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     "Do you think it'll work?"

     "It should, I'm starting to lose hope."

     "It's almost done, be ready to take it out."

     "Don't worry, I'm paying attention."

     The dark brown egg was ready to hatch. It sat in the incubator, as if waiting patiently. One of the scientists took it out, careful not to pierce it's fragile shell, and the egg immediately burst open, yet the small dragon was unharmed, despite the violent looking hatching process.

     "What species is it?" asked the scientist across from the other, while the other took it out of it's pod, a storage system designed to hold the dragons idle.

     "Rocirus, the beginner's." said the enthusiastic scientist.

     "So that proves it, all the first dragons to a singular person will be a Rocirus."

     He scribbled something down in a nearby research notebook, then walked over to another scientist standing next to a cage full of juvenile Sauriums. The scientist ran his hands over the rail separating the man and the dragons.

     "Hey, what's the results so far Dragon Boy?"

     Dragon Boy looked up, with a bland expression. He saw this coming, but still hated it.

     "I thought I told you not to call me that."

     "Well sorry, but you insist on us not calling you anything else, so..." the scientist shrugged passive-aggressively.

     Dragon Boy looked clearly irritated.

     "Well, how about you call me nothing then."

     The scientist ignored him, then looked over at the Sauriums.

     "How are the Sauriums?"

     "They're doing fine, however I figured out they're extremely hostile when under fed." Dragon Boy sighed out, choosing to ignore the previous conversation. As if on cue, one of the Sauriums trotted over to the men and squeaked, before turning around to go chase another Saurium.

     "Aren't they all?"

     "No, actually," Dragon Boy corrected, "The Rocirus is friendly, loyal, and respectful to their owner no matter what. Even if they're left starving until near death. I thought you would've known this, seeing as you're working on this too?"

     "Ah, makes sense, and yes, I am working on this. I just don't pay close attention to the Roci's."

     They sat in silence watching the Sauriums trot around in the enclosure, occasionally nipping another on the head, before one walked up to the scientist and stared up at it.

     "What's this one's name?" asked the scientist whilst bending down to pet the soft feathers atop it's head. The dragon bopped their head up into his hand, and purred.

     "It's name is Asche."

     Asche was a beautiful Pepper, with a secondary of pitch, and a finishing tertiary of Carrot.

     Asche pulled away from the scientist's hand, then looked at Dragon Boy and began chirping and running in circles. She stood on her toes and tried to smell the scientist's hand.

     "Do they really respond to their names? I thought that was a rumor I heard."

     "Yes, they're practically engraved in their head."

     "Oh, speaking of names, how is the pods system coming along?"

     "Working fine, there's only one glitch."

     "Oh, what is it?" said the scientist, looking somewhat concerned.

     Dragon Boy looked confused at how to explain the answer in a way that wouldn't sound terrible.

     "Well, let's say a person somehow died, and they had a few dragons."

     The scientist scrunched his forehead in concern, "Okay, I'm following you."

     "The person's dragons become wild, and there's no way for them to be re-tamed."

Path of the Sun: The First Grassland (A Dragon Adventures Story)Where stories live. Discover now