Chapter 4

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This is going to be short. i just realised how long it has been since I updated this and wanted to get something out there. This hasn't been edited. 

"You need to tell him." Florida yells.

"No way." Texas screams back.

"But-" Texas slams the door in his friends face. He sighs looking up at the ceiling. 'God why did you do this to me?' is all the southern state can think.

His thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking lightly on the door. He opens it to reveal Florida who pushes past him into the room.

"I still think he likes you." Florida says. Texas sighs. Florida has been trying to convince him to talk to his soulmate all day, citing a conversation he had with Utah about whether the two would make a good couple.

"One comment by Utah doesn't mean anything." Texas says.

"California was sitting beside him nearly dying of shame."

Texas doesn't even bother trying not to roll his eyes. "Utah was probably just teasing him."

"Ya, cause Utah teases people so often." Florida responds sarcastically. "California deserves to know, even if you he doesn't like you."

Texas pauses looking at the other state in confusion. It doesn't make sense when Florida says something that makes sense.

"Fine I'll tell him."

"Wait really." Florida giggles. "I didn't think that would actually work." Texas glares at the other state. And Florida takes a step back, putting his hands up in surrender. "So how are you going to do it?" He asks.

Texas pauses for a moment. "I honestly don't know." He admits.

"Alright lets make a plan." Florida is smiling from ear to ear and Texas doesn't know whether to trust the guy but decides to let him help, at leased for now. Should be entertaining. Right?

Not entertaining. Florida decides that he needs to do some grand gesture. Most of the ideas involve Disney in some way and none of them are even things California likes to do, not that Texas pays attention to the other state enough to know what he likes. Who is he kidding? He knows California better than he knows himself. After hours of sitting around shutting down everything Florida says Texas is starting to feel hopeless.

"What if I just talk to him?" Texas suggests after throwing the hundredth sketch in the trash.

Florida looks over at the overflowing trash bin before speaking. "If you want to want to do something boring that is your call, but I still think you should at leased have a date planned."

"Fine I'll make sure I have a date planned." Texas says. "But I'm not startin' with it."

Someone knocks on the door. "Florida. You there sha?"

Florida runs over and opens the door to reveal Louisiana. "I found som'in you needa see."

Florida simply waves and gives an apologetic look before running off with his friend. Texas sighs before getting up to close the door.

He then walks over to his bed and sits down, lost in thought. Is it even worth it to tell Cali that he is his soulmate? What is the other state hates him even more now? The two can never agree on anything in meetings, how would they make a relationship work? He pauses. No. They would manage to make a relationship work. Texas just has to try hard enough. Cali deserves to know who his soulmate is, even if it makes things awkward.

With that in mind, Texas moves over to his desk and picks up a pen. He still finds it difficult to focus but his head is clear enough that he can at leased get something done so California wont be mad at him about his covid numbers tomorrow.

The next day's meeting with the government surprisingly isn't that bad. California didn't even get mad at him. With Texas and Oklahoma talking in Gun none of the states who would make it a pain in the ass for him couldn't really understand.

After supper, Texas heads to his room hopping to get some rest before heading out on the range with Louie and Florida. Honestly, he didn't want to third wheel but the two insisted. On his way he manages to overhear a conversation coming from California's room.

"He is straight anyway so it doesn't matter." California says.

"You don't know that." Another state (Washington maybe) replies.

There is a pregnant pause. Texas starts moving down the hallway again but stops when he hears California. "How could I fall for a southern state?" The costal state groans. There is a soft sound that Texas assumes is Cali flopping onto his bed.

The Southern states pauses for barley a second to take in the information he just learned before making his way to his own room. He closes the door silently behind him before sitting on his bed getting lost in thought.

California likes a southern state? The thought is almost impossible to fathom. There is no way it could be Texas though. Right? The two have opposing ideas on almost everything. How could California like someone who he can't agree on anything with?

With a sigh he pulls out his gun and hauls it to the backyard meeting Louie and Florida who are already there. Only one lane is set up. The makeshift range consists of a tarp to lay on, safety goggles (cause that's the only way Gov will let them do this), and a few can on a platform just above the grass about twenty meters away.

Florida goes first, hitting five out of the seven cans laid out. "My god I need more practice." He says as he stands up.

"How did you do that bad laying down?" Louisiana asks.

Florida shrugs. "We need to do this more often."

Louie smirks agrees before getting down on the tarp. At the speed the other state is loading his weapon Texas can tell he is going to be taking his time, so he takes a look around. Despite his best efforts all he can imagine is taking California out here as the sun sets and reminding him how to shoot. His arms wrapped around the other state from behind as he shows him how where to put his hands and how to use the sights. He tries to shake the image out of his head but can't.

His thoughts are interrupted by Florida. "You haven't told him yet."

"Now why do you think that?" Texas responds turning to the other state.

"Cause I haven't heard him freaking out from across the house in joy." Florida says.

"I hope its in joy."

Florida pats him on the shoulder smiling. "I'm sure it will be."

Texas looks back out towards the setting sun. "Either way it has to happen." 

The next chapter is going to be the last one then I might do an epologe depending on how I feel. 

Sorry this took so long to get out. I promise the next one wont take nearly as long. 

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