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Just as the game was about to start, Hawk and his Cobra Kai friends started to walk out, the Cobra Kai's following him like they were his entourage

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Just as the game was about to start, Hawk and his Cobra Kai friends started to walk out, the Cobra Kai's following him like they were his entourage.

"I wish we could do something about those cretins." Demetri made a face at them.

"We can." Sam replied.

"How so? Counselor Blatt will give us detention just for breathing near them." Demetri reminded.

"I don't see you anywhere near, do you?" Sam asked. "They think we're doormats. Let's prove them wrong."

"I'm not saying I agree, but good luck, sis." Nicole sighed.

"Thanks. Now, come on guys, we got this."

Sam, Demetri, and the other members got out on the field along with Hawk and his entourage.

Courtney, Moon, and a few other people came running over to Nicole, their pom poms still in their hands.

"What'cha doing, miss cheerleader?" Nicole asked.

"Since you can't really walk, I decided to bring the team over to you." Moon replied.

"Smart. Hopefully this doesn't go half as bad as I think it's gonna go." Nicole said.

"Oh no. What're they gonna do?" Courtney asked.

"I'm not sure exactly, but I think it starts with something along the lines of...physical contact..." Nicole trailed off.

"God, I'm starting to hate karate." Courtney groaned.

Looking out onto the field, Nicole saw Sam getting violent with one of the players. She took him down, then stepped on his chest.

Moon gasped and put a pom pom over her eyes.

"That has got to hurt." Moon shook her head.

"Oh god, Sam."

Hawk then got ahold of the ball, scoring a goal, then celebrating after. He ran by them, staring at Nicole, but she rolled her eyes at him and he looked away angrily, knocking one of the Miyagi-Do's over.

"Take it easy on the physical contact!" The coach yelled.

Demetri then ran up to Hawk in attempts to distract him.

"She loved you, you know." Demetri said.

Hawk whipped his head toward Demetri. "What'd you say?"

Though, he already knew that the pink haired girl had loved him, she told him when she was drunk. And if he was behind honest, he missed when she didn't have pink hair. He missed how things were before. He missed her.

"Oh yeah, you can just see it on her face. The way she'd look at you, those cheek kisses, oh and don't forget the fact that she did everything to stand up for you and defend you. She's loved you since kindergarten, buddy, and you might have just lost the best thing you've ever had and it's going to take just about anything to get her back. And you know why? Because you became a loser." Demetri ranted.

He then pushed Hawk and swept him out from beneath his feet, causing him to flip over and fall onto the ground.

Nicole grabbed her crutches and stood up. She had heard every word Demetri had said.

Loved him?

To be truthful, Nicole still did love him, but was it that obvious?

Just as she heard the words, she had a quick recollection of a moving vehicle. She closed her eyes and saw herself in Hawk's car, then falling asleep in his bed, and waking up right next to him.

The noise of the ref's whistle snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Courtney." She turned towards her best friend.

"What? What's wrong?" Courtney raised her eyebrows.

"He drove me home from the party. And I woke up in his bed." Nicole recalled.

"Yes. Yes! That happened! You remember!" Courtney exclaimed and hugged the girl.

She wobbled a bit, almost falling over, but slightly smiled.

"Wait, you remembered something?" Moon asked and Nicole nodded.

Moon then did the same as Courtney and hugged the girl, Nicole wobbling more, accidentally stepping on her bad foot.

She slightly winced. It only hurt a little bit, but it was a lot less than before.

There was still fighting going on on the field when the three girls started paying attention again, until the referee blew the whistle.

"You know what? That's it! Everyone to the principal's office now!" She screamed.

"Oh no." Moon muttered.

"Let's hope councilor Blatt doesn't call any adults preferably named Miss LaRusso." Nicole rubbed her eyes.

"Well, if you open the front door and she's standing there angrily, we'll plan a nice funeral for Sam." Courtney pat her shoulder.

Nicole sighed and her and Courtney stalked off to the principal's office to hopefully see what would happen to the others.

Just a little filler chapter, babes, but Nicole is remembering! See you next time!

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