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Hey y'all, I'm Megan Alisha Smith. I'm 17 years old, I am 5'5, 112 lbs, My birthday is May 8th, brown skin, have curves in all the right places, I have dark brown eyes, I have long black curly hair. I go to Madison high school with my best friend Tina.

Me and Tina been girls since I moved down here. I also have a boyfriend name Chris but he always blowing me off and so do Tina now it's weird I don't no why and don't give a fuck at this very moment cause I already have my own problems to work through.

I have a little sister name Morgan that's my baby. My daddy in jail, And my mama is dead, life is hard for me and my little sister. Me and Morgan stay with my uncle Marvin he beats on me an her and only rapes me. He was gonna do all that to Morgan but I made sure he didn't lay a finger on her because she only 15 and my dad told me to always protect her.

And keep her out of harms way and that's what I been doing ever since.

We suffer every day so I make sure that me and my sister are straight at all the times. I have a job that I been working at since I was 16 so you know I make my paper the best way I know how that ain't stupid.

But to be honest with everybody I don't trust no type of men around me or my sister really because they only want to hurt you and get in your pants that's how I see it that's what my uncle doing us.

I'm very nice once you meet me, I'm only mean when i'm betrayed or when someone hurt my sister. I don't bit my tongue but since I been living with my uncle I hardly speak but when I did I use to speak the per truth .

Shame that I fear for my life and my sister to ever open my mouth now, I wish it wasn't that way but it is and I have to live with the consequences my father decided to make.

I wish my mother was here to look after us but sadly she isn't, I use to blame her for leaving us but then I realize god was ready for her to come home and serve him. Wasn't much she could do but let go right?

On my father behave I just try not to get back close to him because he make horrible decisions by not coming home and getting us. He doesn't know what goes on but I wish I could build up the courage to tell him but I just can't not now.


It'll break him to a million pieces, I understand why but I didn't know it would shatter me to those pieces I thought protecting my sister would be a breeze and so simple but when I began getting nightmares I noticed that it only gets worst..

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