Meeting the neighbors

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"Sam!" I hear my mom say as im gettin out of the shower. Its been about two days since we've moved. And things have been pretty boring. Theres nothin to do in this town. All I've basically been doing is set up my room and watch vampire diaries on netflix.

"What mom!" I say getting changed!

"Go get the door!" And as on cue I hear the doorbell. And basically go running down the stairs barley making downstairs in one piece. And again I hear the obnoxious bell again.

"Im coming im coming calm your tits!" I say opening the door. And me being an abnormal human being ,find a way to trip and land face first on the person infront of me.

"I mean i have girls throwing themselves at me but never literally," i hear trying to get my clumsy self up. i can basically hear the smirk on the face of whoever this voice belongs to and i can already tell I don't like this person. And right as im about to reply.

And as if god hasn't punished my enough here comes my mom "Ooo who's this young fellow,Oh Sam get up your hurting ___"

"David, David arch, mrs.___" this "david guy" says as i finally get up and i instantly smell cookies!

"Oooo cookies!" I say basically taking them from his hands

"Samantha where are your manners! and its Ms. Walls,"

"Oh, well Ms.Walls my mother sent me do deliver these.. Those cookies as a housing warming gift and she invites you and your family for dinner." He says looking at me.

"Hahaha people still do that!" I think to myself.

"Sam! Stop being so rude!" Mom says hitting my arm oops I guess i said that out loud. And not wanting to get yelled at anymore i hurry upstairs. Not without noticing this David guy staring at me going up the stairs. Wierd?

Later that day at dinner which so far have consisted of me getting some more scratches from Lily for apparently making fun of her doll. I swear shes part cat with her nails, more like claws, scratching me all the time.

"Sam, Liz, Lily!" My says trying to get our attention which isn't working much. Since we basically have our eyes glued to the tv watching the new teen wolf episode. And to ruin the only thing we all like my mom goes and turns off the tv.

All u can hear from there is "moooommm!" From all of us.

"Girls we have dinner tomorrow with the Archs!" Oh so thats what cookie guy came for!

"Too bad mom i have plans tomorrow," of course Liz would have plans tomorrow. Two days in and she already has plans!

"Well youll just have to cancel them," way to go mom!

"But mom!" Liz complains stuffing a carrots into her mouth.

"No buts Liz! We just got here we wanna make a good impression!" Since when did mom care about first impressions?

The rest of the dinner consisted of Liz and mom arguing about Liz going and eventually Mom gave up and let Liz win.

After dinner mom told me to go throw out the trash. Halfway in the trash can the stupid bag decides to rip!

"Need any help?" I hear trying to hurry up and pick up the scraps.

"No thanks!" i say obviously this guy didn't take the hint because he decided to help me.

" I said no thanks! i say getting up.

"Ugh! you again!" its the cookie guy, but he looks different well basically different clothes and his hair is different like he got a hair cut. Ehh whatever i don't care.

"Me agian?" He says trying i act all innocent. Well he's not fooling me.

"Ya you, you came to my house earlier and gave me cookies and basically presented yourself as a manwhore with your stupid little comment."

"Actually you had the unpleasant time of meeting my twin brother, david." Hes says still not gettinh the hint and continues helping me. Well im not gunna stop him. Heck! Less work for me.

When we finally get done, "so what your name trash guy?"

"Trash guy?" He says in cute little confused. No! Sam you barely got here no more stupid relationships!

"Ya, you helped me pick up my trash guy so in return you get the nickname trash guy. Hey its better than cookie guy!" I say walking up my drive way.

"You know you can just call me by my name! I do have one!"

"Naw, i like cookie guy better!"

"Well i never got your name!" He says walking up my drive way to im guessing "properly meet" I swear what is this the 1900's!

"It's Sam, well Samantha but sam for short." Now that i get a better look at him he does look exactly like his brother but there's something different, other than the clothes and hair obviously. What ever ill figure it out!

"Well Sam, my names Evan, Evan arch, nice to meet you." He says shaking my hand! What is this the 1900's!

"Actually its 2013!" Oops guess I said that aloud too. I gotta stop doing that!

"See you around Sam!" He says going right next door! We're neighbors! Why just why must i be punished for being me?

And in that note I go inside.

"Who was that boy?" Stupid liz! She nearly made me pee my pants!

"No one!" I say going to my room.

"Oooo looks like lil Sam has a boyfriend!" Yes because a guy I just met is gunna be my boyfriend.

Well i guess I can say I'm anxious for the dinner with the "Arch's " tomorrow.


Hello lovelies!

Sorry it took my soo long to update but i lost hope in the story but hopefully i can get some with this chapter.

WARNING!!!! I wrote this at about 2 in the morning so sorry for all the mistakes!




Love BelenO

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