weird headcanons i thought of

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no x reader yall smh 🙄🙄
lets dive deep into my mind 🏃

- I imagine Deimos and Phobos possibly being siblings? Since in greek mythology Deimos and Phobos are brothers. Maybe their parents are named Ares and Aphrodite, since again in greek mythology those are the parents of Deimos and Phobos.
Dunno man but I just really like this idea lmao.

- *grabs project nexus and throws it out the window.* FORGET THAT. I like to think of Deimos and Sanford having some sorta accent. Sanford probably has a new york accent while Deimos probably has it bri'ish. Then again, Project Nexus' Deimos and Sanford lines are swag

- Since Deimos is named after a god of terror, He'll probably name his kid Hades, because being named after creepy greek gods are swag. ALSO!! Deimos may name his other kid Metus which is the roman god counterpart of the greek god Deimos.

- I kinda imagine Hank being the friend that worries the most about Deimos and Sanford? And maybe Sanford being the dad friend making sure Deimos and Hank don't blow shit up and die.

- Deimos probably says 'I like ya cut G' before killing a grunt. I dunno why, I imagine him doing that.

- Hank plays Minecraft and probably Fortnite. Fuck you because its canon now.

- Hank probably plays Minecraft with Deimos and Sanford. Sanford being the boomer and not understanding half of the stuff thats going on and Deimos just killing everything. Hank just wants to beat Minecraft man.

- I kinda also imagine Hank liking pokemon and just comparing Sanford to Machamp. Deimos asking Hank what pokemon he'll compare him to. Hank chooses a caterpie.

- Hank is short fight me

- Sanford probably gets pissed when he doesn't understand how to set up a device, again hes the dad and now boomer friend. Can you blame him..

- Going back to the Phobos and Deimos being siblings headcanon, I like to think Deimos loved his brother and would treat him with respect while Phobos was probably like "no fuck you"

- Deimos probably still has that brother love for him but just doesn't show it anymore.


i know some dont make sense but im just 😔😔😔 anyways 😳

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