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"No it's not... but I will explain when the time comes" he said looking at her.

"Alright fine... I'll give you another chance" she said looking at him he looked back putting a hair behind her ear. There was a knock at her door "Hazel?" She heard Rosie say she quickly shoved him in the closet.

After a while of talking to Rosie and saying goodnight she helped him to her window and soon she looked down at him "You are crazy you know that?" "Crazy for you" he smiled innocently.

She rolled her eyes "Don't roll your eyes at me like that darling" he frowned "Okay now you're being too cheesy for me you should get home" she chuckles. "What you don't like when I'm flirty?" He asked. "Prince!" She whisper shouted. "Okay okay okay! I'm going see you tomorrow" he finally left she closed her window going to bed.

Hazel went to bed that night thinking about him.

"Hazel!" Robin calls her she groans waking up "WHAT??" She yells annoyed "Mom wants to talk to you!" She sighed annoyed getting up and almost walking into the door but stopped herself opening it up she went into his room taking the phone.

"Hey Hazel" Mary greets. "Hey Mary" she said not even looking at her both Robin and Mary laugh quietly at the annoyed/tired sibling.

She talked to her mom on the phone mostly her mom lecturing her "Mom it's late can't I just go back to bed?" She said sighing. "Any cute boys at your school?" Her mother asked "MOM!" She says with embarrassment Mary and Robin both laugh. "I'm just saying Robin better be protecting you" "I can take care of myself" she handed Robin back the phone tiredly leaving.

Hazel met up with Robin and Will the next day "Well you're pretty good with a sling shot" "Hey!" She greets "Hey sleepy head" Will joked Robin laughs "You didn't tell him" she glared at Robin "Totally didn't" he laughed even harder. She shoved him with annoyance.

Will laughs at the two as they walked she held her bow while Robin tried convincing Will about doing Archery.

They walk down a little hill to find Little John.

She looked seeing him in his soccer uniform running.

"Hold this" he ordered Will handing him his bow as he went up to Little John on the big rocks that is a path way.

Little John sighs "Get out of my way McAllister" "Coach has me run a bunch of laps and I'm like a mile behind already" "So why don't you take on a more civilized sport? Like Archery" he suggested.

"What? you mean with Prince and his bozos?" He questions. "Hey!" She shouted making them look at her but she stopped quickly looking away.

"Forget it! Robin, Hazel and I are forming our own club" Will mentions "You know I'm real happy for you guys but I really gotta get going"  "Ahh You're joining our club Little.." he had a big stick in his hand looked like a BO for Martial Arts to her.  "Stop it okay" "Not till you join Archery" she somehow got behind Little John with one as well.

Robin hit him and then she did from behind "OW- HEY!" He shouted. "Stop it!" He orders.

"Until you join the club" Robin said smirking at his sister.

"Let me pass" he orders once again with annoyance.

Robin hits him again Little John almost fell but she hit him from behind.

"Alright!" Robin said smirking as Little John got one as well.

"Let's go little!" Robin shouted.

"You guys!" Will started.

The three started fighting as if they were swords.

"Isn't there a better way we could handle this?" Will asked.

"Nope!" She shouts laughing.

"You guys realized this is why they forward the United Nations" "Come on guys please!" The trio continued fighting it was getting harder on Little John since she was behind him and Robin was really going at it.

Little John made his stick fall out of Robins hands making Robin gasp.

He went to swing at Robin but he ducked she had enough shoving Little John in the water.

The two laughed at him "Oh no!" Will said she goes over to Robin doing the same to him "HEY!" Robin yelled falling in.

Will joins in on her laughter giving her a high five. "I told you!" Will said.

"It's not funny!" Robin said. "You know something..I hate soccer, maybe I will join your guys club" he said then pulled Hazel in by her stick with her screaming.

The three laughed at her reaction she came up jumping on top of Little John pulling him down in the water the best she could.

They finally got out going to practice some Archery.

"The most important thing about Archery is that you're completely relaxed at the time you fire. The bow is stretched" she already knew the rules but she was tired of listening so she just started shooting remembering what Prince taught her.

She was used to being soaked still at this point with water but hoped since she was wearing white nobody could see anything.

Hazel looks at the others as they try it "Alright Hazel" Robin orders she goes and sighs before letting go of the string hitting a bullseye "Bad*ss" Little John compliments.

A arrow was shot almost towards her head when Robin pulled her to the side the arrow was shot right next to hers.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're aiming that thing you almost hit her!" Little John almost yells.

"If I was aiming for her lard butt I wouldn't have missed." Prince looks at her up and down smirking standing in front of her.

"Jeez what happened to you three" he said looking at her mainly.

"Fall off one of those nags your parents are trying to sell?" His blonde friend laughed at his comment as she glared at him.

"Why don't you wait your turn and not talk to her that way?" Robin orders.

"Were practicing here" "No you're not" Prince said.

"The money from those targets comes from us" "Yeah they are private property" "Thanks for lying" she said to Prince he looked at her when she left.

Some of his friends whistled and laughed "What is she talking about?" Prince shakes his head with annoyance that he knows he screwed up again.

He sighed.

Robin Of Locksley | John Prince JrWhere stories live. Discover now