part 5 👥

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Wilburs POV

I knew that I could make good money off of this

I grabbed my vlogging camera

"yo 💯 what is up ☝ you 👉💁🏼‍♀️ guys 👨 right 👌💻 now we're at mcdonalds 🤰, and it is currently 💰 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 in the morning 🌞😎 and we just found 🔍 out when ⏰ you 👈 come 💦 to mcdonalds 🤰 at 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 in the morning 🌅, you 👈 can order 📑 the among 💑👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👩 us 👨 happy 😀 meal 🍽 you 👈🏼 guys 👦👨, that's ✔ right ✔, you 👈🏻 heard 👂, me, the among 💰 us 👨 happy 😀 meal 🍽, and there's 👌 a toy 🧸 inside 💠 of among 💰 us 👨- you 👈 can either 🚫 be a crewmate, or it can be an impostor 😤 and if you 👈😏 guys 👨🏻 do not know 🤔 what among 🇷🇴🎛 us 👨 is, you 👈 must 🙅😾🔒 be living 🙅 under 😀 a rock 🗿 you 👈 guys 👨, this game 🎮😤 is insane 😝😵, ok 👌? so you 👈🅰✔ can play 🎮 with a bunch 💐🍇🍒 of friends 👫 ok 👌? like 💖 8 👊, i 👁- i 👁- i 👁 think 🧠🤔❓ it's up ☝ to 10 🔟 people 👨 you 👈 can play 🎮 with, and there's ✔ impostors 😠😤, and there's ✔ crewmates, and pretty 👰 much 🔥 the impostor 😠😤 is trying 😼👌💥 to sabotage the whole 💦😍 game 🎮 and trying 😼👌💥 to win 🏆🏅. it's insane 😝😵 you 👈 guys 👦, once again ❌😬, this- this video 📹 is not sponsored 💲 at all 💯, but 🍑 this game 🎮 is insane 😜. so we got 🍸 so excited 😍😗😚 guys 👦 we love 😍❤ the game 🎱 and we found 🔎 that the mcdonalds 🍔 is offering 📴 an among 💰 us 👨 happy 😀😁😊 meal 🍽, AND there's ✔🌃 a toy 🧸😳❤ inside 😂, but 🍑 supposedly 😾, when 🍑 you 👈🏼 get 🉐 this happy 😊 meal 🍽 you 👉 guys 👨, something 😅 scary 👹 and weird 🤪 with the impostor 😠. now i 👁 don't 🚫 really 💯 believe 🌈 it, but 🤔 these videos 📹 i've 👁 been seeing 👀 on 🔛🌈 youtube 📺 have been insane 😵, so that's ✔ why ❓ we're here right ✔ now, we're gonna 🔥 go 🏃 through the drive 🍕🚗 through, and we're gonna 🔥 order 📑 the among 💰 us 👨 happy 😀 meal 🍔. But 🍑 i 👁 need 👉 EVERYONE 👥 to like 💖 this video 📹 if you're excited 👀😃💦, ok 👌😘? like 💖 this video 📹 with your 👉 knuckles 🔴 right ✔ now, just smash 🔨, hit 👊 the like 😀👍 button 🔴🔵⚪, SUPER 😅 HARD 🍆 you 👉🙂👈 guys 👨, on 🔛 the count 🔢👆 of 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 seconds 🥈 i 👁 wanna 🙈 see 👀 what you 👈 guys 👨 can do cuz ✨ i 👁 can't 🚫 do it, and if cole 👨🏻‍💼 can't ❌ do it, no ☝🚫 one 😤 could like 😄 this video 📹 with their knuckles 🔴 so let's 🙆 see 👀 if you 👉 guys 👦 can do it in 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 seconds 🥈. 3 ⭕ℹ🕘, 2 🕝, 1 ❗. OH 🙀 HO 🎅! they can do it! (oh 😳 my god 🙏🏼!) you 👈 guys 👦, if you 👈 could do it comment 💬 down 👇⬇ below ⬇, and also 👨 leave 🍃 a comment 💬 down ⬇ below 😫⬇ if you 👉 ever 📆 played 🎮 among 💰 us 👨, or if you 👈🏼 know 💭 anything 😯 about 💦 impostors 😤, or crewmates, or among 🇷🇴🎛 us 🇺🇸, alone 👤. and we'll 😦 shout 😠 you 👈 out on 🔛🌈 the next ➡🌄 video 📹🎥📽, so thank 🙏 you 👈 guys 👨🏼 so much 🔥 for leaving 🍃 AWESOME 👍 comments 😛💬 all 💯 the single 🏻 time 🕐, it's amazing ❤🧡💛. yeahhhh 🙇‍♀️, alright 👋 you 👈 guys 👨😇👍, moment 😳 of truth 💯, i 👁 don't ❌🙅🏿‍♂️ see 👀 anyone 🙋 in the line 〰 though 🤔😘, yeah 🙌 i 👁 haven't seen 👀 anything 😯 about 💦 it! this is mcdonalds 🍟, how may 🗓 i 👁 help 💁 you 👈 today 📅🕢? hi 💦 um 🤔, can i 👁 get 🉐 the, uh 😔, among 😂 us 👨 happy 😃😄😀 meal 🍽 with a cheese 🧀 burger 🍔 and no 🙅🏼‍♂️ pickle 🥒? and can i 👁🤴 get 🉐📴 um 🅱- uh 😔- do you 👈 have orange 🍊🍑 hi-c or no 🙅? no 🙅, we have an orange 🍊👅 poptart, apples 🍎 or extra 😄 ketchup 🍅 oh 😳, french 🇫🇷 fries 🍟? anything 💰🤤 else 😩, sir 👨? that's ✔ it ok 👌 please 🙏 come 💦 to the second 🕐🕑 window 🖼 alright 👋. gasp 😫💧🐾 no 😣 way 💫 they actually 🤔 have it no 🚫 way 💫!!!!! no 🙅 freaking 🙀😰😱 way ↕!!! they actually 😳 have it dude 😎 no 🙅🏼‍♂️🤔 way ↕! no 🙅 way ↕! alright 👋 i'm 💘 putting 🙌 my mask 😷 on 🔛 guys 👨😇👍, turn 🔄 off 📴 the light 💡? ok 👌, ok 🆗 yeah ✅ ok 👍🆗✔ hey 👋 how are you 👉? ok 👌 here you 👉🤖 go 🏃 man 👨 oooohhh 🎵🎶 ok 👌 cool 😎. laughs 😂😅😹 hysterically 😂 THE TOY 🧸!! They actually 😳 had it dude 😎! Dude 💪🏿 no 🙅 way ↕! no 🚫 way ↕! ok 🆗👌 im 💘 gonna 🔥 put 😏 my mask 😷 up ☝. hey 👋 how He 👥 wanna 🙈 says 🗣 something 😅? oh 😳, thank 🙏👉 you 👉👨! OHH 👄 MY GOD ✊🙏 GUYS 👨 WE ACTUALLY 😳 GOT 🉐 IT in the most ear 👂 piercing 🌽 voice 🗣 possible 🤔 The among 🙆🏽🅰 us 🇺🇸 happy 😊 meal 🍽🍵 you 👈 guys 😃👦. Dude 😘😎❤ this is so cool 😎. Ok 👌 you 👉 guys 👨 taks off 📴 mask 😷 we're gonna 🔥 head 💆🏻‍♀️ back ⬅ home 🏡 and open 😃 this up ☝👆 so we can see 👀🙈 what inside 💠 of it cut ✂ to house 🏡 with woman 👩👩🏻👩🏼 who looks 👀🔍 like 💖 shes 👩🏻‍💼 100 💯% a dead 💀 body 💃 holding 👫 the meal 🍔 Ok 👌 guys 👨 we're home 🏠 and im 💘 like 👍🏽1️⃣ ready 😏 to feast 🍴🍽 on 🔛 this thing 📴 and i 👁 also 👨 really 💯😂 wanna 🙈 know 🤔 what insideare you ❓❔👈. OOOH 😠 , ok 👌 cool 😎, laughs 😄 hysterically 😂 I 👁 dont 🚫 like 👍👌😍 how its not decroative though 💥. whats 🤔 he 👥 doing? Hes 👥 putting 🙌 the key 🔑 that no 🙅 one 1️⃣ knows 🤔 cause 🎗 you 👉🤳👈 can only get 🉐 it at 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 in the morning 🌄, OOOH 😠 it has to be secret 🙊 menu 📝 item 🛍. It has to be secret 🤐 menu 📝. oh 🤤🙀 my god 🙏😍. ohohoho 😆 my god 🙏🎅. i 👁 really 😍 though 🤔 he 👨 was gonna 🔥 say 💬 no 🙅 like 😄 they dont ⛔🚫 have it i 👁 thought 💭 it didnt exist 💁 He 👨 wanna 🙏 says 🗣💬 something 😅? oh 🙀, thank 🤙🙌🙏🏻 you 👉! OHH 😱 MY GOD 😇 GUYS 👨👱 WE ACTUALLY 😳 GOT 🍸 IT in the most ear 👂🏿 piercing 😨 voice 🗣 possible 🤔 The among 💰 us 👨 happy 😊 meal 🍽 you 👈🏻 guys 👦. Dude 😎 this is so cool 😎. Ok 👌 you 👈 guys 👦 taks off 📴 mask 🎭 we're gonna 🔥 head 💆 back ⬅ home 🏡 and open 😃 this up ☝🏽 so we can see 👁 what inside 💠 of it cut ✂ to house 🏡 with woman 👩 who looks 👀 like 💖 shes 👉👩🏾 100 💯% a dead 👎💀 body 😍🙌 holding 😆 the meal 🍽 Ok 👌 guys 👦 we're home 🏡 and im 💘 like 💖 ready 😏😛🍆 to feast 🍝 on 🔛 this thing 📴 and i 👁 also 👨 really 💯 wanna 🙈 know 🤔 what inside 💠 Yeah ✅ you 👈 guys 👦 this is going 🏃👳 to be IN SANE 🤪😌 imagine 💭 getting 🔟 the among 🇷🇴🎛 us 🇺🇸 happy 😊 meal 🍽 from mcdonalds 🍟? Cause 🎗 i 👁 know 💭 they had a travis 🏀😂 scott 👦 meal 🍽 and a impossible ❌👎 to hear 🙉👂 the amONGUs happy 😊 meal 🌮🍔? I 👁🔎 think 🤔 thats 😦 so much 🔥 cooler 😎 though 🤔. this is gonna 🔥 be so insane 😜 and you 👈☝ can only get 🔟 this item 🛍 at 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 am and its a super 🦸 unique 😎 item ⚔🛡 guys 👦 so im 💘 SUUUPER glad ☺ they did not sell 💰💸 out when 🍑 we got 🉐 there but 🍑 nichole, this is gonna 🔥 be creepy 👻🎃👹 you 👈 know 🤔 what amongus is its creepy 👹 man 👨🍊 It gets 🉐 like 😄 very 👌 demonic 😈👿, It does sometimes ✨, very 👌 weird 🤪🤔 im 💘 kind 🙁 of freaking 🙀😰😱 out and im 💘 wondering ❓🤔 what kind 🙁 of toy 🎎 it is but 🍑 lets 🙆 stop 🛑 talking 💬 and just get 🔟 right ✔ into it, everyone 👥 LIKE 😝👍 this video 📹 right 👌🌃 now, if we can get 🉐 30000 💸 likes 😄 it will show 📺 you 👈 are excited 😍 i 👁 want 👈😋 to see 👀 if you 👉🏻💁🏼 guys 👨 are excited 👀😃💦 right 👌 now so like 👍 the video 📼. alright 😴 you 👈🏽 ready 😏? im 👌 ready 👍. ok 👌🏿 lets 🥺 open 👐 this up ☝. ok 👌 Ready 👅😏? lets 🙆 see 👀 whats 🤔 inside 💠 it ok 👌 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 2 🕝 1 🎄. EWWWW. What what?. WHAT THE HECK 👹? What? Dude 😎 i 👁 cant 🚫 do that im 👌 not gonna 👉 eat 🍽 that. what?? im 👌 not gonna 🔥 eat 👅 that. what? LOOK 👀 AT IT, LOOK 👀 AT THIS. What, the, heck 😍❤ is that. thats ✔ so gross 🤢 its disgusting 🤢 you 👈 know 💭 what? grab 🏼 the camera 📸. I 👁 know 🤔 its 3AM 🕒 but 🍑 come 💦 on 🔛 thats ✔ disgusting 😷 you 👈 cant 🚫 give 🎁 that to people 👫 If you're giving 👉 this to kids 👶 they're 👨 gonna 👦👉 get 🉐 sick 🤮🤢 from this. Wheres 👀 all 💯 the fries 🍳? depression 😑😞 when 🍑⏰🕛 no 🚫🙅 fries 🍟 Theres 👌 like 💖 no 😣 food 😩, EWWWW look 👀 at this, i 👥 think 🤔 its a blood 💉. WHAT??!?! Wait 🚏 are you 👉 serious 😒. . . THIS IS THE AMONGUS TOY 🎎? Pulls 🐙 out mousetrap 🐀 What the heck 👹? What is this? And theres 👌 more blood 💉 over 🔁 it too, look 👁 at this! Oh 🙀 its a mousetrap 🐁! (note 📝 this is a full 🌝 grown 💪 ass 🍑 man 👦 doing this) is it supposed 🚫 to be a trap 🍑👅 form 📋 amongus? YEAH 🙌! Like 👍 in likeliek amongus you 👉 can get 🔟 trap ⛓ and rooms 🤨💯⁉ they have the electronical room 🏠 (this is supposed 🚫 to relate 👫 to among 🙆🏽🅰 us 🇺🇸) But 🍑 why ⁉🤔 would they put 😏 that in a kids 👦 meal 🥙🍔🌮? thats ✔ literally 💯 dangerous 🚬😱😷. Does it actually 🤔 work 🏢? if this (touches ✋ mouse 👌🐭😋 trap 🍑👅 and it fucking 🖕👦 mutilates 💔 him 👴) OOOOO 🎵 Theres ✔ saliva 👅 coming 💦 out of his 💦 mouth 💋 owwwww. OH 🙀 MY GOD ✝🙏 DID IT BREAK 💔 YOUR 👉 FINGER 👆??/ nononono im 💘 ok 👌 i 👁 thought 💭🤔 it was gonna 🔥 be like 💖 a fake ✨ toy 🎎 or something 😅. pain 😪 Now we know 💭 for sure 💯 its real 💯👌 though 🤔, owwww. i 👁 dont 🚫 know 🤔 what else 😩 is in there please 😫🙏 be careful ⚠❌. You 👈 guys 👦 like 😄 the video 📼 right 👌 now if you 👈 wanna 🙈 see 👀 what else 😩 is in here this is nasty 🤢🤮👎🏼. pulls 🐙 out cheeseburger 🧀🍔❎ with no 🚫 blood 💉 on 🔛 it theres ✔ more blood 💉 on 🔛 this It looks 👀 so dry ⛱🌵 though 🤔 hamburger 🍔 becomes 💦 bloody 💉 EWWSWWWWWS what is that. What the fff 😰- i 👥 need 👉 monetisation sorry 💔 for my language 🗣 but 🍑 what the f 🔫 is this??? reveals 🐜👒🔌 crewmate body 💃 in burger 🍔 WHAT IS THAT? Are we gonna 🔥 call 📱📲☎ a meeting 🤝 or something 😅 like 👍👌 that? this is weird 😕, this actually 😳 feels 😁 like 👍 its real 😤💯 life 💓, look 👀 at th 🎃, look 👀 at the burger 😂🍔🍴 passionately 🔥 sniffs 👃🏾 burger 😂🍔🍴 ewww 😖 that is nasty 😶😣😷 man 👨 ewwww door 🚪🔑 knocks 👊🏻 did somebody 😐 just knock ❗🤜? YOU 👈 GUYS 👨😇👍 somebody 😐 just knocked 👊 on 🔛 the door 🔑 right ✔ now its 3:20 in the morning 🌞 now though 🤔 theres ✔ no 🚫1️⃣ way ↕ someone 👤 can knock ❗🤜 on 🔛 the door 🚪 walks 🚶 slowly 🐢 over 😳🙊💦 to door 🔑 and opens 🌊 it but 🍑 looks 👀 in peephole first 🥇 Its blocked 🚫 Somebodys covering 📔 their hand 🤲 on 🔛 it look 👀 you 👉💁🏼‍♀️ cant 🚫 see 👀, back ⬅👅👉 up ☝ back ⬅ up ⬆ back ⬅ up ☝🙌 SHHH! get 🉐 a little 👌 closer 😚 just in case 📋 you 👈 guys 👨 wish 🌠🧞‍♂️ us 👨 luck ⚠🍀 in the comments 🏻💬📄 right ✔ now please 😩🙏🏻 pray 🙏 for us 👨 1 ❗ 2 🕝 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 red 🔴 crewmate is taped to peephole both of them have an asthma 🤫😷 attack ⚔ oh 🙀 my god 😇 oh 🙀 my god 🙏. whats 😦 going 🏃 on 🔛? You 👉 guys 👨🏼 look 👀 at this. Is this the among 🇷🇴🎛 us 👨 toy 🧸 that was supposed 🚫 to come 💦 with the among 💰 us 👨 happy 😀 meal 🍔??? Or do you 👈 think 💭 they deliver 🚚 it maybe 🤷‍♀️, maybe 🤔 they like 👍 forgot 🤔❓ to put 😏 it in the box 📦 but 🍑 wer 👉👌 didnt tell 🗣 them our address 📭🏠? you 👈🏾 guys 👨 look 👀 at this, IS THIS THE IMPOSTOR 😤? Looks 👁 like 😄 it. But 🍑 anyone 🙋 can be the impostor ❌ you 👉 guys 👦 look 👀 at this they left 👈 an amoNGUS toy 🎎 a- or what if hes 👨 real 💯? what if hes 👨 evil 😈? I 👥 mean 😏 its 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 AM its literally 👋 demon 👿 hour 🕐. WE DIDNT CHECK ✔ THE DRINK

YOU 👈 GUYS 👨🏾 Be careful ⚠❌. Because theres ✔ something 🤔 wrong ❌ with everything 💯 in this meal 🍽. WHY 😳❓🤔 IS IT YELLOW 💛? it smells 👃 sour 🍫🍋 like 💖 funky 🎶 (instantly ⏱ drinks 🍻🍸🍹 it and spits 💦 it out) OMG 😱😫 WHAT IS IT? Its pee 💦. WHAT Its pee 💦 (im 💘 not adding ➕ anything 😯 in this is what happens 💦🍆😍 in that video 📼) and i 👥 have pee 💦 in my mouth 👄😍 now (how does he 👨 know 💭 the taste 👅 instantly 🕐) dude 😎 you 👉🏻 are gonna 🔥 get 🉐 sick 🤢 omg 😱 i 👁 told 🗣👂 you 👉🖕 not to drink 🍺🍻🍸 that. Guys 👨 that is not normal 👩‍🦯 man 👨👱‍♀️ like 😄 the amongus came 💦😩 to our door 🚪 an- another 🔄 asthma 🤫😷 attack 👊 as it dissapears Where did it go 🏃? Oh 🙀 my goood 😎 i 👁 literally 👋 just put 😏 it right ✔ there, wait 🚏 did he 👨 fall ⬇ let 👫 me check ✅ where is he 👴👨🙎? checks ✅ under 😀 desk 🛋😣➕ is there anything 😯 there? i 👁 dont ❌🙊, i 👁🔁 dont 🚫 hits 💥👋 head 💆 of of desk 👌 OW 💧🅱 oh 🙀 my god 🙏 are you 👈 ok 👌 are yo 👋- door 🙊🚪 shuts 🚪 oh 🙀 my god 😇, what is going 🏃 on 🔛. door 🔑 knocks 👊🏻 again 😬 They are knocking 🚪 again ❌😬 heads 💆 towards 😂 door 🚪 guys 👨 please 🙏🏻 pray 🙏🏻 for us 👨 in the comments 💬 right ✔ now like 😄 the video 📹 red 📛 crewmate is back ⬅ on 🔛 the door 🚪 again 😬 dude 😎 what is going 👉🏼 on 🔛 what is going 🏃 on 🔛 dude 😎, guys 👦 now we got 🍸 this thing 📴 fricking 👉👌 evil 😈 It has to be possessed 👻. theres ✔ no 🙅 way 💫 i 👥 literally 💯 put 😏 him 👴 right 👌 there but 🍑😱 if theres 👌 two 💏 of them i 👁 i 👥 dont ❌🇻🇮 know 🤔👀. So mcdonalds 🍔 is not delivering this this is real 💯 life 💓💁 its evil 😈, you ♂👈🍆 guys 👦 the video 📼 is becoming 💔 way 💫 too long 🍆 i 👁 agree 😂 its 17 🥖🥛➖ mins 🕰 of this shit 💩🍆💥 we're gonna 🔥 have to end 🔚 it right ✔ here thank 🙏 fuck 👉🏻👌🏻 and we're gonna 🔥 find 🔍 out what should we do with this should we cut ✂ him 👴 open 👐? what should we do comment 💬 down 🔻 below ⬇ should we go 🏃 back ⬅ to mcdonalds 🤰 i 👁 need 😲😩😰 you 👉 guys 👦 advice 💯 right ✔ now cause 💋 this is not normal 👩‍🦯 once again ❌😬 like 😄 the video 📼👀 guys 👦🏿👧🏼🧔🏿 if this was insane 😵 and if you 😎👉 guys 👨💦 are not subscribed 🙌 subscribe 💯 Also 👨 follow 👨🔜🚔 our instagram 👽📸 we will probably 😻 put 😏 this on 🔛 our story 📚 or we will put 🔛 it on 🔛 next 👉 video 📼, make 🖕 sure 💯 to go 🏃 follow 👣 our instagram 📷 at im 💘 not advertising 💰 you 👉 bucko 🤠 if you 👈🤡 guys 🤖👨⁉ do follow 👣 the first 🥇 500 🔛 followers 👣 we will follow 🔜 you 👉🙈 back ⬅ so make 🖕 sure 💯 to go 🏃 follow 👣 our instagram 📷 right ✔➡ now we are gonna 🔥 have to go 👉 put 😏 this in a box 📦 or something 😅 this is not right 👌, so we'll 🐳😦😨 see 👁👀 you 👈 guys 👦 in the next 👉 video 📹 man 👦 this is creepy 👹 dude 😎"

I knew my job was complete when rock started crying

I quickly uploaded it to youtube

I knew my minecraft fans weren't going to like it
But I couldn't afford to make another channel

I then saw Ronald McDonald

He looked so hot today, but I knew deep down in my heart that I still loved Jared

I knew I have to get back to him

I rushed out the door and ran towards Jared's house 🚶‍♂️

I knew this was what I was meant to do.....

To be continued....

Wilbur Soot X JaredWhere stories live. Discover now