A Possible Sports Festival Plan?!??!?!

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After a few days of break classes finally continued. It was normal except for seeing themselves in the news and being talked about in school. It felt weird being the topic of the week, but Kiri was pretty chill about it. Why wouldn't she? She was the one who sksksksksk'ed her way through the door and into her seat on the first day of class.

"We're still having the sports festival." Aizawa announced.

"What?! Why?" Half of the class asked. They were just in a battle with real villains! Why would they still hold the sports festival? What if something happens there?

"It's still early after the villain attack, but the competition is too important to cancel. It's one of the most watched events of the year and the prime time when you can get scouted. You guys can't miss this opportunity. Also it's a way for Yuuei to show that we're still strong and that the villain attack hasn't hurt us as bad as it looks. We still need to hold the publics trust that you guys are safe here." Aizawa explained. Everyone looked at each other a bit worried, but hell, they were excited for the sports festival! After class ended everyone went into their own little friend groups and talked.

"Are you excited for the sports festival Kiri?" Momo asked leaning against her hand all lady like.

"Hmm not really." Todoroki looked up and over at Kiri shocked. Why wouldn't she?

"Why?" He asked. Kiri and Momo turned and looked at Todoroki, shook that he asked Kiri something out of every single human being in there.

"Well it's just going to be like the entrance exams. It's going to focus on physical quirks and what they can do. So quirks like mine are pretty much useless since no one can see it ya know? Besides, people nowadays want something flashy and all kira kira and mine isn't like that. Yeah mine is pretty cash money if I do say so myself, but that's all it offers sad life." Kiri said with a biggo sigh at the end.

"I see. You have an information quirk, is that right?" Todoroki asked. Kiri nodded.

"Yuperoni, but it's not helpful if I'm going against a rando. I'd need to get info on them beforehand and that's going to be hard if that means I need to get EVERYONE'S info. It also depends if I can think of a way to use the info I got in a battle too which sucks cus why can't I have some OP power?" Kiri twiddled her pookah shell bracelet and sighed again.

"I... I see..." Todoroki said slowly looking away. How the heck would he continue this conversation? Basically impossible.

"What about you Todoroki? Are you looking forward to it?" Kiri asked. He looked at the font of the classroom thinking.

"... I don't think I'm looking forward to it either."

"Is there a reason Todoroki-san?"

"My father is going to be there." Kiri made a disgusted face.

"Ew. Hey guys I have a question though." Both Momo and Todoroki looked at her curious.

"What do you guys think about skipping?"


A/N: UM KIRI WHAT????? I can't believe she'd even bring it up to Momo and Todoroki out of all people! And why would she even think about skipping? She still needs to get the attention of scouts UMU But I guess it looks like Kiri knows who Todoroki's dad is, unlike half of the people in class. She doesn't seem to like him either.... Anyways make sure to vote, comment, add, share, and follow to see if she'll ever have a chance of meeting him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye~~~~~~

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