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I finally opened my eyes but got blinded by the light above me. I close them back then re-opened them to adjust to the light.

I tried too sit up but that was a big no, no. I started to look around to see where I was an I was in the hospital. I heard the door open than close so I figured someone in here with me.

"I see you are finally awake dear." The nurse said too me.

    "I am nurse Rebecca." She said as she began to write on the dry erase board some information.

I tried too speak but no words would come out. I tried again but nothing happened. I guess she saw me struggling trying to speak.

"Sweet pea you can't talk. You just woken up from a coma i'm surprise that you woken up quicker than I expected." She told me I started to feel some type of way about everything.

How long was I out?

So I started to do sign language to see do she understand what i'm trying to ask her.

"I'll be right back with a pencil an paper." She said to me. YES! she understand me I wonder how long have I been in a coma.

That's my main question.

2 Minutes Later

The nurse finally came back what I have asked for. I signal her too help me sit up so I can write.

Once I was sitting up I started to write on this little table where this nasty ass food is on. When I was finish writing I gave it to her so she can read it.

"Darling you been in a coma just for a day an no one has visit you yet either. But do you want me to give them a call too let them know that you are up?" She asked me.

I nod my head in response so she know that I want her to do that for me. I really hope they come an see me and get me the hell out of here as well. I hate hospitals. Ever since my mom died in one I have always hated them.

While I was waiting on her too come back I grabbed the remote for the tv an started to flip through channels. Until my visitors come an see me.


I felt my phone vibrate on my lap. So I picked it up an it was the hospital.

"Hello ..." I said trying to relax an focus on what they about to tell me about Megan.

"Hello is this the guardian of Miss Megan Smith?" The lady asked me through the phone.

"Yes is everything okay. Is she alive please don't tell me she died on me ma'ma." I panicked through the phone.

"Sir. please relax Miss Smith is wide awake right now she wanted to see you an any other family members that she is very close too as well." She told me. Now i'm happy as fuck now.

"Thank you so much I am on my way right now." I said as I was getting off the couch.

I put my phone in my pocket an ran through the hallway too get Morgan an let her know the good news.

"Morgan come on we about to go see your sister in the hospital she's awake." I told her as I was standing at her door but suddenly almost getting knocked down by Morgan excited ass.

Well damn ..

I went to the guest room where Dre and Marion was sleeping at. Dre is on the floor while Marion is on the bed almost falling off.

"Aye Dre." I said as I kicked him a little bit. But he didn't move.

"Nigga get up!" I semi yelled as I kicked him again but he didn't move.

"GET UP!" I yelled causing Marion to fall off the bed an Dre jumping up quick as hell.

"What man!" He yelled at me.

"Can I see your keys Megan is up an she want to see us. I know y'all niggas tired so I came and asked you can I borrow them instead of taking your shit." I said as I was waiting on his slow ass.

"Here nigga now can you let us sleep please an tell your daughter I hope she get well soon too." He told me as he gave me his keys an getting in the bed as his brother stayed on the floor knocked out.

I walked out the room an went in the living room heading to the front door. With Morgan tagging along.

"Where is Dre an Marion?" She asked me as we was getting in Dre car. Him and Kevin went to go get it after he left his grandma house.

"They in the guest room still sleep so it's just gonna be me an you for now alright baby." I told her.

"Okay daddy." She said as she put her seat belt on as I started the car going straight towards the hospital.

But I thought about buying Megan some food. I know she ain't gonna eat that hospital food so why not buy her something.

"Morgan are you hungry?" I asked her as I stop at a red light.

"Yea." She told me.

"Alright we about to go too McDonald's too get some food." I told her.

"Alright." She said.

It's been a lot that I want to ask Megan at this very moment. Like why did she storm off like that? Why was she so upset? Why we're she crying and so on and so on.

I wished I could have stopped her before she walked out the mall. Than she wouldn't be in this situation that she in now. Right now I blame myself for this but before she get out of the hospital i'ma pay my brother Marvin a little visit if he still lives in the same house.

If not I am still going to kill his ass after I find his ass ..

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