011 | Blex

11 5 4

"They will be at the party. I'm sure of it," Kaikara said.

"How do you know for sure?" Anson asked.

"Because! We've- I've been tracing their movements," Kaikara said. "They have found four of their clues by now. The Stallions' Gala would be the perfect place to hide the next clue!"

"Explain," Anson said.

Kaikara sighed impatiently. "There is usually a party. Forty percent of the time it is held at the fifth clue."

"So why is this even important?" Carter asked.

"We are behind with only three clues found. We need to stop them," Kaikara said. "We need to kill one of the girls."

Archie gasped softly.

"How?" Carter asked. "We have a vague idea where they are and I can't even kill. I'm just the distraction."

"Don't flatter yourself," Kaikara said. "Blex will be the one to kill."

"Me?" I asked. "I mean, I'll do it... but, uh... why me?"

"Because you're long range weapons. You can kill them without them knowing you were ever there," Kaikara explained.

"Okay, sure," I said.

"How are you so chill?" Carter asked. "He just told you to kill a girl!"

"Why do we even need to kill?" Archie asked. "I'm sure we can still win if we try our best-"

"No! We need to kill now! It's not against the rules!" Kaikara exclaimed.

"Dude, chill out," I said. "I'll do it, okay? Just breathe."

"Okay," Kaikara said, calming down.

"I don't think this is the best solution-" Archie started, but Kaikara cut him off, the fire in his eyes returning.

"Shut it. I don't want to hear it. Blex already agreed, so you can sit in the back and lift heavy things like you usually do."

"Archie is always kind, unlike you. He doesn't just boss everyone around, unlike you. And without his heavy lifting, we wouldn't have even touched the second clue!" Carter said.

Kaikara curled his fists. "I never said that he wasn't useful. I just said that he wasn't useful now."

"Whatever," Carter said.

"Guys, chill it way out," I said. "We'll be totally fine. I'll catch the plane to wherever and-"

"You won't be flying," Kaikara interjected. "You'll be hitchhiking to Colombia. It isn't far."

"Okay, cool," I said with a shrug.

"Wait! How will he even stay in touch?" Carter asked.

"Phones," Kaikara said, pulling out three shiny new phones.

"You stole them, didn't you?" Archie asked uncomfortably.

"Yeah," Kaikara said with a smirk.

"Way to go man! You saved us big dollars," I said.

"See," Kaikara said, "Blex understands."

"Yeah, duh," I said, taking one of the phones.

"Call whenever you want. I'll answer if we have internet," Kaikara said.

"Wait, I could mess with the three phones so that we always have internet," Anson offered.

"Great!" Kaikara said. "Just make sure you have internet and call the number marked as my name."

"Okay," I said, picking up my bag. "Have fun in Sri Lanka!" I called, walking off toward the road.

"Have fun in Colombia! Make sure you kill a girl or two!" Kaikara called.

"Will do, boss!" I called.

Soon, I was at the road. I tried to wave down a car, but none would stop.

I walked for a bit, when suddenly a car stopped behind me. It was a crusty, old van that was moving at the speed of my grandma on a walker.

"Hey!" I called. "Hitchhiker here! You speak English?"

"Yeah," a girl with long brunette hair said. "You travel alone?"

"Harper," a girl with red hair said. "We can't just pick up some random dude."

"He won't kill us, Cami," Harper said. "Will you?"

"Nah," I said.

"Just let him stand on the back bumper and hold onto the little handle," a girl with curly blonde hair said.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Wouldn't that be dangerous?" the redhead asked.

"No, he'll be fine," the curly blonde said.

"Okay, fine. If you die, it's on you."

"Sure thing," I said, walking to the back. I flung my duffel bag over my shoulder and held onto the handle, feet on the bumper. "Ready when you are!"

The girl driving didn't hesitate. She pushed on the petal and I made sure to hold tight.

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed. It was the most fun I had since The Race began. "This is fun!"

Some of the girls in the back of the van started to look at me. Suddenly, one of the girl's glance turned to a glare. She whispered quickly to her friends something that I couldn't hear.

Then next thing I knew I was flying away from the car and toward the dirt.

I felt warm blood on my face and chest.

Then I felt nothing at all.

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