• 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

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hanji zoe
she / her

she / her

this story wont follow the storyline in the anime and manga.

𝘆/𝗻'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩

today is my first day in the survey corps im so excited to know which squad i belong to, i really hope me and my friends are in the same squad well except eren since he's already in levi squad.

as i was walking towards our dorm room which i share with ymir, christa, mikasa, and sasha. a familiar voice called out to me.

"hey y/n!" as i turned around i saw sasha and christa walking towards me holding their bags.

"hiii, im beyond happy that y'all are my roommates" you hugged them both.

as we entered the room we saw ymir and mikasa already settled down and chatting in their bed.

"oh everyone's here now, so everyone pick a bed" mikasa told us with a soft smile.

i choose the top bed, sasha will sleep in the bottom bed.

we went and organized our stuff and chatted for a while.

"im really worried for eren, what if they're not treating him right." mikasa said with a sad face.

"hey dont worry im sure theyre treating him nicely since eren will be a great weapon to save our lives" i reassured her patting her back as i rest my head on the side of the stairs of our bed.

we talked and gossiped for another hour until we were called out by connie and jean that its already dinner.

we made our way to the mess hall and sat at a table.

a familiar figure walked towards us with a grin plastered on its face.

"eren!" mikasa said standing up in the process.

"hey titan boy did they pull off thousands of experiments on you?" jean asked chuckling only resulting on eren slapping his arm.

we ate and laughed our asses off as eren and jean started a fight. very immature.

knowing sasha the food wont be enough for her so i gave her a piece of my bread which she accepted wholeheartedly since she knew i really dont like bread that much.

i scanned the room to familiarize myself with the people here even though it wont be totally necessary since mostly they die.

my eyes landed on a brunette in glasses.

they're pretty

you thought.

they have a smile on their face as they talked to their friends, im guessing they're a section commander or a squad leader since they're eating with commander erwin.

after eating we walked around to let the food digest (the fuck am i saying?)

we went outside and saw the list of squads and members including the new members.

it's here.

immediately you scanned through the list and saw your names under squad leader dita ness.

you were relieved that you and your friends are together in one squad.

"eyy we in the same squadss" connie and sasha jumped around ecstatic about that.

"im so excited for tomorrow" you said hugging sasha and connie.

everyone just laughed and went back to the dorm rooms since its getting pretty late.

𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗶'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩

i was walking towards the horse's stables when i saw a group of cadets laughing and jumping around.

i smiled softly at them remembering when I got in my very first squad.

i was staring at them when a particular person caught my eye.

she's pretty.

her e/c orbs where filled with joy and tears because of laughing, her h/c hair was flying around since its pretty windy here her smile is contagious i wanna know her name.

as their laughter died down i immediately made my way to my horse to feed it.

a couple minutes later...

i entered the stable and spots levi feeding his horse.

"hey shorty" i poked his shoulder teasingly.

"what do you want" he asked me monotonously.

he's fucking boring as hell.

well sometimes he's pretty funny because of that.

and sometimes i notice him staring at erwin, i bet they're probably dating since they're always together.

"you know that new girl, i think she's friends with eren, she has e/c eyes, h/c hair, s/c and her height is probably 5'5 (pretend thats your height thanks 💀)." i described that girl i saw earlier while blushing.

"no." he said not interested at me having a crush.

"you're so boring ugh" i exclaimed loudly.

"shut up you're loud." and then he left me.

what a bad friend.

i left the stables too as i have paperworks waiting for me at my office.

"MOBLIIIT!" i called out to my assistant who's just beside my room, well probably.

as soon as i shouted the man entered my office ready to be stressed with my self hehe love u moblit <3

"yes section commander?" he asked.

"i need you to know the name of that new cadet with e/c eyes, h/c hair, around 5'5 she's in the 104th cadet corps i want her in my squad" i said sternly turning from childish kid to section commander real quick.

he nodded and made his way out.

i will ask erwin about transferring that girl to my squad later i still have to know whats her name.

a few minutes later moblit was back and told me that her name is y/n l/n, what a pretty name.

as i received the information i went to erwin's office and nagged him about transferring her to my squad.

at first he said no but eventually he gave in and said yes.

im happy, i had the urge to be close to her since the first time i saw her.

i was planning on pulling an all nighter to finish every shit in my desk.

hours later i got hungry so i snuck innthe kitchen and got some bread and tea.

after I was done eating i went to my office and continued my work and failed to keep myself awake.

so... new fanfic lol, pls dont hesitate to comment your thoughts i love reading comments pls-
anyways, have a nice day/night eat your meals and drink water<3.

words - 998

𝑅𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑛 (𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑍𝑜𝑒̈ 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now