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I kinda messed up this story and I don't know how to save it. Why did I bring MinSung here? It should have been 2Min. Well, yeah! I did this to myself and only me can revive it. Okay, enough of my rant. Let's get started.

It was a shock to Seungmin cause he never thought that Jisung would like guys. He felt that Jisung would be more interested in girls and that's the main reason why he didn't expect it.

Jisung, "You know I've always wanted to tell you this but I never got the chance."
Seungmin, "Well, now you did. What do you intend on doing?"
Jisung, "I think I'm gonna pursue him. Can you help me out?"

It was a kind of a burden to Jisung. If that incident didn't happen, he would be happy to help him out but he can't turn down Jisung too. The guy rarely ask for help too. "I'll see what I can do." Jisung pulled him into a tight hug and the night went by fast.

The next morning (at the university)
Jeongin was seen next to Seungmin's locker. The seniors that pass by all looked at him wondering what he is doing there standing. He was waiting for Seungmin to come. Meanwhile, Seungmin was dragging his feet out of bed. Jisung kept him up all night talking about his love for Minho. How much Seungmin suffered.
"It's all because of you, Han Jisung." They skipped their breakfast because the first class was almost starting and they need to hurry as soon as possible.
Seungmin, "It's late. Run now or that teacher will close the door on us."
Seungmin kept nagging Jisung. Luckily, they arrived early enough and if he had listened to Jisung when he asked him to have the breakfast, they would be nowhere near the uni.
They walked upto their locker and saw Jeongin near Seungmin's locker. "Can I have a talk with you, Seungmin hyung?" Jisung and his protective mode turned on and stood in front of Jeongin as if saying no.
Seungmin, "Where do you want to sit?"

Seungmin assured Jisung that everything will be alright and he'll call him if it's something serious. Jisung trusted Seungmin on this and he headed for class. They sat down at the cafeteria in the most corner part.
Seungmin, "Do you want to speak, maybe?"
Jeongin, "Oh... I'm sorry. I should have started the conversation. It's actually about......--
Jeongin stopped in the middle and Seungmin raised an eye brow on him. " Continue." Seungmin said with a smile on his face.
"It's actually about Hyunjin hyung and my relationship with him." Seungmin got up as soon as he heard that name. "If it's about him, I have nothing to say. I already told him what I had to, so I'm over." Seungmin started walking out of the cafeteria. Jeongin was so persistent. He wanted him to know the truth.
"Actually, Hyunjin hyung likes you a lot." Seungmin stopped his walk and turned to Jeongin. He couldn't believe his ears. "He what? Don't play with me. I have no time." He stared hard at Jeongin but the younger stared harder, "Hyung, do you think that I'm joking? If I were to pull something on you, I won't have come myself. Hyunjin hyung really loves you. You should have seen his face when he heard those rumors. He was smiley all day.... It's just that he's a coward and he cannot confess to you. It really broke his heard when you confessed and said that it's over. He cried all night. Till now, he still hasn't recovered from it. Well, you might have missed it but I'm actually his mom's best friend son. We've been close since we were babies, so it's a must to help him. I've said what I needed to. It's your decision to believe it or not. I'll get going."
Jeongin left Seungmin standing in the middle with a shock on his face. He couldn't take what Jeongin said. He was dumbfounded. Why would he kiss Jeongin if he's just a friend?

They are not just friends. Why would a friend kiss a friend? It's stupid.
Seungmin is the type to overthink things. It's what he's used to.

Changbin waited for Felix outside the gate. "Why is this fluff ball not coming?" He waited for a while and his fluff ball came running out.
"I'm sorry. Class delayed." Changbin put his arms around Felix and gave a kiss on his cheeks.
Felix, "Hyung, it's public."
Changbin, "I don't care. I love you."
Both of them were at the bus stop. Felix thought that it is the right time to bring up what happened to Seungmin. "Hyung, can I ask you something?" Changbin look up and nodded his head.
"Hyung, about what happened to Seungmin's neck, don't you think Minho hyung need to apologize?"
Changbin stared down at the ground for a while and lifted his head. Just in time, the bus came and both rode the bus in silence. Until Changbin, "I think you have a point there. I can't reach Minho hyung ever since that day. I thought about it. Seungmin deserves a sorry."
Felix just listened and he thought how they could let them meet.
"Changbin hyung. I have something on my mind."

Seungmin got a call from Felix and he asked him to meet him at a certain bar near his house. "Why would he ask me to meet him here?"
As he was walking around the bar, he saw Changbin and Felix sitting near the corner. He went straight for them and sat near them.
Seungmin, "Why would you want to meet here?"
Felix, "I wanted to get drunk with hyung, so I asked you to come here."

Seungmin actually have no idea what he was talking about. He just nodded his head. After 20 minutes or so, Felix started to turn red. "Hey, Lix. You better stop. You're drunk." Changbin didn't stop him either and he went with what Felix said.
"Hyung, I need to vomit. I think I'll."
Changbin carried Felix to the bathroom. Seungmin was just sitting there alone. "Yah, how come you are here?" A voice startled him from behind. He saw Minho standing there looking really expensive in a suit.
"Waiting for Changbin hyung and Felix. I'll go check on them." He got up but Minho held his wrist and told him to sit down. Seungmin could smell alcohol from him, "Are you drunk again?" Minho just buried his head on Seungmin's chest, "I'm sorry for what I did to you." That was the last word from Minho.

Okay, this is getting somewhere. I'm sorry, Jisung. I think Minho is just agskabiwndnw. Idk
Keyboard smash.

Just a random question but who mostly tops in HyunSung story? I think I might write a story about them.

Lemme know what you think about this chapter in the comment section below. Love you, 2Minniers ♡'・ᴗ・'♡
And, I'll update more as exams got cancelled and no online classes.

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