Highschool more like bitchville! Part 1

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School. School. School. SCHOOL!! That's all I could think about. Its about 5:30am and Im obviously not getting any sleep anytime soon. So I might as well go for some yoga.

I change out of my tinker bell pjs. Ya I know, but hey I'm too lazy to buy different one plus who doesn't love tinker bell! I put on some yoga pants and a tank top, I grab the mess on top of my head, also known as my hair, and but it in a high bun. I grab my mat and ipod before I leave trying my best to be quite. We dont want a repeat of last summer.


"Sam, is that you?" Of course youd wake up mom. Curse you and your light sleepiness! 

"Huh? Noo this is all a dream." I say trying my best to walk away slowly.

"Sam! Im not stupid!" Darn it! Hey I tried.

"What are you going to do anyways?" Well at the beginning of the summer my mom had bought all this yoga stuff something me could do "together" as a "mother daughter thing" but I've seen mom do yoga not relaxing at all. 

Play it cool sam.

"Just gunna go do some yoga in the front yard. Ok so by!" I say really fast trying to confuse her so I can hurry and make my escape. 

"Wait there missy! I wanna join. Let me go get my mat!" Oh the joy.

And boy was I right about not wanting to do yoga with my mom! About 5 poses in and she managed to sprain her ankle. So I was forced to take her to the hospital. 

At the time I was barely learning to drive so the drive there consisted of a lot of yelling from my mom saying I did something wrong or I was either going too faster or too slow. Once we finally got there we waited and waited and WAITED!!

Until I got fed up and went to the receptionist and gave her piece of my mind. Aka I very nicely asked when our turn would be. And got a go back to your seat an wait til your name is called. 

So when they finally decided to call her she indeed had a sprained ankle. And had to help her back to the car. Lesson learned: never do yoga with mom!

~~~~end of flashback~~

So I finally made it to the bottom of the stairs checking every two seconds I didn't wake someone up. I gkt to the bottom of the stairs and went to the front porch. I laid out my mat, put on some Lana Del Rey music, and started.

But right into my first pose and I hear "ooo Davie bear."

And of course the dumb ass would be in his front porch learned against a car kissing almost eating the face off of some girl. 

"Hey can you take it inside! Some people actually have stuff to do!" For some reason it hurts seeing him with another girl.

Getting off the girl he was previously eating the face off, which in return I hear whimpers and complaining from this "chick". I swear I hate whiny people like her.

"Wanna goin? I have plenty of room?" Join my ass.

"If rather kiss a frog than kiss you!" I say trying to go back to my yoga 

Stepping over the lil line of rocks separating our houses he comes over to me. "Aww am i not good enough for you?" I can literally feel his breath in my forehead. That's how close he is! I have this urge to kiss him right here right now. Ew no Sam! 

"Bite me!" I say and gather all my stuff and leave. 

After coming to the conclusion that I might as well start getting ready for school. I spend the next 45 minutes getting ready. 

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