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As I'm writing this story, I'm beginning to believe it should have been written in third person. Or the chapters should have been longer.

Once this story is finished, I'm probably going to do a lot of changes. I'm sorry if I make a bunch of mistakes. Feel free to offer your feedback, dear reader, I'm open to criticism.

Just don't make it too bad. Constructive criticism not destructive criticism. After all, my writing style is continuously developing and expanding.

Anyways, enjoy~!


"Mom, why do I have white hair?" I asked, looking down at the long, white hair that went to mid back.

My mom turned to me, hesitating before opening her mouth, "because you were a blessing. Touched by the goddess herself as you were developing in my womb."

"Mom," I groaned, not liking the word 'womb' or any of the words my parents tell me about sexual reproductive organs. It was embarrassing and awkward to even think about let alone say.

"No matter how awkward, embarrassed, or uncomfortable it makes you feel, you still need to-

"Know the basics of our 'human' anatomy, yeah I know," I mumbled, sticking out my lower lip.

"Oh, stop pouting you're already ten, there's no reason you shouldn't know about this stuff," she said, smiling softly. "Especially if you have urges that-"

"No, not this again," I blocked my ears, not wanting to hear. When my moms mouth stopped moving I released my ears. "Mom, we're werewolves, not humans. We don't get urges to mate with others who aren't our mates, we decide to. My mate is the only one I want."

My mom furrowed her brows, seemingly unconvinced. Why was she so unsure? It was like she didn't trust my words, but then, she grinned.

"You're right, I shouldn't worry about urges befalling my little werewolf," she reached over, and I tried dodging but she managed to get me anyway. She pinched my cheeks while I glared at the ceiling. "Now, instead of saying mate you should of said se-"


Her laugh echoed in my head.


My eyes opened, before closing once again due to the bright light overhead. Then, the pain greeted me and I winced, groaning in discomfort. The dream I had, began fading, but one detail remained. My hair was white like that of snow. A thought was nagging in the back of my mind, but it kept getting further out of my reach. I clung onto the small detail.

As I tried moving, my arms ached and my back burned. "Fucking hell," I cursed painfully, "oh, man, why couldn't I wake up when I wasn't feeling so much pain?" I must have been out for only a day at most since my arms hurt and back was still in the process of stitching back together.

A creak from my left made me jump and curse at the pain that was caused by my sudden movement. I turned my head, inhaling sharply at the sight of my mates slumped form that rested in a chair by my bedside. It wasn't his presence that shocked, but his appearance.

A once scowling face was replaced by a defeated one that held such hidden sadness, it gripped at my chest and squeezed painfully. Grey eyes that were usually filled with emotion, mostly anger, were now dull and empty . My chest felt heavy at the sight of my mate so silent and small.

"Cain," I whispered, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Like if he had greatly missed my voice and my heart speed up. "I-

"Stop, I don't want to hear it," he interrupted, harshly. I bit my lip, my stomach dropping and I knew I was hoping for too much. "You almost killed three of my pack members. The rest of the pack wants to see you dead unless I have a reason to persuade them not to tear you apart."

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