Chapter 26- Showing Them Around

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Deadlox's POV

I walked in front of everybody, opening the doors for them.

"Right this way." I said, flicking my tail towards the inside of the Sky Army base.

I held the door open, letting everybody get inside before I went, closing the door behind me. Sky walked in right after.

"Great job Ty." He said, smiling.

"Thanks, but now where their rooms be?" I asked, pointing to Jade, Metta and Obsidian.

"Uh, I guess they could take the rooms without anybody in it near your room." He replied.


I led everybody up the stairs and showed Jade, Metta and Obsidian their rooms.

"You guys can wash up, grab a change of cloths, and eat some food. You're probably hungry." I said, leaning against the wall.

"Yep. We are hungry. So do we meet later or something?" Jade asked.

"Yep! After you're done eating, you can dome down the stairs, walk to your right, walk forwards, and once you reach the end, turn left, and there'll be a training room where we train. We have training fights and also practice our abilities and stuff like that." I said, standing straight up again.

"Okay. We'll do that." Metta answered.

"Yep! See you guys soon!" I said, smiling as I walked towards the stairs.

Ashley's POV

I followed Deadlox down the stairs to the training room. We would be training. Just like the old times, while we were in the hybrid factory. Deadlox opened the door, letting us inside and then he closed it behind him.

"So, do you guys want to wait for them or just start training right now?" Deadlox asked.

"I'm okay with both I guess." I said looking for a place to sit down. I found one, and sat down.

"Do you guys want to wait for them or no?" I asked Alex, Juno and Nicole.

"Let's wait for them. We can chat while we're waiting." Alex suggested.

"Okay, let's do that." Deadlox replied.

We started chatting about random things.

"So, how do you guys like the Sky Army and it's base so far?" Deadlox asked.

"It's great!" I answered.

"Amazing!" Alex exclaimed.

"Great!" Juno smiled.

"Awesome!" Nicole shouted.

"It's great knowing that you guys like it here." Deadlox laughed.

"Yep! We've finally found a new home." I said.

"Yes you guys have." He answered.

"I'm getting bored. Anybody know any good jokes?" Alex asked.

"I do!" Juno exclaimed.

"Say it!" Deadlox said.

"Okay. Here's how it goes..."

Jade's POV

I walked into my room and looked around. I saw a bed with its intricately woven designs, laced with "butter". There were torches lighting up the room, giving it a home-like feeling. I loved it. It was just like my old house. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. Taking off my clothes, I jumped into the shower and turned the water on. I hummed a song as I washed myself. Finally, I finished and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around me and I opened the door. I walked to the closet in my room, opening it and looking at what clothes there were. I took out a pair of clothes and put them on but then I noticed my wings wouldn't fit. I took out a butter sword and cut 2 holes for my wings. Then I sat down on the bed. I sighed. I knew that I was going to enjoy my life here.

Metta's POV

I opened the door to my room and looked around. Surprisingly, I liked the look of it. The room had a feel that made it seem comfortable and welcoming, but I couldn't put my finger on what made it feel like that, well because I'm an Ocelot hybrid and I actually have claws on my fingers so I would have to put my claw on it, not my finger. I immediately went to the bathroom, peeling off my dirtied clothes that I never got to change, since we never got to shower or even get a new change of clothes at the hybrid factory. I opened the shower door and hopped in, turning the water on. It felt so good to actually be able to be clean. I took some shampoo and conditioner and put it into my hair, rubbing furiously to get all the dirt and grim out. I looked down and saw that the water was extremely dirty. The dirty water went down the drain and once again, the water was clear. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me, but it felt really weird since I had a tail. Drying myself off, I walked to the closet and found a pair of clothes. Taking them out of the closet, I put the clothes on and I cut a hole on the back of the jeans so that my tail could fit. Sitting down on my bed, I though about how we would go on missions just like Deadlox and his friends did to save us.

Obsidian's POV

I peeked my head into the room and then opened the door all the way. I walked inside and looked around. It was perfect! Walking towards the bathroom, I took off my clothes and tossed them into the trash. No need for those clothes anymore. They were already extremely dirty and tattered so I probably wouldn't be able to use them again. Plus, there should be plenty of good clothing in my closet. I stepped in, turning the water on. This was the first time taking a shower with my Dragon wings and tail so it was sort of awkward and weird. I thought about washing my wings or not, so I just YOSOed (You Only Spawn Once) it. Once I got all the dirt off of my body, I stepped out, attempting to wrap a towel around me but utterly failing. Instead of using it to dry my back, I just used it only for drying my hair since it was extremely hard for me to dry my back with the towel because my wings were in the way. I made my way towards the closet, opening it and taking out a change of clothes. I looked down at the clothes I had taken out and realized that there was a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt Using my claws, I cut a hole on the back so that my tail could stick out and 2 slits on the back of my t-shirt so my wings would fit. I threw my towel into a bin so it could be washed. After, I walked out of my room and prepared to head towards the training room where Deadlox and the guys would be waiting. Surprisingly, Metta and Jade were also just coming out of their rooms. I saw that their hair was still wet. That meant that they had also just finished showering.

"You guys going to the training room?" I asked

"Yup. How 'bout you?" Metta asked

"Me too. Do you think we'll be ready? They said that there'd be practice fights and stuff like that." I said, walking towards the stairs.

"I dunno." Jade confessed, jumping into the air and flapping once or twice, then descending.

"We'll then, let's go!" Metta exclaimed.

"Yes. Let's go..."


Sorry for the late update ;~;

I got distracted by the interwebs XD

 I'll update a longer chapter next week. I sincerely apologize. Oh! And this book is also coming to an end soon so expect some action and drama stuff in the next few chapters or so. I'm thinking about taking this book to like 35 chapters or something. A decent amount right? Okai guys! Bai!


(P.S. *notices number of words* lol I got 1300 words including the A/N. And sorry for the bad-ish chapter :/ )

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