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After harshi asked the maids to make you your favorite cook, they placed on the dining table, "Ms all the foods are here" the maid said with bow, "hmm it's smell so yummy!" you said with giggle before eating the food, " it's too delicious! Do wanna some harshi???" you asked while munching the food, "nope!" harshi said "oh okay you lost this delicious foods!" you said with cute smile, "y/n can I ask you something??" harshi asked, "hmm" you mumbled "hmm when did you and jungkook had some wild activities on bed??" harshi asked caused you to choke, "hey chill here drink the water!" harshi said as she pat your back. You wipe your mouth "why did you ask about that??" you asked "because I feel like you're probably pregnant by seeing you like this!" harshi said,

you blink few times while realizing you didn't got your period since 3 weeks. "are you okay y/n?? Did you both even used protection??" harshi asked, "harshi we didn't use any protection! And also I wasn't on my pill! And my period is 3 weeks later!" you said "what! Then you're pregnant! That's mean I am going to be an aunt! Yay!" harshi said as she jumped in happiness, "that's means I am gonna be mom! Omg I am so happy! I can't wait to tell jungkook! He will be so happy about this new!" you said with a smile. "y/n shall we check before confirming?" harshi said "hmm okay!" you said with a smile. Then harshi dragged you to the washroom and she took a pregnancy test, "how did you get it??" you asked "well Dan brought this for me *blush * to use in future!" harshi said "wow you choose a good boy!" you said with a smile, "uh go use it!" harshi said "I will you wait outside!" you said.

Few minutes later, you were waiting for the line to appear, "Come on hurry!" you said as you hold it, "what's the result??"harshi asked" we need to wait! "you said then the line appeared," OMG Y/N YOU'RE GONNA BE A MOM! I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT! "harshi said with joy," I am really gonna be mom! "you said with tears of joy as you touch your invisible bump," baby it's me your mommy! I am so happy to know that you're growing! I just can't wait to tell your daddy about you little bean! "you said as you caressed your belly. Suddenly you and harshi heard gun shooting," Fck! We are under attack! "harshi said," oh no! "you said in fear." Ms hurry up go to the safe room now! "the guards said as they tried their best to protect you and harshi.

Before you both could make it the safe room," Take one more move I will shoot you both! " unknown said, you remembered this voice, you hold harshi's hand and slowly turned to face him. Your eyes widened "YOU!" you said "of course it's me y/n! And harshi! You both have grown so much! What a beautiful views!" Jame said with smirking, "DONT YOU DARE TO SAY THAT FROM YOUR DISGUSTING MOUTH! JAME!" you yelled "oh come baby I am seeing you after so long! Is this how you both welcome me?" Jame asked as he walked towards you both. "HEY DON'T COME NEAR US! YOU PERVERT OLD MAN!" harshi said as she tried to protect you. Jame just laugh "pervert old man? Hmm let me show you what can this old man does! Guards! Get them!" Jame said with a smirking, jungkook's Guards were all shot by his man so there was no one to protect you and harshi,

You didn't want anything to happen to your unborn child!, but you don't want to be weak, you were about to fight the man sprayed something on your face and you became unconscious same with harshi. "bring them to our old abandoned mansion!" Jame said with smirking. Skipped some time later, jungkook came with ice-cream to the mansion, his eyes widened to see all his man and maids were shot, "Y/N! HARSHI ARE MISSING JUNGKOOK!" Daniel yelled, jungkook felt like his whole world shut down just then someone called him.

- on the phone - "hello jeon jungkook! Is your y/n and harshi missing??" unknown asked with smirking, jungkook clutch his fist "YOU BASTARD IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH ME THEN DEAL WITH ME DON'T BE AN MANLESS KIDNAPPING MY GIRL!" jungkook yelled but that person just laugh "JEON JUNGKOOK DO YOU KNOW WHO AM I?? I AM THE EVIL MAFIA JAME!" Jame said "YOU I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY HANDS! WHERE THE HECK YOU KEEP THEM!" jungkook yelled "I am not going to tell you about it! Find it yourself! Bye!" Jame said before ending up.

To be continued

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