002 | Harper

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"Hey guys! It looks like we are stopping," Aralee called out from the window, interrupting our conversation. We all jumped up, rushing to the nearest window as the car slowed to a stop. Outside, buildings were glowing with different colors and the smell of pizza, pasta, and marinara sauce floated through the now open windows. The smell of food mixed with the canals covering the majority of the city. I loved the smell.

The car pulled into a garage-like building and the driver reached out his window and pressed a button on the wall. The car started lowering, almost like we were in some sort of car-sized elevator. After a moment or two, the wall in front of the car opened up, revealing a room made almost entirely of mirrors and lights. The girls oohed and ahhed. It even got a smile from Naomi. The car doors swung open on their own. I guess that's our cue to get out?

We all hopped out of the car and walked into the mirror filled room. Almost immediately, the doors closed behind us. A woman stepped out from behind a mirror. She had dark black hair pulled into a bun and laugh lines crinkled around blue eyes. She had calluses on her hands and wore another one of those black bodysuits.

"My name is Izabella Sazcrov. I am your trainer. I suppose that you all need to know who will be trained in what capability and why. I'll just go down the list:

"Asia: burglar, selected because of her small body and strategist mind.

"Naomi: the distraction, selected because she appears distracting and can be underestimated.

"Lark: heavy lifter, selected because of the strength in her arms through musical practice.

"Harper: close distance combatant, selected because of her place as a fourth ranked dancer in the world.

"Maybelle: blades master, selected because of her skillful and precise knife work.

"Aralee: long range weapons, selected because of her skill with a bow and arrow, as well as guns.

"Cami: hacker, selected because of her studies in computer science.

"Well, I think that is everyone. Any questions?" Sazcrov asked.

I had lots of questions. Why, of all people, was I chosen for close distance combat? I got that I could dance... but what did that have to do with combat?

"What will our training be like?" Cami asked from somewhere behind me.

"You will each be trained in your particular capabilities, along with other important things, for two weeks before you shall receive your first clue," she said. "Speaking of training, let's get you all put in your training clothes and begin. We need to get started as soon as we can. By the time your training is over, I want you to be more than prepared for the things ahead. I'll show you your room so you can change and then we will begin group training before moving onto individual training."

"So we will be trained as a group and separately?" Maybelle questioned.

"Yes. Group training will consist of simple situation run-throughs and exercises as well as team bonding exercises. Now then, let's get you changed and begin training." Sazcrov pulled a mirror back, revealing a staircase that we followed her down.

At the bottom of the stairs there was a lounge area that led into a kitchen and dining room as well as a breakfast nook. We went down another flight of stairs that simply opened up into a hallway filled with fourteen doors.

Sazcrov gestured and said, "your bedrooms and bathrooms. They all have a symbol based on your capability. For example, long range weapons has a bow and arrow, close distance combat has fists, heavy lifting has a set of weights, and so on. When you finish, meet me in the lounge upstairs."

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