Part 27

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Dean woke up the next morning to a strong arm around his waist and soft angel kisses on his neck.  He smiled before he even opened his eyes.  Then he felt Cas nibbling on his ear.  He rolled over to face him.

"Good morning to you, too, Cas?" he said.

"Good morning, Dean" Cas said, snuggling up to his husband.  

Dean rested on his back and held the angel close.  Castiel's nose was nuzzled against his cheek. "We're married, Cas," he said, rubbing the angel's arm with his hand.

"I know," Cas said, smiling.  "I'm very happy, Dean." He continued to place small kisses on Dean's cheek, jawline, and neck.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.  "Dean?" Sam said.  "Cas?" 

"Come in, Sammy," Dean said, squirming and smiling as the angel's lips continued to brush against his skin. But Castiel stopped when Sam entered.

Sam smiled seeing the newlyweds cuddled next to each other.  "Hey, I was thinking," Sam said.  "You guys should get away for a few days."

Cas looked at him, confused.  "You want us to leave?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, yes," Sam said, chuckling, "but not in a bad way.  I think you guys should go away together for a few days and relax.  Get a break from hunting.  Just be you.  You deserve that."

"You mean, a honeymoon?" Cas asked.  

"Yeah, exactly," Sam said.  "A honeymoon."

"Sam, we can't just up and leave," Dean said, sitting up.  "What if something happens?  What if there's a case?"

"Then Jack and I will handle it," Sam said.  "And if we need you, if something's urgent, we'll pray.  You're married to a freaking angel, Dean.  He can get you guys literally anywhere in the world, and you can be back just as quickly.  Go, sit on a beach somewhere.  Have some of those drinks with the little umbrellas, whatever.  Just go, have fun."

Dean was still hesitating but he did like the idea of quality time with Cas, and the beach.  

"Dean, please," Sam said.  "I promise, I'll contact you if we need you for anything."

"Alright," Dean said.  "But only for a few days."

"Great," Sam said, delighted.  "See you guys in a few days then." He left the room and shut the door.

"Thank you, Dean," Cas said, placing his hand on his husband's arm.  "I think it's a good idea for us to get away."

"Haven't you been everywhere in the world like a million times?" Dean asked.

"Not with you," Cas said sincerely, his sapphire eyes sparkling.

Dean blushed and smiled.  "Where do you want to go?" he asked.

"No, where do you want to go?" Cas corrected.  "I'm taking you.  I'm the one with the wings."

"Surprise me," Dean said, smiling.  He showered and they packed some bags, and then Cas whisked them away to a beautiful Jamaican resort.  


"Cas, this is amazing," Dean said, standing on the balcony outiside their hotel suite, overlooking the beautiful island.  There was deep blue ocean as far as the eye could see and scads of palm and coconut trees.  The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the water and there was a wonderful breeze.  He could see families, couples, and children down below him on the sand, running, sunning, and playing in the water.  This was as close to normal as he'd ever felt.

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