Chapter 5

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Remember when I said i would update this every second day. Sigh. Forgetfulness. 

He's straight anyway so it doesn't matter." California says.

"You don't know that." Washington replies.

There is a pregnant pause. "How could I fall for a southern state?" The costal state groans flopping down on his bed.

"You should just tell him." Washington sighs. "Maybe he even likes you back and you can irritate him about Hamilton."

Cali throws a pillow at him. "If you aren't going to be any help then get out."

"Fine. Fine." Washington pulls out his computer. "Modern Family?"

California grins and Washington puts the pillow behind his back settling in beside his friend.

There is no table meeting over the weekend, so California decides to spend time baking with Utah. With Skillet on in the background, the only music the two can agree on, they work hard for two days straight. By the time Monday rolls around they have about ten pies, hundreds of cookies and tons of other sweets stacked up. Though, knowing the other states, California's sure it will be gone within a week.

The beeping of his phone wakes California up far to early Monday morning. Utah told him that after all the work in the kitchen that weekend, he would be sure to get someone else to help with breakfast, so California rolls over, hopping to get at leased a little bit more rest.

When he does finally get up, there is a lot of screaming from across the house letting Cali know that a meeting has started. He gets dressed and out as quickly as he can, slipping on his beany as he sneaks into the meeting. Apparently, he was unsuccessful at no one noticing cause as soon as he sits down the government is looking at him. "Why are you late?"

"Slept in a bit. Wont happen again." He grumbles still waking up.

Everyone looks over to Florida. "And why are you doing this again." Oklahoma asks.

"Chaos!" He responds with a smile.

The meeting drags on longer than California's grumbling stomach wants to allow. Apparently Gov decided that everyone needed to get rid of the dumb laws in there state. He will probably be proven wrong but to be honest California cant think of any outdated laws he needs to get rid of. Texas on the other hand has a ton of spring cleaning he refuses to do.

"That's necessary." Texas protests. Its not.

"What does Austin think about it. You can't decide everything for your cities." California spits back.

With a glare dedicated Cali's way the state takes off his hat letting the city talk for himself. "I agree with California. If you don't do it I'll take the law out my-" the hat is back on before the city can finish his sentence, but not before California sees a small mark on his arm. A mark the looks almost like his own.

"So, Austin agrees with me. It stays." Texas says. He is obviously unaware that his biggest secret just got out.

The meeting seems to drag on forever. Luckily, California was not forced to air out his legal system today, but he is still pretty sure everyone noticed that he got distant all of the sudden. He makes it to his room as fast as he can as soon as they are dismissed.

A window is opened letting fresh air and a few bird calls into the room. There is no way Texas is his soul mate. He probably saw the mark wrong. The other state hates him. There is just know way it would work.

He sighs before sitting on the chair in the corner of his room and tries to focus on a book, failing miserably. Texas is his soulmate. He didn't see it wrong. Texas probably has no idea and is going to be pissed but California has to tell him. It's the right thing to do. How the hell is he going to do it though?


"You said you would tell him."

"I'll get to it." Florida looks unimpressed.

"Stop being a scaredy cat and just do it then." Texas looks at his friend apologetically. "You're not going to be able to run away forever."

"'I know." Florida sits down on the bed beside him putting a supportive arm on his shoulder.

"Its going to be so chaotic when you do." Texas shoves the other state, almost pushing him off the bed. Both of them are smiling though, successfully lightening the mood until there is a knock at the door.

Texas runs over to open it. Surprisingly, he sees a nervous California standing on the other side.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" The smaller state asks fidgeting with his hands. Texas looks back at Florida who shrugs.


Cali leads him through the house to the front porch. The sit down in the chairs set up there.

"What do you need?" Texas asks, biting back an insult.

"Can I see your soulmate mark?" His hart drops.

"What." His voice shakes.

"I think ours match and I want to know." California is unsuccessful at hiding the break in his own otherwise confident voice.

Texas takes a deep breath before speaking. "How'd you know?"

California stops. "You knew?"

"For a while. Ya." He has to keep himself from reaching out and telling California how sorry he is. How much he wishes it could work out.

Instead, he is shocked by the western states next words. "I'm sorry you got stuck with me. I know it would never work."

Texas' hart drops again. Cali doesn't like him back. Why did he have any hope?

"I hope you find someone." Texas says standing up.

"I wish it could be you." The statement is so quiet Texas almost misses it.

"Do you want to try?" The southern state tries to be confident, but his voice betrays venerability.

California stands up beside him. "Yes." He whispers underneath his breath. And then they are kissing. Its fast and messy. Teeth clash. Texas pulls away, noticing a flash of hurt in the other's eyes.

He leans in again. Slowly this time and kisses California right. Kisses his soulmate right. Texas' hands rest on his hips pulling there bodies closer together. He licks at California's lips causing him to gasp, giving Texas the chance to explore his mouth deeper.

Neither of them wants to come up for air but eventually they are forced to. The rest there foreheads together and look into each others' eyes as they catch their breath.

"Are you sure?" Cali asks starting to pull away. Texas catches his chin with a finger and kissing his again, leaving no room for uncertainty. 

A/N: At leased we know that Florida ships it now according to the Critical NASCAR Theory scetch. 

I was watching that and i was like oh cool texas and california is one of my ships. and then i was like oh shit i haven't finished writing that yet. So you can thank Ben for me remembering this exists. Sorry the end is crap i wrote it in a day. Im not going to do an epologe though so this is it. 

Thanks for reading.

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