will do nothing to me. As I will do nothing to it."

Gaara didn't like this girl. Sure she was interesting...but there was something ominous about her.

"What are you?" Gaara finally asked after a long silence was settled.

"What do you think I am?" [y/n] replied.

Gaara clicked his tongue. "Something inhuman. As I and Naruto are..."

[y/n] looked at him rather coldly. "And what's that supposed to mean?..." She challenged.

Gaara. "You're a monster. Just like us." Gaara clarified.

[y/n] stood up. "Naruto Uzumaki is NOT a monster..." She growled. The air grew cold, and dense as Gaara could see the faint strings of....Black Chakra? Circling around her.

The two stared at each other, before she stood up and began to walk closer to her. The sand protecting Gaara reacted once again. Instantly the sand fell at his feet was if it was forced to surrender. [y/n] stood directly in front of Gaara now. Gaara shifted he could feel Shukaku stir.

"I look forward to our next meeting alone, Mr. Gaara." [y/n] said darkly as she walked past him leaving him there, contemplating and wondering.

Gaara looked at the moon, as he was now back at the sand village.

'I look forward to our next meeting.'

Gaara smirked. So did he...

That's it folks! Next chapter will be with the sensei's AND I wil try and update more, at least once every 2 weeks so if I forget, idk....internet slap me. XD

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