Chapter 3

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"Do you even care about your people?" He asks.

The southern state looks at him carefully. "Everything I do is for them." Texas' voice is almost at a whisper. "If you don't see that then maybe you don't care about your people. Texas brushes past him into his room.

"Wait. Texas, I didn't mean it." The other state slams his door.

California sighs before heading back over to the kitchen and sitting next to Washington. "You are in deep," the capitol's state says.

California groans, putting his head in his hands. "He hates me."

Washington shrugs before sneezing. "I swear to god if Oregon's cat got out of his room again."

Washington gets up to go yell at Oregon, leaving Cali sitting alone. The costal state heads over to the living room, grabs some sifi novel off the coffee table and settles into the couch. If the world hates him this much, at leased he can escape to somewhere with different problems.

The state has no idea how much time has passed when someone starts shaking his shoulder. "You should get to bed." Utah says.

California looks up from the book to see that it is almost pitch black out the window, the half moon giving the sky a dull light. Someone turned on the lamp beside him and has draped a blanket over his legs. He looks at his watch, 12:30.

"Fine." He grumbles, getting up. He stumbles his way into his room and closes the door softly behind him, so he doesn't wake anyone else up. He puts the book he was reading on his nightstand and climbs into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

His alarm wakes him up the next morning at 5:30 so he can finish work. Luckily, DC only needs the southern states for todays meeting so California doesn't have to worry about having to deal with Texas after last night. With a sigh he sits down at the old wooden desk he brought from home and gets to work reading over and signing documents. With study music playing he manages to focus pretty well.

With a sigh California puts his pen down and looks at the clock. 7:06. About time to make breakfast. He heads out to the kitchen and takes out a few pans to make eggs. He pulls out his phone and picks a random song on low volume.

I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess (woah)
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time
Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy
Everybody seems so famous

He sings along quietly to the lyrics as he moves around the kitchen trying to make enough food for all fifty states and Gov. He is just cracking a second pan full of eggs when Utah walks in. The costal state freezes for a moment before running to turn off the music.

The other state simply smirks at him and starts to help make food. By the time the other states start migrating out of their rooms, eggs are being served. Most of the southern states including Texas head to the meeting room with their food. California is luckily saved from interacting with his crush when Utah passes Texas his plate.

Once all of the food is made California sits down at the kitchen island with Utah to eat. "So, Texas?" California chokes.

"What about Texas?"

"You obviously like him." Utah smirks a little bit.

California is at a loss for words. He honestly thought that no one other than Washington had noticed, and that was only cause he found California's diary a few months ago.

The religious state laughs. "You guys would make a cute couple. Maybe you're even soulmates."

California gives the other state an unbelieving look. "There is no way we are soulmates. He hates me."

"Who hates you." Florida asks walking into the room. California looks at the door to the meeting room but sees no one else. Looks like Florida finally got himself kicked out of a meeting.

"None of your business." California replies.

Florida starts to walk away but Utah asks him a question. "Do you think California and Texas would make a good couple?"

The southern state looks a little bit like a deer caught in the headlights for a minute. California sends Utah a glare. You think the guy would at leased be able to keep his mouth shut. Looking back up, California sees Florida deep in thought.

"I don't know." He finally says. "Maybe you should ask him out."

California is shocked to say the leased. Utah just smiles at him. As soon as Florida leaves the room California puts his head in his hands before looking up at Utah. "Now everyone is going to know within the next five minutes." He wines.

"Maybe that will be enough to finally get you two to finally admit you like each other so the rest of us don't have to watch you act like some teenager with a crush."

California just sighs before dumping his plate in the sink and walking away. He does not have the energy to deal with this today.

California is sitting on his bed reading a few hours later when there is a knock at the door. "Come in."

Oregon steps in holding his cat and California looks at him in confusion. "She got out and aggravated Washington's allergies again. Can you watch her while I go get a new baby gate?"

"Fine." California sighs as Washington passes him the cat. "It wont be long I promise." Oregon closes she door behind him as he leaves, yelling at someone else before he is out of earshot.

California looks down at the cat. "What are we going to do Ruby?" The cat simply curls up under his arm and starts purring. "Must be nice for you huh. No worrying about people and soulmates. You just eat, sleep, and purr all day." He is sure to pet the cat as she slowly falls asleep on his lap.

"You need to tell him." California hears Florida yell outside the room.

"No way!" Texas screams back.

"But-" A door slams.

California sighs. If there is one thing the statehouse is not, its quiet. He closes his eyes and before he knows it California is asleep with the cat still purring on his lap. 

A.N. Sorry this one is a bit shorter. I was working on my other story a lot more today and barely got this out on time. 

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