Oh! The horrid

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FYI: Flan is a mexican dessert if you don't know! Now proceed reading!


Well its been a week and today's the "big dinner." Its basically all my moms been talkin about for the last week. Since when does she care about first impressions?

But since I basically have no choice but to go to this dinner. I spend the next 2 hours getting ready for the horrid imma have to witness in 2 hours! The horrid being the dinner.

Why couldn't I have made up a lie that I had plans? Oh that's right I'm a terrible liar! Another grey trait of mine.

~2 hours later~

"Sam! Hurry up!" One last look in the mirror and I hurry down stairs. I look acceptable, in my maroon pants and black top paired with some black doc martins. I mean I dont really care how I look but I'm not about to go out there looking like a hobo! When' I get downstairs I see my mom trying to do Lilys hair into pigtails while Lily keeps screaming " ONK ONK IM A PIG!" I swear that child is something else.

"I done!" Oo is that flan I smell! I swear what is up with my mom going all out for this dinner! I can be on my deathbed and my last wish is for flan and she won't make it! Ok maybe a lil exaggerated.. But still!

"Bout time hurry lets go we're gunna be late!" Mom says and we're getting out the door(more like being shoved by her).

Once we get there which takes all but 10 minutes because Lily keeps running around the yard screaming and what not once we finally tame her down and basically drag her next door we knock. Knock..knock..

"Oh its so nice to meet you guys!" Low and behold a lady appears looking as if she had just stepped off a a photo shoot for an all American mom. I swear she looks just like the cliche stay at home mom. But hey im not one to judge but first looks!

"Oh its nice to meet you too.."

"Oh call me Louise! Please come in!" She gushers us in.

"These are my daughters Lily and Samantha, my eldest, Elizabeth, couldn't make it and my name is Kate."

The house is actually really nice, they even have a pool! Why couldnt we get a pool? Lord knows it'll be gettin hot! But then again id have no real use since i cant swim.

As I finish looking around I notice Louise staring at me "Oh I see you noticed the pool, maybe you can come over and have a swim with the twins." Have a swim my ass! Ya ya living in Florida all my life and i dont even know how to swim. What can i say my life's pathetic.

"Your house is very nice." Mom says as we are being ushered into the living room because i guess dinner isn't quite ready.

"Well thank you, we just finished remodeling it this winter!" And boom right when we get into the living room I come face to face with the twins. David is dressed in button up shirt and some pants while Evan is a exact mirror image except with a cute lil bow tie.

"Well Kate i would like to introduce you and your family to my family. This is David as you may have met him when i sent the cookies, this is Evan his twin brother, and this is Roger, my husband."

And just like that I'm left alone with the twins because apparently mom just had to offer to help with the dinner,taking Lily with her.While Mr. Arch went to go pick out a wine bottle. And now I'm here in the living room watching whatever the hell they have in Tv and as i can see its shark week. What's so special about it all i see are a whole bunch of people almost get killed my them. No thank you!

"So Sam how you like it so far," aww Evans trying to make conversation. While David just is staring at me as if im some type of prize and he wants no one to even look my way.

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