Death Threats {Edited}

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The Olympian council was gathered together on the Winter Solstice. While a lot of people might think they were civilly discussing different matters regarding the world because they were gods. Well, they were going to be severely disappointed.

Zeus and Hera were arguing over one of Zeus's affairs. Why does she keep bringing up that subject?

Ares, Apollo, and Hermes were arm wrestling, while Hermes was also thinking of the different ways he could prank Dionysus. Apollo was simultaneously booking himself a ticket for an up-and-coming countryside singer; Niaomi Solace. That woman was absolutely breathtaking to look at and had the spunk to match.

Athena was shouting at Poseidon about Medusa and the importance of books and for some reason olives. Posiedon was just plain irritated because of what she was shouting at him, cause let's face it, this had happened thousands of years ago. Athena simply could not let go of things. He had many more interesting things in his mind, such as the fact that he was looking forward to finishing this meeting and going home to his wife and children. Rhode was visiting after months.

Artemis was cleaning one of her arrows while also looking over her current hunters.

Demeter was for once having a civil conversation with Hades about the importance of cereal which was not dwelling well with him. Apparently, Demeter had accepted him but that didn't mean she wasn't his sister. One of her job descriptions was to annoy her brother. Obviously, that wasn't dwelling well with him. He was looking forward to also going home to his wife. They had a date to get to.

Hephaestus was tinkering with some wires and metal pieces.

Dionysus was reading a wine magazine and was considerably sober than usual.

Aphrodite was filing her nails while setting up her favorite couple of the week.

Hestia was sitting near the Hearth, tending to the flames with a half exasperated, half fond smile on her face as she watched her family with amusement. 

Her eyes met Poseidon's and he gave her a small smile while rolling his eyes at Athena. Hades noticed this and smirked at his siblings. Out of all his siblings, Poseidon and Hestia were his favorite. And then maybe Demeter. When they were in Kronos's gut, he and Poseidon often went to Hestia when they needed comfort. Back then the three were quite close. It was a shame that when they got out far too many things had happened.

 Later because of Zeus, they had all gone their separate ways, especially Hades who was shunned by his family but after the defeat of Kronos, the three swore an oath on the Styx that every year on the Winter Solstice they will meet. That has got to be the only oath the gods ever kept.

 Another reason was that Poseidon never killed his nieces or nephews if they traveled through his domain. Hades remembered when Poseidon had said "It isn't the child's fault, that they were born, it is us who are at fault. So why shall I take my anger out on the child." So he knew he shouldn't fear for his children's lives if they travel through the sea. Poseidon was much like his domain: Calm, easy going and generally in a good mood but when angered, he could be extremely dangerous.

Hestia's Point of View

This all was happening when out of nowhere a light so bright that the gods themselves had to shield their eyes, appeared and a bunch of people started falling from the......ceiling? My family immediately readied their weapons, aiming at the people who were falling from the sky. I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes.They were obviously terrified if they were screaming.

 I snapped my fingers, and just as they were about to hit the ground, a few mattresses filled with sponge appeared in the midst of the throne room.

They all fell on each other like a dogpile and started screaming at each other with words that made sense and no sense at the same time.

"-get off me Prissy, or I swear on freaking gods, I will pummel you. " 

"-ouch Death-breath, is that you, you are crushing my foot. Are you so desperate to live with your father permanently?" 

"-Jason, I know you are my bro but if you don't get off me, you will be in for a visit from dear uncle H."

"Rachel, you are stepping on my forearm, it's hurting and if you don't move your future is going to be a bit bloody ."

All of them were screaming and sending death threats at each other the way mortals breathe air, but at the same time, it was clear they all knew each other...very well. The gods were very astonished at this and were quite literally gaping at the....children who seem to have fallen from the literal ceiling. It was only then that I heard this strong, feminine, and authoritative voice scream; "Shut up everyone. We are all tangled up, so you all are calmly going to get up one by one from the top. Is that understood or do you want me to use my dagger to explain this?"

There was a chorus of grumbles that came from them but true to their word they started getting up one by one. 

It was only then that I saw that these kids seem to realize where they are.

A guy with windblown black hair, eyes the same color as the sea, and muscular yet lean swimmer-like body, who seem to look suspiciously like Poseidon said, his eyes wide with disbelief,  "Oh shit. Annabeth, we are on Olympus. And not the right one." 

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