AN- Diagnosis

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Hey y'all, I just wanted to come on here and tell you what's been going on. Y'all probably don't care, but ima tell you anyway.

I was supposed to start working on this story years ago, but between my mental health issues and my recent diagnosis, I haven't been able to.

Last year I was diagnosed with Polyposis Colorectal Cancer- or an easier way to describe is that it's another form of colon cancer. My mom and my grandma both had it (and died from it) and I found out recently that it's genetic. I'm not expecting a pity party, but I just wanted to tell y'all what's been going on. I'm in treatment now and hopefully I'll beat this soon. Chemo sucks and I'm struggling, but I'm still here and that's all I could ever ask for.

I owe y'all a lot of updates when I'm better ;)

Also, I just wanna throw in there that if anyone needs a friend or to just talk, I'm here for you and won't ever judge you ❤️

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