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She was walking in the woods when her eyes were covered she elbowed the person "I guess I deserved that" the person groaned in pain she turns around seeing Prince Jr. "Yeah you did" she crossed her arms "I-... okay I'm not even gonna say it just follow me" he said taking her hand and pulling her along.

They continued walking without her questioning him soon they were in a field area with a blanket and food out on it. She sits down with him "Are you gonna ignore me the entire time?" He asked playing with her hair "No" she said looking at him.

The two both began to eat slowly not sure on what to say "I'm trying..." he started she nods slowly placing a hair behind her ear which falls back into place and he tries looking at her "I know" she said.

He slowly started to lean in she did as well soon enough his lips were on hers and she kissed back. She finally pulled away after a while and he pulled her into him they were now laying down, just listening to the birds chirp.

She got up getting her bow she had brought with her "What are you doing?" He asked she looked at him smiling tossing his bow to him.

"Let's shoot" she smiled he smirked getting up and they both started shooting arrows at the tree as there target they were soon arguing playfully he started shoving her teasingly and she did so back to the point she was now on the ground wrestling with him laughing.

"I can't with you sometimes" she joked he stared at her "I can't with you sometimes" he smiled and leaned in kissing her she kissed back.

Later the next day she was with Robin going to the hospital to visit Tommy. "Hey Tommy!" She greets. "Hey?" He asked confused. "Oh I'm Robins sister" she mentioned he nods smiling when Robin shows up.

"Hey Tommy we brought you something" he says going to him and handing it.

"Hi" he took it "Wow" she sat down. "A electronic chest set thanks" "Do you remember me?" Robin asks. "I'm Robin this is Hazel" "Robin? From the hood?" He asked. "No. I go to Locksley we landed on the steps." He mentions "Oh yeah that wasn't my week" he replied smiling.

Robin took the marker from Tommy "Right here?" Tommy nods and he wrote his name handing it to Hazel she wrote hers also.

"You guys could be twins" she looked at Robin smiling slightly and laughed "A lot of people think we are" she nods. "So how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Not too bad. This thing itches though have you ever had a itch you can't scratch?" He asked when Hazel was writing "Oh I hate when that happens" Robin says.

"So they told you when they are letting you out?" He asked.

"They won't say" Tommy says she frowns closing the marker.

"I want to go now" "Don't give your hopes up" she smiled at him.

"I can imagine. You should probably stick around till they tell you it's okay" he said.

"I guess so" "Can we get you anything?" He asked.

"A new made man would be good I read this one about twenty times already" Tommy says (I believe that's what he says).

"We'll tell you what we'll see what we can do for you. Okay Tommy?" he handed the magazine back to him.

She was sitting on the desk Robin was using "Robby! Your friends are here!" "Send them up!" He replied.

"Hey Rob! And Hazel!" Will greets. "Hey guys!" They both said.

Little John comes over with weird fake glasses that have eyes popping out. "Hey Rob!" He says laughing.

"Hey wait a minute Prince American Corp" Little John says then takes his glasses off "What are you stealing money from Princes old man?" He asked.

"It's not like it's for me." He mentions.

She stood up standing next to John.

"You know how much money was donated to the medical fund? (Something around that idk lol) A hundred and fifty stinken bucks"

"Nobody cares!" He says she took a bite of her apple rolling eyes.

"Tommy's in a operation an operations cost. I already transferred money from our parents account. I'll deal with that when they get home."

"Princes got more money then he knows what to do with" she sighed and left.

Robin Of Locksley | John Prince JrWhere stories live. Discover now