Chapter 12

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I woke up, as I put a hand up to my cheek, only to feel my face that was clearly wet... what happened, I sat up and looked over to Kuina, the sun that was shinning brightly at my back, her face, made it easier to see that she was concerned even as she asked, "Y/n are you okay?" She asked, I could clearly hear the concern in her voice, the door was barely closed, probably from when she came in, I slowly nodded as I asked her, "I-Is this a dream, Kuina?" She shook her head, I mentally cursed myself out as I laid back down with a huff, "Bad dream?" She asked tilting her head, "Basically, want to go eat?" I asked changing the subject as she nodded, she almost instantly yanked me out of bed, as I followed her to go eat breakfast.

At breakfast I'd of course talk with Kuina, but also every now and then I'd space out, ignoring the bright sun that was blinding me constantly. I'd rethink everything that happened it the 'dream' from the morning I woke up, to the part Karube and Chota were asleep on the floor and Arisu pulled me into a hug, which made me fall asleep in the 'dream', and wake up in reality. I got broken out of my thinking as she waved her hand over my face, "Is everything okay? You have barely touched your food..." she said as I only now realized I wasn't eating, I quickly nodded and took a bite out of the food, she nodded and mumbled the first part but spoke the other part louder, "Right... Well I'll be right back, I have to... talk" She said with a smile as I nodded, I didn't mind whether she stayed or not, as she walked away, her hair moving side to side as she jogged over to a figure, that sooner or later disappeared. I was now questioning was this boy I met yesterday, Chishiya, also a dream or not.

Since everything spreads around the beach quickly, it was practically impossible to keep any news to yourself, unless you tell no one. So as I was walking around after eating my breakfast, I heard two girls talk, "There's a new person in the beach" one of them whispered as the second corrected, "Yeah one of them is a boy, and the other is a girl..." I couldn't quite hear the rest of their conversation since they started to walk away. It's not that I really cared, but I had nothing to do... sooo it wouldn't hurt to find out. I quickly walked out, so I wouldn't raise any suspicions of acting like a traitor, I walked to to floor where I was brought in the first place. The room where all the higher up members met up for their 'talk', I don't know whether they'd actually talk or do god knows what. Since I wasn't one of those members I clearly couldn't enter, and since there were people guarding the door outside, there was no way it hell I'd get it, as I so previously the windows were off limit also, so I'd just have to wait and see who those people were.

It's been around an hour as I heard the new members were let out of the room, so I thought simply and went to the one place the sun kills me, the outside. As I was sitting on one of the tanning beds I noticed a girl that reminded me of... Usagi? I shrugged it off, was I seeing things also? I asked myself as I saw Kuina I waved to her as she came over, "New members?" I asked as she nodded, supposingly she was 'friends' with one of the higher members so she always new first if not them, "Yeah, their names start with an A and a U but I haven't received any major details, sorry" I shook my head as in a sign it was okay and  looked over pointing to the two figures that I couldn't clearly make out due to the light angle, "Is that them?" I asked as Kuina nodded I got up as I was going to walk over or avoid them, Kuina grabbed my wrist, "What's wrong Y/n..? You seem a bit off today" she said as I indeed noticed that also, maybe because of the dream. "I'm alright, just a different day today, you know" I didn't even wait for a reply since she let go of my wrist, I walked over to them as I saw them speak, the girl that I could clearly see was Usagi by now, so the boy in front of her must be... Arisu? She pointed over to my direction as young male turned to look at me his face had a look of shock, as if he didn't expect I'd be here, but I also didn't expect him to be here. Arisu ran up to me, but also quickly followed by Usagi, "Y/n? How are you here?" he asked as I practically scoffed breathlessly at his choice of words, "It's nice to see you too dumbass, hey Usagi" I said tilting myself over to look at her as she responded with a simple 'hello', "But I could ask you the same thing..?" he smiled as he looked over to where I previously sat with Kuina, now completely empty. He grabbed my hand pulling me over, Usagi following us behind, as he went over to the seats, once all three of us sat down he spoke, "Well we went to the library you told us, but you weren't there so we thought you were gone somewhere or something, but you didn't appear for another six hours" Arisu spoke as I nodded, "Yeah about that, I kinda got ahead of myself when you told me about... you know, and I went out for a walk but I didn't notice I walked more than expected and as I was going to turn back I heard the music and saw the lights, next thing I know I'm knocked out" Usagi raised an eyebrow as it was her turn to speak, "Same thing happened to us, basically" I nodded as it's weird they knock out everyone, but after all what can you expect, and from then on we just talked.


So I know I said I'd post yesterday buttttt I kinda forgot plus I'm in a lot of stress sooo, I can't promise when the other chapter will be uploaded but I'll try, also I think I'm going back to school on the 15th of May which I hope I don't but okay, bye bye <3

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