Chapter 1

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Hey guys quick lil note:
This will be taking place in little nightmares 2, but from either Seven or Six's pov (at least at the beginning).
And I might change a few things that happen when the group of 3 encounter the monsters just so it's not to boring yuh know? Anyways I'm sure there will b a ton of grammer errors ( I'm very dyslexic)👌✌️
(Also I know these peeps are just kids but I would imagine that they age, but stay the same size, but not like I don't know how old there gonna b)

Seven's pov

After Six and I walked into the light, I turned around and waved at all the gnomes.(nomes? Gnomes?) I felt bad that they couldn't, or didn't want to come, I liked those guys a lot.

A Day Later.....

Six and I made it to a forest, I thought it was beautiful, that was untill we walked deeper in. There was the smell of rotting flesh lingering....And traps, traps everywhere. I was starting to get uncomfortable, but six just kept going, so I followed. We got deeper and deeper into the forest and I  SWEAR that something or someone is watching us.

"Hey Six? I think something's watc-" that's when we blacked out.

Few hours later....

When I woke up, Six and I were in an....well, almost empty room. I'm not sure exactly how long Six has been up, but she was playing a music box, and....her coat was missing? I'm not sure where it was or what even happened to it. I looked for other things in the room for her to wear since it was kinda cold, but I found nothing.

"Six, aren't you cold?..." I asked her.

"....." She didn't respond. She just kept playing her music box, I don't know why she's so quiet.

I decided to just sit down and listen to the oddly soothing sounds that came from the music box.

I eventually fell asleep......

ANOTHER day later passes

I woke up to loud gunshots that came from outside and echoed through the room. Six, also waking up from the sound, just walked up to her music box and started playing it.

"Six, we need to get out of here...."

"......I know....." She said, almost in a whisper.

"Well..... shouldn't we be finding a way out?...." I told her

"......" She didn't respond...... again. Just played her music box...

Well, knowing Six isn't going to help me, I tried pushing and pulling the boards that were blocking are way of escaping.....nothing happened. It was difficult trying to find another way to get out, I was getting so cold my fingers were stiff, but I kept looking and trying anyways.

At least an hour passes by after I gave up,

Later......Six and I heard a few muffles of struggle coming from the other side of the door, Six and I look up to find a small axe go through the door, Six panicked and pushed away the music box. The instinct to panic when you see someone else do, got to me and I also hid with Six.
A few more swings at the door and it was broken. I looked out where I was hiding and saw a boy in a dark brown coat, and for some odd reason he had a paper bag on his head. He walked closer to us and held out a hand, he looked so kind and peaceful. I wanted to trust him, but as Six reached for his hand, she pushed him out of the way and ran out the door.

The boy's paper bag spun a bit, he quickly fixed it and looked back, I wanted to help him but I headed for six instead. The boy was close behind us as six tried grabbing onto something but failed, the boy helped her quickly as they both fell on the dusty, old, hardwood floor. The handle they pulled opened something witch made a door on the ceiling? Open...
It made a really loud noise witch triggered something downstairs, causing all 3 of us to panic and quickly climb up. The ladder led us to another room, where the boy climbed over an old suit case only for a large dresser to block his path. He climbed back over and tried to push the suit case, but failed.
Six decided to help him, I was standing so lost in thought about the boy that I didn't even realize that they have already gone over the other side of the dresser. After I got over there, the boy was gone,

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