part 9: wealthy

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A little boy born into a life so grand.

You cannot possibly imagine the riches which he possessed. 

Caged at his own will, like a bird with its wings clipped.

In exchange for his freedom, the boy was restricted and caged.

Strict parents, finding their ways to exterminate his individuality. 

Told to hold his head up high, and look down upon others.

Once you've lived a luxurious life, you can never settle for less.

Dancing center stage, his family wanted what was best for him. 

Only to make them proud. 

A strong believer, he was. Being able to be convinced of anything that was in his reach.

He could catch the stars with a net if he believed hard enough. 

But his hopes turn to be false, as a caged bird cannot escape its cage.

Not with its clipped wings, the bird cannot fly.

Even among your friends, you will always be the lesser of the few.

Someone special among them.

A rare treasure that could be found nowhere else. 

Not a single drop of blood stains your clothes.

No blood has been shed at your hands, nor will there ever be.

You're defenseless, even now.

No matter how much you want to fly, your wings are clipped.

A bird with clipped wings who try to fly, will fall and meet their miserable fate. 

The clipping of wings blocks one's potential.

It will lead to your downfall.

False hopes will not help you. 

By daylight's end, you're still dependent.

Dependent... but determined.

Just as your fellow captain is.

A crew follows their captain indeed, you only prove it further. 

Fighting to free yourself from the cage you were locked in before.

You've chosen to drown it in the deep seawater.

Where dark silhouettes wait to prey on your insecurities.

Waiting to strike to destroy your progress. 


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