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This is slightly a filler though not entirely. I may have spread out the story more than I meant to but it'll all be fixed and looked over critically when the whole story is out.

I hope you, dear reader, are enjoying this story of mine.

Also, if you want another story to get into, check out my other book. That one is part of a series that I've been trying to complete.



Within three days, everyone knew who I was and were warned by their fellow pack members to stir clear of me. The first day I was given dirty looks and cursed out to the point Cain thought it would be wise if I wasn't walking around. Cain had, thankfully, put me in a semi-vacant room - it had clothes in it - instead of back in a cell while he tried to deal with his pack.

He was the only one I had contact with since my big mouth exposed my rogue status. Him and a small omega woman called Cynthia, who delivered food to me throughout the day. She'd even sit down with me for a bit and give these secret smiles that kind of put me off, but other than that she was kind.

Cain would also sit with me briefly, and despite a rough meeting, we'd sit in surprisingly comfortable silence. Then, he'd leave and return a few hours later. It felt good to talk with others after three years of nothing but Elijah and the sounds of pleasure from the rogues that used me as their personal breeder. The hours passed by slowly but I didn't mind as it was way better than my previous predicament.

Yes, it is definitely way better than before. Though, it'd be a lot better had you not been so careless.

It that why you made me bite my tongue?

I believed you weren't ready to inform anyone about the reasons you have rusty manners. A slip of the tongue would've brought everything out and it's too soon. Especially with Cain being so confusing and erratic with his actions. We need our mate, we need to know that Cain will be there no matter what before he learns the truth.

You're right. Thank you for stopping me, even if you did make me bite my tongue.

The door slammed open, startling me and I looked over toward the open door spotting three unfamiliar figures. Two were huge men, and the one in the center of them was a female. I took in the bulging muscles and looked down at my own puny arms. So not fair.

"Grab him," the female ordered, both men rushed into the room and I looked around for an escape. The fluttering curtains caused by the open window had me scurrying to it. "Block him! That dirty piece of shit isn't allowed to escape."

Wow, okay, I've done nothing to earn such harsh words, lady. I dodged around them, ducking and weaving to avoid being caught in the middle of those death traps they call arms. The window was open more than halfway. I'd opened it so I didn't forgot I wasn't in a cell anymore and to enjoy the scent of fresh air.

I dived forward, intending to shift but Sim refused to come up. A bark of pain tore out of me when my arms dislocated from the impact. I stood up, bile rising and I stumbled as I began pulling my arms back into place. The sound of lots of feet thumping onto the ground behind me alerted me to the fact that they shifted. I moved to the forest as they followed behind me.

"Sim, what happened? Why didn't you allow the shift?" I asked, shaking off the pain and managing to avoid sharp teeth and claws. He stayed quiet and I grew panicked, "Sim? What's wrong?" he continued to stay quiet and I became more panicked and angry, "what did they-?"

I'm fine, Simon. They did nothing but...

"But what, Sim? Why didn't we shift?" the pain faded more, but they were hot on our tail as growls and snarls trailed after.

Simon, don't be mad. I didn't mean to keep it from you. Elijah told me, well you, the reason Maurice had found us was because of our fur.

"Our fur? What about-?" my question cut off as I tripped, ankle twisting and head knocking against something hard. My vision blurred and became spotted. "Shit!"

The victory yips and howls of finally having me right where they wanted me reminded me of that night. How the rogues celebrated my pack demise as I fled from my destroyed home. Suddenly, I was fifteen and weak, no different from right now. Instead of three huge, possibly warrior wolves. I saw three scary, red eyed wolves that smelled of death and decay. The fear and anger I had felt then came back full force and I lashed out.

"Get away, you filthy rogues," I snapped, claws extending and I slashed at one of them. I heard a howl of pain but I was already moving onto the next one. "You killed them. You killed them all and every last one of you will pay!"

I dove for the jugular of another and clamped down, pulling and trying to tear out its throat. It roared and I bit down harder using my claws to slice open its belly. A searing pain on my back had me releasing it with a shout and I whirled around to face the only one not injured. Roaring, I charged at it, dodging its swipe at my head and rolling under it. Slashing my claws at its vulnerable belly, it jumped away from me with a yowl.

Simon! Stop, you're going to kill them.

"They're rogues, Sim. They killed everyone and I'll make them pay," I snarled. I ignored his protests and raised my clawed hand with the intent to finish them off. The next thing I know, I'm on my back with a huge black wolf bearing its teeth down at me.

I struggled, attempting to throw it off but it soon became clear that fighting was futile. I stopped and watched as it got closer to me. The adrenaline was wearing off and pain was erupting all over my body but I smiled. Looking at the clear blue sky, barely seeable through the thick branches of the tall trees overhead, I felt a weight lifting off my chest.

"Mom, dad, everyone," I took a deep breath and continued smiling. "I'll be joining you soon."

My eyes slide shut and I knew no more.

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