Chapter 20- Meanwhile

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Before we start, to avoid confusion, everybody in this chapter are all back in the lab.


Metta's POV

I woke up in my cell, still thinking about Obsidian. Ever since they turned him into a Dragon hybrid, he had served them unwillingly. It seemed like they had brainwashed him or something. He obeys all of the scientist's commands, and is pretty much a pet for the scientists. He even obeyed them when they told him to bring Jade and I to the scientists. Why had he become like this? He used to be one of friends when I was little, but he's changed. Well, we've technically changed too, since I've become an Ocelot hybrid, and Jade has become a bat hybrid. Why had we been chosen out of all the Minecraftians in Minecraftia? I remember hearing one of the scientists say that we were their second batch right before I blacked out from being experimented on. Jade also said that she heard a scientist say that the first batch escaped. They must've been really brave to escape. And probably large in numbers.

"Jade? Do you think that we'll ever escape?" I asked, playing with my tail.

"Maybe sometime in the future." She replied.

I studied Jade for a second, and realized that she was actually significantly smaller than Obsidian and I. It must've been the experiments, and how she was a bat hybrid. Obsidian was pacing around outside our cell, acting like a guard. It was getting annoying.

"Can you keep it down there!" I shouted at Dian. (Obsidian is Dian; I'll call him that sometimes)

Obsidian nervously glanced to the left, and then to the right. Finally, he walked closer to our cell and said," I'm sorry Metta. I have to obey and follow their commands, or else they said they'd kill my family. I need to do it, for my family. I hope you understand." His eyes gave off a sad glow as he backed up and began to pace around again.

They would kill his family? How cruel are these people? I felt so angry that my claws unsheathed.

"Shoot." I muttered under my breath, sheathing my claws again.

We had been put through horrible tests that supposedly "helped" us strengthen and learn how to use our powers, but it was painful. For example, there were a few tests that were comprised of a maze, and we had to wear a shock collar. Every 30 seconds we would be shocked, so the faster we completed the maze the better. It doesn't seem so hard does it? Well your completely wrong. This was one of the easiest tests. Some of the tests included fighting mobs until our very limit, or until we passed out. Only then would they bring us out. We were pretty strong hybrids, but the scientists wanted us stronger, pushing us past our limit. It was probably not good for us at all, but they did it anyways, because it wasn't their lives that they were messing with.

Jade's POV

Once I heard Obsidian explain why he had to obey the scientists, I felt sorry for him. Talk about a rock and a hard place. His options were to let his family die and probably be tortured, but not obey them, or to obey them, avoid torture, and avoid getting his family killed. I myself would probably choose to obey them. My family is really important to me, and I would go so far to prevent any harm from coming to them. Obsidian knew the choice he had to make. It was hard for him, but he had to do it. I just wished that we could help him. We probably could, but the chance of failure would be extremely high, resulting in punishment for us all. I just hoped that he could find a way to get out of this mess.

Obsidian’s POV

 I needed to obey them. I needed to do it to protect my family from harm. I knew all my friends wouldn't like the idea but if I didn't do it, my family would die. My family was all I had left in this world. No loved ones. No close friends. No pets. I had just my family. If I chose not to obey the scientists, my family would die, and I wouldn’t be able to bear the fact that I could have saved them by making the other choice. If I didn't need to obey them, I obviously wouldn’t. They treat my like a pet, throwing raw food to me, with no eating utensils or anything at all. I literally had to drink water out of a bowl, like a dog. I had a horrible sleeping place, pretty much as bad as the cell. They pretty much made me d everything for them. I needed to fetch their food, their water, etcetera, etcetera. It was seriously annoying as the Nether, and if I ever had the chance, I would rip their throats out. I don’t think the time would ever come. Who would come save us? The only people that know of this place’s existence are the people that were in here before us, us, and everyone that worked here.

“Get over here Dragon boy!” A scientist barked.

“I have a name you know.” I replied.

“What was that?” The scientist shouted.

“Nothing.” I grumbled.

I was sort of their prized yet not prized possession. I was the strongest hybrid here, because I did the best in all the tests. That was most likely why I got chosen for this role. I could protect them and would be able to defend against almost anything. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden kick in the shin. Since I was a Dragon hybrid with armoured scales and heightened pain tolerance and such, the pain was a bit less, but it still hurt. I then realized I had been standing there the entire time instead of walking.

“Come on!” The same scientist shouted at me.

I felt my eyes turn to slits and I clenched my fists in anger. I tried my hardest to keep my inner “dragon” in me. It seemed like ever since they injected me with that dragon DNA, I took on a more aggressive, sinister personality. I usually didn’t act aggressively towards anybody, but for some reason I had the urge to be really aggressive. It was hard to control it but if I didn’t, someone could get hurt or even die. I wanted to get out of this horrible place.

“Did you hear me? Get over here!” The scientist shouted.

“I’m coming!” I replied.

I walked towards the scientist, ready for what he wanted me to do. Even though I didn't want to do it, I needed to do it. For my family.

Hope you guys liked it! It was rushed, but I guess it’s an okay chapter. Not my worst one, but definitely not the best. This book is really growing! I got about 650 reads in a few days! Ya guys rock!




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