Chapter 33- Journey To The End

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Ashley's POV

We began our journey to the End after an Enderman came and gave us a letter from his "Master". The letter stated that we could not go to the base and get reinforcements and bring them to rescue Deadlox and Sera, or else they would torture and kill them. Ever since Deadlox and Sera got kidnapped and taken away, I've cried myself to sleep, with only Faolan to comfort me. I just couldn't live without Deadlox. There wasn't the comforting and relaxing feeling of Deadlox cuddling with me and his kisses anymore, and I enjoyed them. Sighing, I close my eyes and tried to remember every single moment Deadlox and I had together in the past.

Nightclaw, almighty ruler of the End's POV (I dunno why I keep doing that part at the end and not just put, "Nightclaw's POV". :P )

The process of memory-wiping was almost complete. A few more minutes and then they won't be able to recall anything of their past. I chuckled to myself when I thought of how surprised and sad their friends would be when they found out that Deadlox and Sera were my servants, and had no idea who their friends were. Finally, the process was finished and I took the Ender Crystal that was above their heads away. I commanded two of my Endermen to take the seemingly lifeless bodies, and put them both in separate beds. Soon, when they woke up, they were going to have no clue about how their past was.

Deadlox's POV

I woke up in a bed, yawned and sat up, adjusting my shirt because there were two large things on my back, and it made my uncomfortable. What were those large things? I had no idea. Then, I suddenly realized that I had no idea about anything. Why I woke up here, what my name was, why I had black scale-like things all my arms, legs, neck, and also a little on my face. I stood up, looking around the room. I saw a girl with the same "condition" as me. Running up to her, I began to shake the girl. For some reason, it felt like I was extremely strong, and I didn't know my own strength, so I accidently shook her a bit too hard.

"Whaaa?..." She awoke, startled, "Who are you? And why did you wake me up?" The girl asked.

"Frankly, I have no idea who I am either..." I awkwardly spoke, scratching my head.

The girl furrowed her brows, thinking intently. Then, her eyes widened.

"Um... I have no idea who I am either..." She said.

"Then are we just stuck here forever?" I asked, sitting down on her bed.

"Maybe, but if we think of an idea, then we may be able to get out." She answered.

"Well then, maybe we could yell really loudly, and then get somebody to notice us and come in here." I suggested.

"Sure, that'd be a great idea." The girl replied, flicking her scarlet hair to the left, out of the way of her face.

We both yelled as loud as we could, but the yells automatically became roars, and they shook the room, miniscule bits and pieces of cobblestone fell from the cracks of the roof. Suddenly, we weren't in the room anymore. We were in front of a dragon like being that looked like us, but one hundred percent dragon.

"Hello, my greatest loyal servants, Deadlox and Sera" The dragon said in a deep, grand voice. (HA! You thought I would put Enderlox didn't you! Nope :P Deadlox's name is staying the way it is.)

"Um, hi?" I said.

"Do you not bow down to your Master?" He questioned.

"Those are our names, and you're our Master? I didn't now that, but really, I don't know anything right now."

"You have lost your memories? You cannot recall anything of all three of our pasts together?"

"Nope. Nothing at all." The girl beside me sighed.

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