Going Home

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"Are you sure you want to do this with me," April asked Nick who smiled and nodded. "Yeah let's do it. That little girl deserves a good home and besides I'm practically raising my sisters already what's one more kid. And it might be good for Michelle to have another little girl to play with since Sarah is getting too old for that kind of stuff," Nick told April who smiled as she kissed him.

      "Yes we want to take the next step," April told the social worker who laughed. "Okay great now there is one other thing that I should mention. Considering the fact that you two are not married that may make this process more difficult as we prefer the couples that adopt to be married," the social worker told the couple who just looked at each other.

        "So if we're not married we can't do this?" April asked the lady in confusion making her laugh a little. "I'm not saying that, but it would make the process easier on us," the social worker told the two who nodded.

          "Okay well I will go get started on the process of getting you two eligible for adopting her. Until then I recommend taking some of my recommendations into consideration and I will see you soon," the worker told the couple as she left.

            "So what do you want..." April told Nick as they were back at her house discussing what to do next. And Nick just kissed her, making her smile. "Let's just do it!" Nick told April who just looked at him in confusion. "Just do what," April asked Nick who laughed. "Let's just get married! What do you say!" Nick asked April who just looked at him in shock.

              "What! Nick we can't just get married!" April screamed out in shock making him laugh. "Why not? I mean think about it! We're already in the process of adopting a kid together and she did say it makes the process easier. Plus we were high school sweethearts, so we've been together for so long now," Nick told April who continued to look at him like he was insane.

             "Yeah, but we broke up right after high school and just got back together recently," April told Nick, making him laugh again, but before he could respond her phone rang making her sigh as she picked up. "Yes hi is this April Dibrina I am calling from New Hope Children's Hospital you are listed as Mal Faere's temporary guardian," the receptionist told April over the phone making her worried.

              "What's wrong?" April asked, making the lady laugh. "Nothing is wrong, it's actually great news. She has made a lot of improvements and she's actually ready to be released today if you are willing to come and get her. We have it on file with her social worker that you are in the process of adopting her and are listed as her temporary guardian for now," the receptionist told April through the phone making her smile.

                "Yeah that's great. I'm on my way now. Thank you for informing me," April told the receptionist as she got off the phone and looked at Nick. "That was the hospital Mal is doing great and is being released today," April told Nick, making him smile. "That's great," Nick told April, making her nod.

                  "Yeah I know, but we have nothing! They said this process could take a while and that she would probably be in the hospital for awhile, so I was planning for us to get some stuff later, but now she's being released early and I am technically her temporary guardian until everything becomes finalized. I am not prepared at all. And I don't even know if I'm ready for this. Maybe we are rushing into things," April rambled out to Nick who just smiled.

                   "April relax. We are ready for this and I have two sisters. We have plenty of stuff that Mal can use. Sarah and Michelle both have a bunch of old clothes that Mal could probably fit into and we have so many toys that Sarah is too old for and Michelle doesn't like. Mal loves playing with them. Now come on let's go get her," Nick told April making her smile as she felt better.

                    "Yeah you're right," April told Nick as they made it to the hospital and Mal was waiting for them as she had a small bag. "Hi Mi Apwil! Dey say I go howm wif you! I so happy!" The young girl screamed out making April laugh as she looked at the happy little girl.

                     "Yeah you do come on let's go," April told the little girl as she grabbed her hand and Nick grabbed her other and they left the hospital. When they got to the car Mal looked at the car seat in shock. "Wa da," Mal asked Nick and April who laughed. "Mal that's Michelle's old car seat. It's to keep you safe," Nick told the little girl who looked at it in shock.

                      "Id wook weiwd," the small girl told the two, making them laugh again as April helped her get into the seat and buckled her up. "I no wike dis!" Mal screamed out as she tried to get the seat belt off. "Mal you have to use it. You are too small to be sitting without one," April told the small girl who got upset.

                       "I no wike it! I no wike it! I no wike it!" Mal screamed out as she tried to get the seat belt off. "Hey Mal look at me. It's okay. It's just a seat belt. It's not going to hurt you," April told the small girl, making her calm down a little. "It not," the small girl asked April, making her sigh as she hated having to explain things like that to the innocent little girl.

                      "No Mal it's not. It's just there to make sure you stay safe if the car ever got into an accident," April told the four year old who smiled and nodded. "Otay! Mommy dwobe in a twee wif me in caw. Id wa weawy sawry! See tow da hewpews see no me to, bu see wied!" Mal told April and Nick who both felt awkward as they listened to the girl's story.

                       "Okay um Mal why don't we talk about something else," Nick told the little girl making her laugh. "Otay! Wike wa," the small girl asked the two. "How about school. How's school going? What grade are you in," Nick asked Mal who just started laughing.

                       "You siwy! I in pwescool siwy! I no ge gwades!" The young four year old told Nick as if what he said was the most hilarious thing she had ever heard making him laugh. "Oh yeah I forgot you're a little younger than Michelle, so how's nap time," Nick told the small girl making her laugh.

                         "You funny! Mi Apwil he funny!" Mal told April, making her laugh as she liked seeing Mal so happy. "Yeah he is huh," April told the small girl, making Nick laugh as they arrived at April's house. "Yeah, but you love me," Nick told April who laughed. "That I do," April told Nick as she kissed him.

                          "So any word on that question from earlier," Nick jokingly asked April who laughed as she unbuckled Mal's car seat. "Let's think about it," April told Nick as she helped Mal inside the house. "That wasn't a no!" Nick told April excitedly, making her laugh.

                            Once they got inside April's dad was home and he just looked at April in shock. "April who is that little cutie watching tv on our couch," April's dad asked her, making her laugh. "Dad, that's Mal Faere, she's the little girl I was talking about earlier. Remember that little girl I told you I was worried about. It turns out I was right to be worried. Her mom Maleficent was hurting her. Oh wow I never realized how much that name actually fits. Anyway Nick and I are in the process of adopting her," April told her dad, making him freeze up as he looked at April.

                 "Wait did you say Maleficent? What is her last name again?" April's dad asked her, making her confused as to what her dad was trying to get out. "Faere why?" April asked her dad who just looked like he was about to pass out.

                  "And you said she's four?" April's dad asked again making her even more worried. "Yeah why?" April asked her dad who just sat down and sighed. "I think I might be Mal's dad," he told April, making both her and Nick look at him in complete shock.

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