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Finally working on actual chapters again- thanks to @Heathers4evr for the idea!
This is gonna take place 2 months after the divorce and Lora getting arrested, the kids are at Henrys with a babysitter since William and Henry wanted to spend more time together after being seperated for so long, enjoy!

               Henrys POV, 11:30PM.
As we finished a movie, I saw that William was getting sleepy
-Sleepy? I asked
-Mhm. The pale man answered
-Lets go to sleep, its 11:30 anyways
He nodded as he walked upstairs to his room, and I followed, going to the guest room next to his and changed into my pyjamas.
-Goodnight, Will!
-'Night, Henry..! William responded, his soothing accent made my cheeks go a little red, but I ignored it and went in my bed in the guest room.
                     Three hours later
A slight scream woke me up, it came from Williams room. Worried, I went to check up on his and found him shaking and sobbing on his best, looking around as if he thought someone was hiding to attack him..
-William? Whats wrong..?
-Shes back. Shes back. Shes gonna hit me again.. He whispered to himself again and again. I walked over to him and hugged him, rubbing circles on his back and he sobbed into my shirt
-Shhhhh, you're safe, William, she isn't here..
-Yes she is, I saw her, she looked so real.. He kept going on about how he saw her, he clearly had a nightmare..
-William, you probably had a nightmare, but im here now, you're safe-
-No im not.. shes gonna hit me again, shes gonna hit me.. again and again..
He kept going on no matter how much I tried to calm him down. I need to find a way to calm him down, to get him to stop talking, without making him panic anymore. And the first idea that came to mine happened as soon as I thought of it. Without thinking, I kissed him.
He froze, I quickly pulled away, I mean, it worked, but—
-I- Im sorry!- I don't know what came to mind- I just wanted to get you to stop talking im so—
He cut me off with another kiss, I was surprised, but I kissed him back. It was nice, soft, the feeling of the kiss and the knowledge that our lips were touching made me flush a deep shade of red. After what felt like an eternity, but realistically it was probably not even a minute, we broke off the kiss and caught our breath, my face still as red as ever.
-Pfft- I didn't know it was humanly possible to be THAT red, haha!
I screamed, my face flushing ti an even DEEPER shade of red than before
He burst out laughing, I was glad he wasnt sad anymore, BUT DID HE NEED TO BE LAUGHING AT ME??
-Henry? Could you uhm, sleep with me? I don't really feel safe alone right now..
-uH- S-sure! I dont mind..!
-Thanks, Henry..!
We both crawled into the bed, I snuggled up to him, my arms holding him close and my head on him upper chest, near his neck, while he held my lower back, as if he was making sure to keep me safe. He kissed the top of my head as we said our goodnights and drifted to sleep.

FINALLY- Can you tell I dont know how to write kiss scenes and scenes of people cuddling? Lmao, anyways, I hope you liked it, please leave suggestions on both how to improve, and chapter ideas below in the comments!
Sorry if its a bit rushed, I didn't wanna make y'all wait any longer than you guys were already waiting lmao

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