9. The Absurd Circus

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31 December, 1988

Time had been flying. It seemed as though Pelle and Marlene had just got on that bus and come to Norway yesterday, but it had in fact been over 4 months ago. Norway felt extremely like home, to the point that they hadn't even returned to Sweden for Christmas. Marlene went out and bought presents for their parents, made Pelle sign the card, then mailed them out. Mum had knitted the twins their usual matching jumpers and Dad slipped 200 kr into the card for them to split. Anders paid the twins a phone call as well.

Christmas was spent at the Mayhem house. The boys did some stupid ritual on the lawn at midnight with their friends, while Marlene was rolling out the gingerbread dough she'd had chilling in the fridge all Christmas Eve day. She baked them, and by the time the boys came him, the house smelt of ginger and Marlene was nodding out on the couch. 

The cookies cooled until the morning, where the members of Mayhem exchanged gifts. Pelle caught everyone mice and gouged out their eyes, Jorn gave everyone chocolate (which seemed very much like an Eva idea), Jan gave the other lads copies of weird snuff films and Marlene a T. Rex record. Oystein, in all of his glory, got his boys bullet belts but spent way too much on Marlene. A beautiful silver bracelet, a new book, a bottle of nice wine, and a box set of all the Monty Python seasons.

By noon, everyone was either decorating cookies with Marlene or enjoying the presents she got them. It was common knowledge that Marlene was the best gift giver in the world. For Pelle, a pack of socks, a new Rat shirt, and new trainers. For Jorn, a new guitar strap with inverse pentagrams, hair ties and tiny swords (the kind you'd find sticking out of olives); and a new black lipstick for Eva. For Jan, a pregnancy test, hair detangler, and metal drumsticks. She wrote all of them cards.

But for her Oystein, she went all out. A new amp (way too expensive, but oh well), a new camera, a silver ring with an onyx jewel in it, wild flowers she'd picked the day before, and a lot of other stupid, tiny things. Safe of say, Oystein was a blushing mess.

New Years Eve, on the other hand, would be a massive party. Not the small Christmas celebration with wine and cookies. Hard liquor, hard metal, no food at all, ridiculous make up and loads of people. It was much too cold to hold the party outside, so Marlene prepared to spend the first bit of 1989 cleaning.

The first bit, Marlene spent with Eva. They sat on the couch, making fun of party goers, sipping beers, laughing at increasingly stupid jokes. The girls looked like polar opposites. Eva's hair had just been dyed red, her black lipstick was on, she was wearing a leather skirt and fishnets, with one of Jorn's shirts. Marlene was just in jeans, a red button up and her red lipstick.

"Mind if I steal my girl away, Lena?" Jorn came stumbling over. Marlene pulled Eva closer.

"I do actually. She's my girlfriend now," Marlene replied indignantly. Eva laughed and nuzzled into Marlene just to drive the point home. Jorn smiled and shook his head. 

"My New Year's kiss is not going to be Euronymous, so gimme." It had just turned 11, so Marlene assumed Jorn wanted to...canoodle with Eva in another room. 

"Fine, but just know I hate you." Marlene begrudgingly let Eva go. Eva left a kiss on Marlene's cheek, no doubt leaving a lipstick print. Marlene smiled at her while Jorn lead her by the hand through the crowds. 

With a sigh, Marlene leaned back on the couch, finishing her beer with her eyes closed. Someone sat beside her but Marlene didn't open her eyes. She felt a hand on her thigh but it didn't feel like Oystein's. Her eyes flew open and someone she didn't know was smiling at her. Marlene was amazed.

Keep in mind, she loved Oystein. More than anything. But Christ.

This man looked like a Greek god. His cheekbones were finely chiseled, his face clean shaven, his lips had a perfect Cupid's bow. His dark brown hair was slicked back and neatly combed. The man's eyes were more green than pine and shone with intoxication. His olive toned cheeks were dusted red, no doubt from the gin in his glass. His jaw was apparent and the hand on her thigh was just perfect. Perfectly shaped, clean nails, big hands with long, skinny fingers. 

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