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This takes place before the « Nightmare » chapter, swearing and abuse might be mentioned!

                    Henrys POV:
As I made coffee for William, I noticed he kept starring at me, with a look in his face, was it worry? Confusion? Did he want to ask me something? Maybe he was just zoned out in my direction, so I decided to shrug it off and bring him his coffee.
-"Are you alright Will?" I asked
-"Yeah, I was just wondering what ever happened to your family? Yknow, ya shit dad, your equally shitty mom, and all that" He said, taking a sip of his coffee
-"Oh- I mean, I guess I cut ties with them? They never really got better, just kept making me more depressed and self conscious as always, so when I moved out I blocked them everywhere I could and didn't tell them where I live" I responded, honestly I wasn't expecting that question- But I mean, im glad he's worried?
-"What about YOUR shit dad and your equally shitty mom?" I asked, repeating how he described my parents, damn, we both had horrible childhoods-
-"Oh bloody hell dont get me started- even after I tried to cut them off, when Fazbears became popular they suddenly tried to get back in contact with me, wonder why." My friend said, the last part clearly coated with a heavy dose of that classic sarcasm he oh so loved to use.
-"Oh, speaking of Fazbears, now that I know you're back in Hurricane, do you wanna go back to working with me?" The brit asked me, I could tell in his eyes he hoped I would accept, and of course I wanted to work with him again
-"Of course! I missed working there, my temporary job when I was away sucked, so I'd be more than happy to work someone I like for once" I said, followed by William giggling
-"Damn, if your exited to get covered in oil, get new scars from the animatronics and fill paperwork, your other job must have sucked—" He said, still laughing
-"Man when you phrase it like that, im not sure I wanna come back!" I said, jokingly, followed by William in an exaggerated fake dramatic tone
-"NoOoOo please dont leave me Henry!!" He said, almost wheezing because of the laughs he tried so desperately to block out (failing miserably)
-"Im leaving you! Goodbye, William!" I kept the joke going, turning my head around dramatically like those teenage girls in high school movies, as William faked a sob
-"Noo- *Wheeze* d- *wheeze*" He could barely speak because of how much he was laughing, despite the joke really not being that funny, which made me laugh even more, until we were both laughing wheezing messes in the living room
Micheals POV:
I looked in the living room, starring at my dad and his friend laughing uncontrollably, I was glad he was this happy since he hadn't been for a while for, obvious reasons. I smiled at the sight until I noticed the time, I was supposed to meet with who was my lover at the time, so I started walking out of the door, my smile fading as I never really was happy seeing the one I thought I loved.

Mmmm sweet sweet foreshadowing with a teenee pinch of angst <3
Sorry its so short, so I gave a lil more info on Henry as requested, but not alot since it needed to fit with the current storyline, just a small catch up between colleagues (according to historians <3) with some foreshadowing for a more Micheal and William focused chapter up next <3
Again sorry for how short it is after the time I took to wrie- I genuinely had no ideas to make it longer without just straight up starting the new chapter and making this one less Henry and William focused- give me ideas for more chapters for this/more oneshots for my second book, my brain is mushy <3
Have a nice day/night/whatever yall!

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