561 24 1

2 Hours Later

I pulled up to my crib and parked my car and got out the car I saw a lot of cars out here to I hope they ain't for me man.

I know who would've called because they couldn't find me.

I went to unlock the door and walked in limping and had a lot of eyes on me I can feel them but I didn't look up to see them. I threw my bag down inside the closet and looked up to see Morgan, Pops, Dre, Kevin, Yaya, King, Chris, Marion, Chole, Miya, and Tina all looking at me.

     "Why y'all in my house?" I asked very irritated knowing all of them looking me over I know I probably got bruises on me but I don't care they will go away.

     "What happened to you?" Yaya and Morgan asked me as they were touching me. Only making me flinch in pain.

    "I had business to take care of so it was my fault basically." I told them as I pushed passed them going to my room.


When I woke up this morning I saw that my sister wasn't here so when I walked in the living room I saw a note that she wrote me saying she don't know when she'll be back so I started to worry since she didn't answer her phone by the way I was blowing her up so I called everybody she close too and my friends too.

But when she came in the the house this morning it was either going on 8 o'clock or it was 7:50.

I felt like when she came in she did some stupid shit to be honest like my sister looked messed up plus she was limping to something had happened to her. She go tell me and Yaya she was taking care business wasn't right.

She was doing something else by all those bruises on her.

    "Daddy do you think she lying to us?" I asked him as I looked up at him since he is very tall.

     "I don't know baby but we'll find out alright ... I promise." he said as he kissed my forehead and started making calls.

I don't know what's wrong but I know i'ma find out before any body in this house she might be mad at me but I know she'll talk to me about anything.

I went to her room and I was thinking about knocking but I just barged inside but I wished I didn't because I see Megan with her blade about to cut herself.

    "Megan! ... I thought you promise not to do this anymore man." I yelled in frustration.

    "WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK DAMN GET OUT MY ROOM." She yelled as she got up out of her bed and pushed me out her room.

I was banging on the door just for her to let me in. I feel like Anna off of frozen when Elsa wouldn't let her inside cause of her secret that's how it seems with Megan right now.

I finally stopped and went in the living room and told Yaya to see will she talk to her and see can she calm her down.

    "I'll see what I can do baby just go and chill for now." She told me.

   "Okay." I said as I sat between Marion and Dre.

    "You alright?" Marion asked me.

   "Yeah." I told him as I just watch tv with everybody else.

But my main focus was on something else.


Okay I don't know what's wrong with my best friend but I don't like what's going on right about now.

When Morgan told me what she was doing I was calm at first but now I want to strangle her ass for even thinking about that shit and having that stupid blade in her hand in the first place.

   "Megan can I come in." I said as I knocked on her door.

I really wasn't giving her choice I was go come in either way.

   "I guess." She said on the other side of the door.

She was just putting lotion on her body, When I was walking inside so i'm guessing she was just in the shower.

   "What's going on. You know you can't lie to me nor can you keep hiding things from me." I told her.

   "Fine sit down i'll tell you the whole story so you can really understand." She told me as I sat on the bed.

She started to explain to me what's been happening in her life and who was hurting her and why she hate Chris, Tina, and King so much and why her and Morgan not with her family it is really starting to make since to me now of why she does this to herself.

    "I am so sorry boo, I wouldn't have never done that to you I love you to much to stoop that low I am so sorry." I told her as I pulled her in a hug and rubbing her back.

Even though I didn't do nothing in the result like this I will apologize for her pain.

     "It's whatever but don't discuss this to nobody and the reason why I was gone cause I was beating the hell out of my uncle and he tried to rape me while I was helpless." She told me with a blank face.

   "Why you didn't call nobody to help you?" I asked her.

I would've went with her if she called me. We would've been fucking him up together.

    "I left my phone in the car Yaya." She begin to cry.

     "It's okay, but you have to stop thinking about hurting yourself so give it too me now." I had my hand out for the blade.

She gladly handed to me.

      "Here you better be lucky you my big head ass bestie but thank you." She said making me chuckle.

     "You welcome I got'chu always will be here for you." I said as I got up from her bed and walked out her room.

I hope my big baby straight though cause she been through too much shit and she didn't deserve that shit for real, nobody does I mean I can't say I understand or relate to her because that would be a lie.

But I do understand.

But I just hope she keep her head up because i'm here for her and I can tell that nigga Dre want her but I don't think he deserves and need her but he doesn't want to ask her out that's for sure yet he's nervous and he knows. She have been through too much shit but i'ma help him get her though fuck what everybody else talking about cause my baby need happiness an I know he'll give her that.

Or will he?

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