Sheriff x Shy!Reader [Headcanons]

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omg hints of nsfw 😳 😏 maybe
idek but possibly


- You being shy is a gold mine for Sheriff, maybe he's into the shy ones? 😏

- You probably squeak or squeal when he flirts with you, dirty pickup lines are the cherry on top to make you extremely flustered.

- I think he'll hug you from behind and burry his head into your neck as you stand there. Flushed. 😳

- You have a hard time trying to express your love with actions so you usually just say it with words. Though, Sheriff does it with actions. Hehe.

- Probably grabs your ass, then says "Whoops, Sorry sugar my hand slipped." Needless to say your ass is processing the action.

- Rubbing thighs maybe? I dunno, maybe so. I imagine him being both an ass and thigh person 💀 What is wrong with me

- he's extremely warm! So him just pressing himself onto you has its perks. But he enjoys wrapping himself around you and feeling you close to his chest. Such warmth.

- Nibbles your ear as you sit there flustered to do anything, you probably push him away and go, "wHY" and which he responds with, "You're my snack, are you not?"

- Expect him to always say "I'm gonna eat you up." If you do anything that seems cute to him. Such as being lost for words when you're too surprised/flustered to answer.

- Any action you do he will label it with a "cute" or "hot." Which makes you have a pissed off face when you look at him. But you can't stay mad at him forever.

- licks your cheek randomly.... You are the cherry to his Kakyoin 💔. Hell he even calls you a human cherry.

- Has gotten inside your pants possibly. Bitch probably makes you unable to walk, but hey he carries you around like his little trophy.

- bite marks and hickeys? Its a yes from Sheriff and a "hHHHHhHhh" from you. 😁👍

ok children here u go

jesus is next.

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