When life gives you lemons

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Chapter 1

"We're here," mom says as we pull up into our new 'home'. We have been in the car for 8 hours! Non-stop driving only stopping for the occasional potty break or to put gas! 8 hours stuck in a small Nissan Sentra with 3 others people one of them being my 3 years old lil sister,Lily.

"Wow nice," I say sarcastically while stepping out of the car.

"Ya isn't?" Mom says while trying to take Lily out her booster seat. While Lily keep throwing goldfishes at her yelling," feel the wrath of Lily and her goldfish!" I would laugh if it wasn't that the goldfishes she were throwing weren't mine! I don't even know how she got them?

Snapping out of my thoughts i hear my older sister,Liz complaining," We left our beach house in Florida to come to a small town in Georgia and might i say has no mall!" To be totally honest I wasn't too happy about the idea of moving either.


"Girls! Girls! Calm down we are having dinner," i hear my mom yell at us to stop fighting. But hey that what we do most of the time. This time the fight was about who got the last piece of garlic bread. Ever since my dad died two years ago. That's all we do. Mostly it's and my older sister. Lily usually just watches.

" I have some news to tell you guys," mom says while coming into the kitchen with more garlic bread.

"Thanks" I say when she puts it down. And give the bread me and Liz were fighting over to her.

" I don't want that, I want a fresh one," she says while pushing it back toward my plate.

" I don't want it," I say while pushing it back toward my plate.

" Well too bad now your going to eat it," she says while trying to stuff it down my mouth.

"Mom!" I yell trying to get Liz off of me.

" Samantha! Elizabeth! " mom yells getting our attention. Liz sit back down acting as if she didn't just try to choke me! While mom isn't looking I stick my tongue at her.

" Sam i saw that and now that i have your guys attention i have some news to tell you guys......." And she goes on about something about money and her job blah blah "so we are moving!" Wait what did she say moving!?!?

" Moving?" Both me and Liz say together.

"Did you not hear me this whole time," mom says.

" no!" We say together.

"I was mommy," Lily says.

" Shut up you lil twerp," Liz says.

"Elizabeth! Don't talk to your lil sister like that!" Mom says.

"Mom can you just tell us why we're moving,"I say interrupting their conversation.

" If you had been listening then you would know that i got a job in Hersha, Georgia. And we are moving there. And that final!"

"But mom I just started college here," Liz says more like complains.

"Oh don't act like you care about that because seeing from the last phone call i got you hardly go! So don't even use that excuse on me missy!" Mom says.

"It's not my fault that all the classes are so boring mom" Liz says back.

"I already made the decision and we are moving!" Mom says ending the discussion.

"But.." Liz starts again

" No but and thats final why can't you be like your sister Sam you don't hear her complaining ," mom says.

"That's because she has no friends mom" liz says. And this time i decide to intervene.

"I do too have friends Liz! Just because I'm not the head cheerleader like you were doesn't mean i have no friends!" I say i mean i do have friends. There's Lisa, Gaby, Victoria, Grace, and Riley. I mean I'm not popular but I wasn't a total nerd. I got good grades ya but i had a life too. I had my true friend at least that now that i think about I'm going to leave.

"Ya you call like those 5 friends friends?" Liz says while picking up her plate.

"Ya i do they are better than your little sluty friends you had!" I say and with that i get a plate of spaghetti thrown at my face. And that how the food fight began.

That was until mom stopped us and after about 2 hours of cleaning the kitchen together and about 3 showers trying to get the noodles out of my hair. I finally went to my room to get some sleep.

* end of flashback*

The days that followed that were spent saying goodbyes and cleaning out our house.

And now I am standing in front of the door to my new house. Ready to start I guess what you could say a new life?

My thoughts were of course were interrupted my liz saying" move out the way loser!" While pushing my aside to get in the house. " ya move loser!" Says lily.

lily? My three years old lil sister? " Liz you shouldn't say those things in front of Lily, she just called my a loser!" I yell.

"It not bad if they are true, Sam!" Liz yells back. I swear one of these day they are going to drive me nuts if they haven't already?


Ok hey guys this is my second attempt at writing a book here on wattpad. I hope you guys like it!





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