Separation Issues

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    "Hey, it's okay. You can trust us," April told the small boy who was just standing to the side and watching the new family together. He felt left out, but he still didn't trust them yet. "No!" Carlos screamed out as he just continued to stand off to the side and watch his sister.

"Cawos id otay. Pomise!" The small two year old told her big brother who hesitantly took a few steps forward before shaking his head no and stepping backwards.​​ This motion made the small girl squirm away from her new parents as she toddled over to her big brother holding her hand out.

"Mal I'm scared I don't trust them," the young boy told his baby sister who just gave him a hug and a smile. "Id otay Cawos dey no wike meanie mommy. Dey weawy ice. Pomise! How han," the young toddler told her big brother, making Carlos smile a little as he nodded and grabbed Mal's tinier hand.

"Otay I trust you Mally," Carlos told his baby sister who smiled as she toddled over to her parents again this time holding hands with her big brother. They had been doing that ever since Mal first learned how to walk. In fact that's how Carlos ended up helping her take her first steps.

When they held hands they knew they were safe and had each other's backs no matter what. "Cawos dis is aw new mommy an dis aw new daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Dis Cawos he my bi bwobew! He wib wif us now," the small girl introduced as she didn't want to lose her brother again, but she loved her new mommy and daddy.

This made April and Nick laugh as they couldn't help it seeing how happy and excited Mal looked again as she hadn't been that excited in a while. And they found it adorable how close Carlos and Mal seemed to be.

"Hello Mal's new mommy and daddy," Carlos nervously told the two young adults as he was afraid of their reactions, but he was surprised when instead of being met by yelling he was met with a warm and happy feeling as he was brought into a hug making the small boy smile as he melted into the hug not being able to fight it.

"Tow you! Dey weawy ice!" Mal told her big brother, making him laugh as he nodded. "Yeah I should have listened to you," Carlos told his baby sister who giggled. "Yeah!" The young girl screamed out making Carlos and the others laugh before Carlos got serious again as he looked April and Nick in the eyes.

"Are you gonna adopt me too and be my new mommy and daddy too or am I gonna have to go away again cause I don't wanna go away and leave Mal again. I need my baby sister," Carlos told April and Nick, giving them his puppy dog eyes, making the two young adults' hearts melt.

"Aw bud it's okay you and Mal won't be separated anymore we promise. And don't worry, we're going to try our best to make sure that you can stay in this family with us," Nick told Carlos in his gentle voice, making the young boy smile.

"Really! Yay! Mally we're gonna be a family again!" The small preschooler told his baby sister as he jumped up and down excitedly as he couldn't believe he was going to get a new family and his baby sister too.

"Yay!" The small toddler cried out excitedly as she also joined in with her big brother. "Come on Mal let's go celebrate in your room with a game of dragon!" Carlos told his sister who just laughed. "Otay! Wace you!" The small toddler exclaimed as she took off running to her room making Carlos laugh as he ran after her.

Just as soon as the kids ran off the doorbell rang as Ms. Barb had just finished talking with the social worker and explaining everything to her. "Oh hey you're back what did they say," April asked her old dance teacher as she opened the door and let her back inside.

"Are the kids around," Ms Barb asked as she didn't want to talk about any of this with the two young kids around. "Um yeah but they're playing dragon in Mal's room," Nick told Ms Barb who just nodded as she looked at the young couple.

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