GET OUT!! | No.9

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I finally pulled up to the hospital an parked the car. We got out the car an went straight in we had too go to the front desk to get information.

"Hi i'm the guardian of Megan Smith may you please tell me her room number an level the floor so we can see her?" I asked this lady nicely.

She started typing on the her computer an wrote the information down on a piece of paper. She handed it to me I looked at it an it was telling me everything I asked for.

"Come on Morgan." I told her as I started to walk to the elevator with her right behind me.

"Dad you look nervous." She told me. But she wasn't lying I am nervous.

I was nervous about what I might see when I walked through that door.

We gotten off the elevator and my nerves was getting worst and worst by the minute.

"I'ma be okay I just have a lot of questions for Megan and I hope she answer them." I told her as we were walking down the room.

After we said what we said. We just kept quiet after that and continued walking.

5 Minutes Later

We finally made it to her door. We was both nervous so we waited a few minutes before opening the door.

I took a deep breath an walked in. It was now or never right.


I heard my door open. So I pretended to be sleep because I think it is one of them damn nurses that keep stabbing me with them fucking needles. And they got one more freaking time and I will put my foot up their a- ...

"Dad she sleep now we took to long." I heard a familiar voice.

Which was Morgan voice.

I started to move around in the bed so they think i'm about to wake up. Once I opened my eyes I saw my dad an my little sister Morgan.

I tried to sit up but Morgan came by my side after she placed food bags on the table in front of me.

But I wouldn't let her.

"What?" I said as they started staring at me.

It was really bugging me. Okay when people always stare at me I get very annoyed now.

As they continue to stare this is just to much attention on me I don't like that I have never liked that.

"Megan what happened?" My dad asked me making me think about what happened.

"A car accident?" I said being sarcastic. As I raised my arched eyebrow at him.

"For real Megan." He warned me. I don't see why he even trying to warn me when it's true.

I was in a car accident.

"Its true. I did get in a car accident." I told him.

"I mean for you to tell what actually happened from the very start." He explained.

I rolled my eyes because I knew someone was gonna ask me about I didn't attend to answer it.

"Well I was upset because we all together again an we didn't have mom. Than y'all kept staring at me like y'all were crazy and wouldn't say anything, Also dad you just had to bring up Marvin than you bring that guy Dre to meet us. Plus that me an Morgan got into it an you made it worst when I asked you a simple question." I said all in one breathe.

It was just overwhelming bringing this all back up.

"Look Megan I know you an your mom was very close bu-." he said as I cut him off.

"Nah we wasn't just close dad. You know what forget it okay. Matter of a fact get out!" I said calmly but he stood there frozen.

I wanted them to leave.

"What?" He asked me making me frustrated so I snapped.

Just have to keep making me upset huh?

"GET OUT NOW! BOTH OF YOU." I said causing them too jump and walk out the room with no hesitation.


I know I was a little harsh but who say that about your own wife like are you serious right now. He should know already that I loved my mother as much as he loved her as his own damn wife.

And besides that I don't know why in the hell he got Morgan tied down too him again. Knowing that daddy gonna get locked up again because he sell drugs which me an my mom hated for him too do to provide for his family but it was the best he could do but i'm not gonna worry about it because it's gonna stress me out an I really don't like it.

Like I said before I can't protect everybody when I can't do it for myself.

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