Part 17

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Several hours later both Castiel and Rowena were sitting at the table, anxiously watching as the rift grew smaller and smaller, all hope of their friends returning seeming lost. It was taking Rowena's powers to keep the rift open, and she was clearly exhausted. Cas did what he could to try and help her stay awake, but once again he felt useless.

Rowena was starting to nod off when suddenly dozens of people started stumbling through the gate. She suddenly became alert, shocked at the number of people who kept coming through but continuing to hold the rift open. Finally, after almost 20 strangers had filled the room, Jack and Mary stumbled through, and then shortly after that, Gabriel and Sam.

Cas's heart started to fall when he didn't see Dean. He made his way to Sam through the crowd. "Where's Dean?" he said desperately.

Sam looked behind him, breathing heavily. He was filthy just like everyone else who'd come through the gate, but he was alive.

Sam looked back at Cas. "I don't know," he said. "He was right behind me."

Cas looked towards the rift, and waited, holding his breath. And a moment later the hunter stumbled through.

"Now!" Dean yelled to Rowena, and in an instant the rift closed.

"Bloody hell," Rowena said, exhausted. She looked around. "Who are all these people?"

"They're from the other world," Sam explained. "We couldn't leave them there with Michael."

"And where's Lucifer?" Rowena asked.

"Back there," Dean gestured with his head, his hands on his knees, still trying to catch his breath. His face and clothes were covered in dirt, sweat, and blood, but Cas didn't care. As soon as the hunter was upright Castiel had his arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Woah," Dean said, but smiled, hugging the angel back. "I missed you too," he whispered. But then he realized something was different about the angel. "Cas, where are your wings?" he asked, stepping back slightly, his gaze hovering over where the angel's wings used to be. Castiel was back in his regular white dress shirt, blue tie, and suit jacket, complete with trench coat. "Are they gone?" He tried to hide his disappointment.

"Oh, right," Castiel said, smiling. "Rowena fixed it."

"Fixed it?" Dean asked.

"Yes.   She was able to figure out a spell that would allow me to bring my wings in and out without pain, whenever I want to," Cas explained.

Dean smiled now, too, relieved. "Oh," he said. "That's great, Cas."

"You looked worried there for a minute," Cas said,  stepping closer to Dean. The hunter blushed. "I'll show you later," Castiel whispered in his ear.

"Deal," Dean said back, grinning from ear to ear.  He brought his hand down to Castiel's and squeezed it discreetly.  He desperately wanted to kiss the angel but he needed a shower, and more importantly less than 20 people watching them.

"I'm gonna go find Jack," Cas said. He squeezed Dean's hand back and walked away. He found Jack with Sam and Mary and gave them all hugs.

"It's good to see you, Castiel," Mary said with a smile.

"It's good to see all of you," Castiel said, hugging Jack. Having the boy back was filling a whole in his heart Cas hadn't realized was missing. "I'm so glad you're safe," he said.

"Dean told us what happened," Jack said with concerned eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm getting there," Cas said, resting a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Some good days, some rough ones, but I'm pulling through. Don't worry about me, Jack." He gave the boy a reassuring smile.

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