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FUCK! THAT JAME KIDNAPPED THEM!" jungkook yelled as he throw his phone in frustration, "WHAT?! He will hurt them! We need to find a solution!" Daniel said, then jungkook remembered he gave you a GPS chain which looks like an heart shaped pendant but it's a tracking device, " Daniel! I already how to  find out his location!" jungkook said "how jungkook??" Daniel asked, "guards bring my laptop!" jungkook said, "yes Master!" the guard said with bow, "y/n is wearing a tracking device chain! Which I gave her! We can use the to find the location" jungkook said "great! We need to hurry up" Daniel said.

Meanwhile, you and harshi opened your eyes to only find yourself in a abandoned mansion which was so dark and dusty, you started coughing due to the dusty "y/n! Are you okay!" harshi asked as she saw you coughing, "looks like both of you are awake!" Jame said with smirking, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KIDNAPPED US!" harshi yelled in anger, "wanna answer?? Hmm there is two reasons for kidnapping you both!" Jame said while sipping his wine, "Jame you have no idea who you're messing with it!" you said as you try to sit as your hands and legs were tied same goes to harshi. "Oh is it?? Do you think I will be scared of that little boy? *lean forward * never! This Jame will never be fear!" Jame said as he blow the vape on your face making you cough again.

"YOU BASTRAD WHY ARE YOU BLOWING THAT ON HER FACE!" harshi yelled, "SHUT UP! don't you want to know the reasons?" Jame asked then some one came it's was Austin, your and harshi eyes widened to see him, "hello girls! Long time we didn't see right?" Austin asked as he walked to Jame, "great time Austin I was about to tell them why are they been kidnapped for" Jame said "hmm I will tell them dad" Austin said "What! Dad!" You said as you look at harshi, "so the reason 1 I will be telling you! Where is my thumb drive?? You both thought that I would let you both live happily? Never! You both have to face consequences for cheating" Austin said with anger

"look Austin we didn't mean to cheat on you! We were kidnapped by jungkook's man that time! He changed the thumb drive " you said "do you think I will trust you? Never! I will make you two suffer!" Austin said as he grabbed your hair harshly, "Ugh let go of my hair you bastard!" you said with pain, "LET HER GO!" harshi yelled "SHUT UP! TAPE HER MOUTH" Austin yelled to his guard, "Noo don't do anything to her!" you said "you both deserve to be punished!" Austin said with smirking, "son wait let me bring the important person to see this show!" Jame said, you didn't understand what he meant by important person,

"okay dad!" Austin said "guards bring that important person" Jame said to his mans. Meanwhile "Did  you find that location?" Daniel asked "Bingo! I found it! It's xxx abandoned old mansion!" jungkook said "let's go!" Daniel said "bring the backup weapons! Guards preparing special car!" jungkook said "yes master!" the guards with a bow. As the guards brought the person, your and harshi  eyes  widened to see that person, "Jessica see your daughters been punished by my son!" Jame said with smirking

To be continued

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