013 | Lark

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Naomi had sewed us all dresses for the gala. I got a peach colored wrap dress. Harper got a forest green culotte dress. Cami got a grey sheath dress. Asia got a red wrap dress. Aralee got a vibrant orange sundress. Maybelle got a mermaid dress. Naomi got a beautiful pink a-line dress.

The gala was held in Palacio Elegante. The building used to be a place, but it was now a place for many parties. It was well known as the annual host of the Stallions' Gala.

"Oh no! Cami, no no no!" Naomi said, rushing around. We were in one of the many bathrooms of Palacio Elegante, getting ready for the gala. "Cami, let me do your makeup!"

"Okay, okay!" Cami said, putting down the brush. "Geez."

"No one do their makeup! I'll do it and make it perfect!" Naomi said.

"Why are you doing this?" Harper asked. "There is no way it's just to help us."

"You're right!" Naomi said with a smile. "It's to make sure that I look perfect!"

"How will doing our makeup make you look perfect?" Maybelle asked.

Naomi groaned. "If a perfect girl showed up with average-looking friends, would she be perfect? No. People judge everything!"

"There is going to be a lot of people at the gala. There is no way anyone will take the time to judge us," Cami said while Naomi applied something I couldn't see to her face.

"Unless that boy decides to drop in," Maybelle muttered.

"Let's hope that doesn't happen," Cami said.

"I'm sure we will be fine," Aralee said. "We have lasted this long."

No one said anything for a while. Until Cami spoke.

"How much longer till the party?" she asked.

Asia looked at her wrist watch. "About thirty minutes."

"Tell me you're wrong!" Naomi said, hurrying to put makeup on Cami. "I need to do everyone's makeup! And I still need to do Lark's hair."

"Oh no! The hair! The makeup!" Harper chuckled. "The only way Asia could be wrong is if she was lying."

"I was not lying," Asia whispered. "Sorry."

"I could do my hair," I offered. "It won't be perfect, but-"

"No!" Naomi cut me off. "It needs to be perfect! Ugh! How can I do everyone's makeup in half an hour?"

"Hear me out," Harper said. "This might be totally crazy, but maybe you could let us do our own makeup and hair?"

"I already said no-"

"Naomi, shut it," Cami snapped suddenly. "Do my makeup and help anyone else that needs your help. Everyone else, do your own makeup and hair."

"Thank you Cami!" Harper cheered with a smile. It wasn't sarcastic.

Thirty minutes later, we were mostly ready. Naomi had straightened my hair and parted it to the side. We had our makeup on. Some of us had applied more than others.

Fast-tempo music boomed louder the closer we got to the main ballroom. As we walked inside, we found at least eighty other people partying in the giant room. There was a giant platform in the center that was lifted to chin-level.

"You excited for the performance?" Cami asked, following my gaze.

"I think it'll be cool," I said.

"I really hope that boy doesn't come," Cami said.

"That wouldn't be good," I agreed.

"Are you going to dance?" Harper asked. "Cause I am!"

"I do not really dance..." Asia said. Cami nodded in agreement.

"Oh come on!" Harper grabbed Cami and Asia's wrist. She pulled them deep in the ballroom towards the dance floor. Aralee and Naomi followed. Maybelle and I stayed behind. I danced lightly, but I didn't move like Harper.

"Harper is just begging for attention," Maybelle said with a scoff. "If that boy is here, he will notice her instantly."

"She is just a good dancer, I think," I said. "She wouldn't be begging for attention. Not here."

"Why are you on her side?"

"I'm not on anyone's side. This isn't a-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it."

I shrugged. "Okay."

I watched as a boy, a bit older than us, asked Harper for a slow dance. Naomi also was asked by someone that looked like the boy's brother. Harper accepted, while Naomi declined with a glare at Harper. Harper wasn't fazed, she danced near him until the slow songs began. Then she wrapped her arms around him and they danced slowly, moving with the song.

After a few songs, the lights flickered off.

"What's going on?" Maybelle asked.

Her question was answered a moment later when three spotlights turned on, focused on the center platform. Performs on the stage acted out a drama titled "The Stallion." It was set during World War Three.

Moments after the play, the music turned back on and the dancing began again. More people had come in and waiters came around with finger food.

"Hello," a man said behind me. "Would you like a ball of deep-fried guacamole?"

I turned around to find a boy with long blond hair and calm blue eyes.

Maybelle spotted him too. Quickly, she whacked the food tray he was holding into his face. We dashed away together, toward the other girls.

"He's here!" Maybelle exclaimed.

"What?" Harper asked. "Who?"

"That boy! It's him!" Maybelle whined.

A gunshot rang out through the ballroom. Scream broke out over the music. Maybelle pulled out a knife and Aralee grabbed her pistol.

"Where is he?" Aralee asked. "We got this... We just need to find him..."

"Over there," I said, spotting him. He is aiming his- Naomi duck!"

Just in time, Naomi hit the ground. By this point, people were rushing out of the ballroom. We lost sight of him after a few moments.

"Let's get out of here," Cami said.

"No way! We should fight back," Naomi said.

"I vote for leaving," Maybelle said. "And let's hurry."

"What do you mean?" Harper asked. "We totally have all day."

"Shut it," Naomi hissed.

"I vote stay," Aralee said. "We can do this."

"I don't mind either way," Asia said shyly. I nodded in agreement.

"Majority wins. Let's get out of here," Cami said, already rushing away. The rest of us followed quickly.

Soon we left the Palacio Elegante. Unharmed.

"Get in the van," Harper said, throwing open the driver's door. "I'm driving tonight!"

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