Surprise {Edited}

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Hades's Point of View

As the red-headed girl finished reciting the letter, it was clear we were going to be here for a long time and I was honestly surprised that I was included, not to mention Amphitrite and Persephone.

The demigods, who according to the letter from the Fates seem to have come from the future were definitely intriguing.

They did not seem to care that they were in the throne room of the Olympian Gods. If anything they seem annoyed by it, as if meeting gods was a tiresome chore they were forced to do.

I  closed my eyes and tried to mentally contact Persephone, who was currently in the underworld. As she greeted me with a confused smile, I explained what the Fates had sent in the letter...
She appeared beside me with a small confused smile before turning to greet Demeter and then sitting on the throne she conjured. It was a beautiful throne made from her favorite flowers and vines with pomegranate seeds here and there.

Seeing Persephone, Amphitrite did the same, as did Triton, Kymopoliea, Benthesikyme and Rhodes who seem to have come along with her.  

Oh Fates, the entire Royal Family of Atlantis on Olympus. The last time they all were present together on Olympus was during the time when Pallas had been killed by Athena and Triton had demanded justice. I noticed Zeus's expression from my peripheral vision and saw that his expression had soured. Obviously, he wasn't happy that Posiedon had summoned his entire family.  

They all seem to have noticed the demigod son of Poseidon. It was a curious thing though, they seemed to want to know him yet the olden heroes who were Poseidon's children weren't even worth a glance.

I had to admit, these demigods made me curious. I had noticed two of children were here but...that should not be possible. One was supposed to be in the Hotel and the other was dead. Not to mention that there were Romans and Greeks here.


That much was clear looking at some of their arms which held the legion symbol. If they had met...

My eyes met Hestia's and it was clear she noticed the children there. Well, I do believe that my rather boring day had just gotten more than a little interesting.

The olden demigods seem surprised with the way these future demigods are behaving and murmuring amongst themselves.

Most demigods inherited a lot of the godly attributes from their parents but till date there was not a single demigod child of the sea that I knew of looked like the demigod son of Poseidon from the future. He and Triton could have passed off for twins.

I knew that Poseidon must have broken the oath but I wasn't looking forward to hearing Zeus's reaction to when he found out. Hopefully, the Fates had figured out a plan for that as well, but the note implied that all these demigods were extremely powerful. Let us hope Zeus doesn't get paranoid again. It is, perhaps the most irritating part of my little brother.

If we were to read out some books on a demigod who had saved the world, well it's not like there was a need for more egoistic half-bloods who thought no one can beat them.  

I merely hoped none of them were like that egoistic nephew of mine who had inherited my dear brother's irritating qualities.

Other all had pride but he did not understand the concept of modesty.

I looked at my beautiful wife and sighed while she gave me a knowing smile.

Oh it's gonna be a long read indeed.

Hey guys. So obviously I edited a few things in this chapter because I wasn't happy with how I had written it. I am working on other chapters as well so expect them soon. As always your comments regarding the character dialogues make my day and sometimes I even read them out to my family because they make me laugh. So thank you all for your immense support. It means more than you can understand.

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