Chapter 1: Principium

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     Neveah stared at the scorching incubator on her front lawn, making sure the egg was still growing. After waiting for many years for the project to be finished, it finally got to a stable state of the process to be released to the public. Of course, she knew that it probably wasn't fully safe, but it didn't even begin to take away the wonder of it all.

     "You got one?" said a voice from outside her base. She didn't even hear them walk up behind her. She turned around to see a tall white man, wearing pajama pants and a green t-shirt, he had obviously just woken up. She was so engrossed in watching the egg's exterior slowly grow, that she hadn't noticed him. She hoped he hadn't been there long.

     "Huh? Oh, yeah." she responded to the man.

     Nevaeh knew her neighbors were going to be chatty, with everything going on. Despite her usually quiet neighborhood, there's no telling how many people will find ways to talk to her about dragons. It was only going to be so long before these dragons crash the economy.

     "What do you think it'll be?" said the stranger, trying to spice up the conversation.

     "They said that the first one anybody gets, no matter what, would be a Rocirus." She responded, dully.

     "Oh, in that case I'll just get another one and hope it'll be a Saurium." responded the man. Something about talking about the dragons like glorified pets made her sigh, louder than intended.

     "Yeah, you do that." Nevaeh responded passive-aggressively.

     The other person left, getting the hint, while she looked back to find the egg fully grown.

     "Oh, sweet!" Nevaeh exclaimed.

     She walked over to the incubator and looked at the egg. This will be the last time she sees her first ever dragon as a brown egg. It was almost sad, but the idea of the dragon inside was overshadowing the sentiment. She took the egg out of it's incubator, and the egg immediately hatched in her hand, violently. They said they would hatch violently and not to be worried, but it was hard not to. Not to her surprise, it was a Rocirus. She took the dragon out of it's pod.

     "Aww, you're so cute!" she whispered to the dragon.

     It had a primary of a Denim, a secondary of Ocean, and a tertiary of Ruby. She picked up the baby dragon and held it in her arms.

     "Someday, I'm going to have the best, strongest, dragons ever, and they'll be your best friends." she said confidently to the baby in her arms.

     "Good luck with that!" said somebody standing outside her base. She turned around. Great, it was the guy again.

     "Where'd you come from? Didn't you just leave?" she said, confused.

     "Does that really matter?" they said.

     Nevaeh was silent, staring at them.

     "Well, kinda." she said, after all, what else could she say. The person huffed away without a word.

     "Well then." she whispered under her breath.

     She fed the Rocirus apples she had bought from the market earlier, so that it was at least mostly fed. She looked into the dragon's eyes, and they looked back. She could tell that behind those green eyes, were thoughts, dreams, and emotions. Well, maybe not yet, but soon enough.

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