part 22: silhouettes in the sails

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The sword was pointed between Yeonjun's eyes.

Captain Bang Chan stood in front of them, the morning sun slowly bleeding into the sky. A calm, yet silent breeze brushed past them. The open wounds on Soobin's body were exposed to the cold air, slightly stinging the boy.

Yeonjun glared at Captain Bang Chan intensely, his fists clenched tightly behind his back.

"Where is the map?"

Yeonjun stayed silent, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you had it..."

He uttered out. "Captain."

Bang Chan lowered his sword. The crew's pockets had been searched previously, however, none of them held the map. Not a single one. No glass bottle, and no map. It wasn't on any of the three, and neither Captain Soobin or Beomgyu had it either.

They stayed silent for a little while longer, Beomgyu hearing the light taps of footsteps on the sail's beams above them. He quickly spared a glance, seeing a collection of silhouettes quietly, creeping across.

"One of you has to have it," Bang Chan scowled, returning his sword to his sheath, "I'll make all of you walk the plank if none of you will speak up."

Beomgyu scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh wow, throwing us into water because we won't hand over a piece of paper. Reeeaall mature Capta-"

Beomgyu was quickly cut off when Bang Chan delivered a harsh stomp on the boy's foot. Beomgyu yelped, retracting his foot and huffed.

Yeonjun looked around the ship, where the rest of Bang Chan's crew was gathering. He exchanged a look with Taehyun, sighing a deep breath.

"Come on... where are they?" Yeonjun thought to himself, firmly clenching his fists. He bit the inside of his cheek, carefully looking around.

Bang Chan swiftly grabbed Beomgyu's collar, pulling him closer so their eyes could meet.

"I'll give you one more chance to tell me," Bang Chan seethed, "Which one of you has the map-"

"You want the map?"

They could hear a voice call. Captain Bang Chan paused, looking around for where the sound had come from.

Yeonjun and Hueningkai exchanged an excited look, nudging their captain. Bang Chan's other crewmates looked around, reaching for their weapons.

Bang Chan looked up, seeing an array of silhouettes which could be seen in the sails. Bang Chan's crew was spread out, all eight of them on deck.

Seonghwa and Jongho smoothly jumped down from the sail's beams, landing smoothly on their feet.

Jongho reached into his coat, smoothly pulling out a glass bottle containing the rolled up piece of paper. He smiled pleasantly at the captain, holding it in his hand.

"Come and get it." He waved it in front of Bang Chan, holding the bottle by its neck.

Captain Bang Chan scowled, gesturing for his crew to do something. Obediently, his crew almost advanced when there was a slight chuckle heard from the sails.

"There's a little more where that came from." They paused, hearing the sound of more boots hitting the solid, wooden deck.

Suddenly, a bunch more jumped down from the sails. Yeosang and Wooyoung both landed smoothly onto the deck and drew their weapons. San and Mingi also jumped down roughly, a sly smile on their faces.

Bang Chan scowled, looking around at the others who had landed on the ship. He slowly took a step back, clenching his fists. Taking a quick look around, he could see they were evenly matched, maybe they even outnumbered them by two.

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