Chapter 19: Somnium

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     "Hello, Sundance?" I heard. I didn't know where I was, but I was somewhere. It was like I was half asleep. Well, more like half awake.

     "Sundance, are you there? Answer us if you are." I heard again.

     "Who are you?" I called out, a mix of frustration and confusion.

     "She's talking." I heard, "Sundance can you hear us?"

     "I don't know who that is." I responded honestly. What was going on?

     "She's forgotten." I heard.

     "Who's forgotten?" I responded, getting more confused than I already was.

     "Nova, wake her up fully." I heard again.

     "But that might confuse her, shouldn't we wait until she's more familiar with us?" Another voice responded. This must be Nova.

     "I don't care. I just want Sundance back." the unnamed voice snapped back.

     "Who are you people?" I asked, getting tense.

     "Don't worry Sundance, we'll get you back." I heard.

     "What do you mean? Where am I going back to? What's going on?" I asked, desperate for an answer.

     Shortly after, I jolted awake, but not where I thought I would be. It wasn't the field, that's for sure.

     I looked around, it was strange, yet so familiar. I looked to my right side. There were two dragons, one with a primary of Plum, a secondary of Grape, and a tertiary of Urchin. They also had the Ornamental earrings mutation and the Horn shards mutation. The other one was beautiful. They had a primary of Sapphire, a secondary of Twilight, and a tertiary of Rainforest. They had the Shoulder decals mutation.

     They seemed so familiar to me, yet so different.

     "Sundance! You're back!" The Sapphire one said happily. This one sounded like the one more eager to get me back.

     "I don't know who that is." I responded honestly.

     The Plum one looked at the Sapphire one sadly, like they had been trying to do this for ages.

     "Maybe we should let her rest and regain her memory." The Plum one suggested, this one sounded like Nova. The Sapphire one nodded.

     I don't know who Sundance is, I don't know what kind of dragon they are, I don't know where I am. I looked down at my paws, but saw different ones instead. They weren't covered with fur, but instead donned a new smooth-ish stone texture.

     "What?" I whispered to myself.

     This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Although, that's not saying much, seeing as I was literally born this week.

     I got off the hay bed I was laying on and walked around a bit. I was in a large tent, and outside I could see a strangely colored landscape. It suddenly felt like I knew who Sundance was, but I couldn't remember fully.

     I thought really hard. Trying to remember everything. I had a faint memory of this place, but I couldn't remember fully.

     Maybe if I went outside, I could remember.

     I walked outside, getting used to the dynamic of quadrupedal walking. It felt like I was permanently bent over. I looked at my feet, confused. They looked so different, yet so familiar. It seemed like acknowledging it made it worse. After leaving the tent, I looked up again.

     My jaw dropped.

     It was beautiful. The grass was a beautiful bright green, with bright yellow, purple, red, and blue flowers. There were occasional buildings, but they all looked old. I looked down again, realizing how tall I am. It threw off my balance a bit, but it wasn't too bad. I was so used to being the same size as a human, never the size of a few.

     "It's beautiful this time of year, huh." asked Nova. They were waiting outside the tent on the grass.

    "Uh, yeah." I said, never having seen anything like this before. At least, I think. I'm not sure.

     The Sapphire one flicked their tail.

     "Uh, Nova, was it?" I asked, wanting to get names out of the way.

     "Yep, that one." The Sapphire one flicked their tail at Nova.

     "Oh, uh, nice to meet you Nova." I said, excited yet confused.

     "Nice to meet you too, Sundance." She said before chuckling.

     "I told you, I don't remember who Sundance is." I said, tiredly.

     "Pretty sure that's you, Sundance." The Sapphire one said, then chuckled.

     It didn't make sense.

     Who is Sundance? That name sounds so familiar but- but I don't know why. Did they bring the wrong dragon here? No, no, it must've been intentional or something. I don't know why though.

     I thought hard. What could they possibly mean? It was like having a word on the tip of your tongue, but not knowing it. In the back of my head, I had a thought that felt like it had been trying to reach me for ages.

     Am I, Sundance?

     It felt like a wave of relief washed over me, like I had finally gotten it. I blinked, in sudden realization.

     I am Sundance. I have always been Sundance.

     "Wait," the two dragons turned their attention to me again, "so you're Luminous, right?" I asked, throwing a random name that lingered in my head.

     They looked at me in amazement. Like I had just said the smartest thing ever.

     "You remember." The sapphire one said, then smiled widely.

     The Sapphire one ran up to me and gave me the closest equivalent to a hug.

     "So, is that a yes?" I asked, genuinely not knowing.

    "Of course it is!" Luminous said happily, moving their head away.

     I looked at Nova, who was now smiling as well.

     I didn't quite remember everything, but I remembered enough, and I kept remembering more.


(A/N: ooooooh, Sunny is more than she seems :]]]] i'm bad at writing plot twists lmaoooo. also, next chapter is the last chapter before the epilogue, and is kinda short and bad. will [hopefully] be fixed. would've added it onto this chapter but at the time of writing the original i was desperate for a good 20 chapters lmaoooo. jammin out to bonetrousle at time of writing this a/n)

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