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Author's Note: I've been getting a lot of people that are confused as to how Mal can still be related to April and be her half sister if their dad said it happened 4 years ago and she's 2 so I've decided to add another character which will hopefully clear up the confusion. Little Carlos will be added in this chapter and he is 4 years old. He will also be the baby that Maleficent had 4 years ago not Mal. Anyway I hope this will clear up the confusion and I hope you enjoy this chapter. And please let me know what you all thought.

    April and Nick were both woken up early the next day when they heard the doorbell go off which also woke up the toddler who had finally managed to fall asleep. "Ugh you have got to be kidding me," April groaned as she picked up the now sobbing and cranky toddler as she tried to calm her down while Nick quickly got up to answer the door.

     "Miss Barb oh wow you came early," Nick told Miss Barb who smiled as she held the small child close to her. "Yeah well April said you really needed help and well I was going to come last night, but I was given a new placement who had just been placed in the system last night. I hope it's okay that I brought him. I just figured they would understand each other and hopefully help each other," Miss Barb told Nick who nodded as he got a look at the scared little boy that was clinging onto Miss Barb.

      Miss Barb had started fostering a few weeks ago after seeing what April and Nick were doing as she realized she wanted to help kids out like April and Nick were doing with Mal. Nick just smiled as he looked at the scared little boy trying to make him feel better as the little boy was reminding him of Mal who had that same scared look.

      "No, that's actually a great idea. Hi there bud," Nick called out to the small boy who smiled as he looked at Nick. "Hello," the small boy nervously told Nick, making Miss Barb smile before remembering why she was there. "So can we come in or should we come back because I don't want to be intruding," Miss Barb told Nick who just smiled as he let her into the house.

      "No it's fine you can come in," Nick told Miss Barb who smiled as she grabbed Carlos' hand and walked inside with him following after Nick. As soon as they entered the house the small boy looked up as he got a look at the purple haired toddler in April's arms as his face immediately lit up in excitement.

       "MAL!" The small boy screamed out excitedly making the toddler look down as she stopped crying and her face lit up in excitement as well. "CAWOS!" The small girl screamed out excitedly as well as she started squirming to be put down.

       April just looked at the kids in confusion as she didn't understand what was going on, but right now Mal looked excited and she seemed to know the little boy, so she carefully placed Mal down and the young girl immediately ran to the slightly older boy as they both hugged and the adults went in the other room to talk about what to do to help Mal and even Carlos too.

       "Mal I thought you died! I'm so happy you're otay! I'm sorry for being a bad protector," the small four year old told his baby sister as he hugged his baby sister closer once the adults had gone off to talk as he thought he was never going to see her again after his mommy had taken Mal and left.


        "Cawos no weabe," the small girl cried out as she reached towards her big brother who was packing up his old backpack that he borrowed from one of his preschool friends. "Mally I have to preschool is the only place I can get us some food," the young boy told his baby sister who just started crying louder as she didn't want to be left alone with her scary mommy.

        "Cawos I go wif!" Mal cried out, but Carlos just sighed as he shook his head knowing he couldn't. If he took Mal the teacher would get mad and call their mommy and he would lose their only way of getting food for them.

         As much as he didn't want to the young boy knew he would have to leave his baby sister behind. "I'm sorry Mally but the teacher is gonna get mad and call mommy if I do and then we won't get food anymore. It's otay I pomise. Bye bye Mally I wob you," the young four year old told his baby sister as he hugged her goodbye then made his walk to his preschool like he did every day.

       This time was different though because instead of walking home after preschool the teacher stopped him as she pulled him aside. "Carlos I have to tell you something," the teacher told the small boy who just looked at his teacher as he began to get worried.

      "What's going on! I have to get home! Mally needs me!" The small boy cried out, but the teacher just started crying a little as she pulled the small boy close to her making Carlos start crying as well as he tried to fight against the teacher.

       "Carlos bud that's what I wanted to talk about. I'm so sorry Carlos, but your mommy and left and they believe she took your sister too," the teacher told the small boy, making Carlos start sobbing as he pushed past his teacher, not believing her.

      His mommy couldn't just take Mal. She was going to kill her. Mal needed him. The young preschooler just started running as fast as his little legs would let him as he made it back to his home, but to his horror the house was completely empty and the only thing left behind was Mal's pacifier and her blanket.

     The small boy just carefully picked up the last remaining things he had of his baby sister as he held them close to him. "Don't worry Mally I'm gonna find you!" The small boy said out loud as he just held his sister's things close to him and just started sobbing as he had failed his baby sister.

    He never should have gone to preschool, but that was the only way to get food for them. Carlos didn't have much time to process anything as before he knew it he was being dragged to a car and taken to a new home, but Carlos was still determined to not lose hope because he knew that he would find his baby sister again, but for now he was stuck in a new home with no clue where his sister was left with just a pacifier and old blanket.

Flashback Ends

   "Cawos!" The small girl cried out as she began to gently hit him with her dragon which immediately snapped the young boy out of his flashback as he smiled at his sister again still not believing that this was real.

     "Sorry Mally I was thinking about something! I almost forgotted! This is yours!" Carlos told his baby sister as he pulled out the pacifier and blanket that he carried everywhere as a reminder that his sister was always with him.

       This immediately made the small girl get excited again as she grabbed the items that she had left behind for her brother to find, so he would know she was okay. "Yay you fine it!" The small girl told her brother excitedly, making him laugh as he nodded.

       "Yeah I find it! I thought I was never gonna see you again after mommy left with you!" The young preschooler told his baby sister who nodded as she hugged her brother again. "Id otay I hab a new mommy an daddy now! They weawy ice!" The young told her big brother who smiled as they both started talking and catching up with each other completely ignoring the adults who came back out and got a look at the two little kids who seemed to have bonded well as they didn't know that Mal and Carlos were brother and sister.

     "Oh my gosh thank you so much for your help we will definitely be sure to try those out," April told Miss Barb who smiled as she nodded. "Of course and always happy to help. You know how much I love helping people," Miss Barb told April and Nick who just laughed as they all agreed about that.

      "Aw I would say they definitely bonded well," Nick told the two girl as he pointed to the two little kids that were laughing and playing together like they used to do before being separated.

       "Aw I would too. That's so cute! Oh but it's getting late and Carlos has preschool in an hour I should probably go now. Again I really hope that works for you! Carlos honey let's go," Miss Barb told the others and the small boy who just shook his head no as he hugged his sister close to him refusing to let go again.

       "NO I'M NOT LEAVING MY BABY SISTER AGAIN!" Carlos screamed out causing all three adults to look at him in complete shock. "SISTER!" All three adults screamed out in shock as April immediately grabbed her phone and started calling her dad again hoping to get some better answers from him as it was clear there was more he wasn't telling her.

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